Chapter twenty

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Well, school started last week that’s why I haven’t been updating as much as during spring break. Anyhoo…I’VE REACHED CHAPTER 20…WOOT WOOT!!!!  Lol enjoy….


The sun peered through the window, stirring me awake. I felt breathing on my neck and my eyes flew open and I recognized Zac’s beige colored walls .I tried turning to see him but his arm around my waist prevented me from doing so.

 I tried turning again but his arm only tightened pulling me tighter against is chest and his face unconsciously nuzzled closer into the side of my neck, just behind my ear.

For a second I thought that he was awake but his deep breathing insisted that he was still asleep. Even in his sleep he was possessive and overprotective, stupid Alpha. His breath washed across my neck and ear making me shiver in pleasure.

 I then began trying to wiggle myself free and after a few failed attempts, Zac's arms tightened even more and that’s when I felt it. The hard…thing… poking my butt.

“I suggest you stop that before I take you right here, right now.” Zac said huskily into my ear, growling slightly.

I blushed scarlet as I realized his ‘problem’ was of my doing,

“I’m sorry.” I replied lying completely still, tightly pressed against him, his ‘thing’ still poking my butt, him breathing in my ear.

“It’s okay.” He said snuggling closer to me. I turned around to face him and swept my eyes over his face. His eyes were closed, his long eyelashes brushing against his cheek. His blonde hair was ruffled, sticking up all over the place, yet it made look all the more appealing.

“See something you like baby?” Zac asked, smirking as his eyes opened and peered into mine.

“Eh, I’ve seen better.” I said seriously, laughing mischievously on the inside.

In a flash I was pinned to the bed, Zac hovering over me, his eyes flashing from his natural blue to gold to black then back again and he growled loudly.

“Who is he? I’ll kill him!” he said, growling still.

As much as I knew I should have reassured him because I could tell his wolf was threatening to come to the surface, I decided to take advantage of him and play with him a little more.

“Are you sure you can kill him? He’s a pretty good fighter you know?”

He growled again, much louder than I heard him growl before and I was sure that the entire packhouse had heard him. He pressed his body to mine and pinned my arms above my head. His eyes turned completely black, meaning his wolf took over and that was when I knew I had gone too far. He stared into my eyes making me whimper from his hard gaze but I don’t think he noticed.

“Tell me who he is Jessica? Is it Dylan?! I. WILL. KILL. HIM! You are mine and mine alone. No one else’s. All mine!!” He growled then smashed his lips hard against mine.

He possessed my mouth in a rough, hungry kiss and I responded, forgetting that I had just been mad at him no more than a second ago. He left my mouth only to trail kisses down my neck. He stopped at the place where my shoulder met my neck and nipped it.

And just like that he sank his teeth into my neck. I cried out in surprise at the slight pinch but moaned as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted my body. I came down from my high as Zac licked it healing the puncture marks.

 I gasped as I realized what had just happened. I pushed him off me and ran to the connected bathroom. I moved my hair to the side to see the bite marks that were still red and swollen. He came in behind me, his eyes still black and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck,

“Now everyone will know your mine!” he said still growling slightly.

I turned in his arms and pushed him away. I was furious. He marked me. He freaking marked me without my permission and in anger as well.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! I was kidding! It was a freaking joke. There is no other guy! I can’t believe you marked me without my permission and not to mention out of anger. God, I can’t believe how much you overreact sometimes. You’re unbelievable, Zac!” I said as I stormed out of the bathroom, tears running down my face.

“Jessica, wait, please.”

“Just leave me alone Zac.”

“Jessica please, I’m sor-“ but I cut him off as I whipped around and pointed my finger at him.

“No, don’t you dare say you're sorry, cause I know damn well you’re not. You’re just happy that your stupid mark is on me.”

“Jessica-“ he tried.

“No, just forget it. We’re late for the meeting. Go. I’ll be down in a minute.” I said and he did as I said and as soon as he closed the door behind him, I sank to the floor and cried my eyes out.

After twenty minutes, I was dressed and heading downstairs to the meeting. My eyes were red and puffy and I hoped no one would take it on.

I entered Zac’s office and everyone’s eyes snapped to mine. I immediately found my brother’s familiar green eyes and he narrowed them in suspicion.

“What’s wrong? What happened, jess?” Jared asked

I immediately looked towards Zac, not sure whether to tell him or not. Jared followed my line of vision and in a second he had Zac pinned against the wall.

“What the hell did you do to my sister?” Jared shouted, growling at him.

“Jared please” I argued.

“No Jessica, what did he do to you?!”

“Jared, please, I’m begging you just drop it.” I argued.

“Fine, for now.”

The meeting started and we were trying to come up with a strategy to attack, when I got an idea.

“I have an idea.” I say and once again everyone’s eyes snap to me.

I continued, “ I could be bait. We-“

“No!” Zac and Jared shout at the same time.

“We’re not using you as bait. Are you crazy?! Do you know how dangerous that is? How stupid are you?!” Zac says to me and as soon as he’s finished, he looks regretful.

I stare at him in disbelief as I shake my head and exit the office.

“Jessica!” I hear Stacey shout, running.

“I just need to run of some steam Stace, I’ll be back in a minute.” I say not looking back and continuing on to the backyard.

I enter the forest and I start to undress, resisting the urge to just burst into my wolf. I transform and I immediately take off, running, as I told Stacey, letting off steam. I run and run until my legs feel as if they are on fire. I look around and realize I have no idea where I was. Was I even in our territory anymore?

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck and I fall to the ground unable to move and I feel my eyes closing. The last thing I see was Dylan’s smirking face above mine before I succumbed to the darkness.


OOOhhh cliffhanger!!

What do you think?

Can you believe Zac did that?

And Dylan is back?!?!?!?   two wordds....HOLY SHIT...  o_o

Don’t forget to comment vote and fan!!1




My Life, My Alpha.......My LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora