Chapter Fifteen

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know I know…late update …again. I’m really sorry guys. I’ve been really busy these days. Also today is my birthday!!!!!!!! Anyhooo….CHAPTER FIFTEEN…….


“Zac, what are you doing!?” I screamed as he pinned Mark on the opposite wall. By now the entire hall was dead silent and everybody’s gaze was focused intently on us. Zac, however, ignored me and continued staring daggers at Mark.

“What the hell man?!” Mark said as he shoved against Zac, but Zac just growled in return.

“How dare you touch or even look at an alpha’s mate without his permission?!? You know if Jessica didn’t care so much about you, you would be dead right now?!? You are not allowed to see Jessica ever again. If I even see you breathing in her direction you will regret it. Consider yourself lucky I didn’t kill you the minute I smelled you on her.”

By the time Zac was finished giving his little ‘speech’, each of us had different emotions written across our faces. Zac’s was rage, Mark’s was shocked and betrayal whereas mine was disbelief, not at what Zac was doing, but at was he was saying. Did he really just say that Mark and I weren’t allowed to see each other again? I mean, I know Alpha mates were possessive and controlling but this was taking it too far.

“W-what is he talking about Jessica? Is he your mate?” Mark asked me with betrayal clear in his eyes. I understood how he was feeling, I mean I was his best friend and I hadn’t even told him something as big as me finding my mate.

I nodded sheepishly as my gaze stayed locked on the floor.

I made the mistake of looking up and seeing the broken look in his eyes.

“Whatever.” He said as he shoved past Zac and walked away.

I was about to follow after him but the look in Zac’s eyes stopped me. Zac walked up to me, grabbed me and dragged me straight into an empty classroom. Once we were in, he locked the door and dropped my hand. He turned his back towards me and pinched the bridge of his nose, while shaking his head.

“Zac, I…” I started but Zac interrupted.

“Jessica you are not gonna see him ever again. I don’t even wanna hear about you saying a word to him.” He said

“Zac, he’s my best friend, please.”

“No Jessica, you are not gonna be friends with him again do you understand me.”

“You know what, no. Mark has been my best friend since we were babies. I’m not gonna destroy our friendship just because you say so. You may be my mate but you only have a certain amount of control in my life and this is taking it too far. So you know what, I am going to be friends with Mark, in fact we’re gonna have a movie night tonight, just the two of us.” I said and before he could say another word, I used my werewolf speed and raced out of the room, not before hearing a deafening growl emanate from him.

I checked my watch and saw that I had missed the entire first period and if I wanted to make second I would have to get to class..NOW!


The day went by fast and I hadn’t seen Zac or Mark. I decided to try calling Mark on his cell and of course he didn’t answer, so I decided to call Jared who I was positive would be home at this time.

“Hello?” Jared said on the phone.

“Jared, it’s me. Is Mark there?” I asked

“Yup and he’s pretty pissed. He said he’s gonna go on a run now.”

“Can you ask him to wait?! Give him the phone but don’t tell him it’s me.”

“Why?” Jared questioned.

“Just do it!” I said, slightly irritated.

After a few seconds, Mark’s voice came through the phone.

“Yes?” he said

“Mark please just wait two minutes, I’m on my way home, we need to talk.” I pleaded. He sighed.

“Fine, but you have exactly two minutes.” He said then hung up.

As I arrived home I raced inside and saw Mark watching tv in the games room.

“Mark?” I called.

He turned to me and raised an eyebrow, urging me to go on.

“Please forgive me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I found my mate. It’s just that the night you were here, he was out of the state and I was really missing him, so I didn’t want to bring him up again, unless you wanted a crying teenage girl on your case.” I said smirking at the end.

“Even though that wasn’t the best excuse ever, I forgive you. I was just sad that you didn’t tell me.”

“I know I’m sorry. I was thinking that we should have a movie night tonight. What do you think?” I asked

“Sure" he replied.


So tell me what you thinkof the story so far and how about the new cover..yay or nay?!?!?!

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