Chapter Five

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Hey guys! I am soo sorry for updating late AGAIN, but I have a good excuse..i hope. You see, my exams finished on Friday ( FINALLY!!) and my family surprised me by inviting all my cousins to spend the weekend at our beach house and we left right after school on Friday, I didn’t even get to go home first and my mom had already packed my bag, so I didn’t have my laptop. I was gonna update the story on my phone but my mom took it away and said that I would get it back at the end of the weekend because she wanted this to be a technology free weekend, but she had her iphone the entire time…UGH!! Anyhoo, that’s my excuse, hope it’s good enough but don’t worry, now that test is over, I’ll be updating more regularly!!!!!!  :D

Ali <3


“So, tell me exactly what happened.” My dad said

We were now all sitting in the family room. I was sitting next to Zac, opposite to my parents and Jared was sitting on the single couch with Stacey, who had joined us, curled up on his lap.

“Well I went on my date with, Dylan, and everything was going fine, until he tried to do ‘it’ with me and I told him no. I told him that I was still a virgin and that I wanted to wait for my mate. Then he just lost it, and he pinned me up against a tree and told me that I was his, whether we were mates or not. Then he threw me on the ground and forced himself on me, but before he covered my mouth I screamed and I think that’s when Zac here heard me and came. He attacked Dylan and knocked him out. Umm, that’s about it I guess.”

I heard growling and i looked up from where my gaze was focused on the coffee table to see my father and my brother growling repeatedly, while my mom and Stacey tried calming them down. I looked to my side to see Zac gripping the couch, trying to hold in his anger, and I knew as his mate I had to do something. I placed my arm on his arm and said

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine now, thanks to you.” I smiled.

He grabbed my hand and held it in his and said, “I know, it’s just that, just thinking about it gets me mad. I just wanna walk out that door and find that little prick and tear him to shreds.” He growled.

“hmm” I replied as I tried once again to calm him down by holding his hands in both of mine and rubbing my thumbs over his fingers. By this time my father and brother had calmed down enough to talk without growling.

“I’m going to organize a meeting between Dylan’s father, Alpha Ross, and see that Dylan is punished for his actions.” I nodded “Are you sure you’re ok Jessica?! The pack doctor’s still up you could go…..”

“I’m okay dad. I promise.” I interrupted, reassuring them for the millionth time.

“Okay sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs and rest. Zac, your welcome to stay here if you like, but you’re not sleeping in the same room as my daughter.” He said pointing a finger at Zac.

“James, they’re mates!” my mom said slapping my dad lightly on the arm.

“It’s okay Mrs. Mathews; I wouldn’t want to make Jessica do anything she doesn’t want to do, especially after what happened tonight.”

“Thank you” I said smiling at Zac. As happy as I was to meet my mate, I still wasn’t ready to sleep in the same bed with him, I mean come on, we only met each other today and not under good circumstances.

“Umm I’m going to go up and get changed, I’ll be down in a minute.” I said.

I ran up to my room and went straight into my shower, stripping my clothes in the process. I would have to burn those clothes, I thought. I wouldn’t want anything to remind me of what happened with Dylan tonight. I changed into my pajamas which consisted of a tank top and shorts but I threw on a hoodie before going downstairs.

My Life, My Alpha.......My LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz