Chapter Seven

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So I was thinking about updating last night but I ended up spending the night at my aunt's house and because she is moving soon, she disconnected her internet. So I am updating today. ; )


Zac sighed and said "This is my younger brother, Carter."

"You didn't tell me you had a younger brother. Hi, I'm Jessica." I said, smiling as I held out my hand for him. Yeah, Yeah I know, the dude just tried to kiss me but hey, he's Zac's brother and he didn't know I was his mate. It does make him seem like a player though, him trying to kiss me without knowing who I am. I could have been a hobo for all he knew.

As Carter was about to shake my hand, Zac stepped in front of me growling.

"Don't touch her." He spat angrily, growling once more.

"Zac, it was a mistake. He didn't know we were mates. Plus, he's your brother."

"I don't care that he didn't know we're mates. He's not going touch you."

Carter then laughed and said, "I think that's my cue to leave. It was nice meeting you, Jessica."

"It was nice meeting you to, Carter."

He smiled one more time and headed off in the direction we came from, probably to see his parents. I must say I didn't expect him to look so much like Zac. The only difference between the two was that Carter had darker hair and a slimmer face.

I turned to Zac and raised an eyebrow and said, "Did you have to be so mean? It was an honest mistake, he didn't know."

"I know I'm sorry, but when I saw him holding you like that, and about to kiss you, I just lost it. I had to do everything I could to hold my wolf back."

"Don't worry, I'm all yours."

"You're all mine." He repeated smiling as his arms circled my waist and pulled me to his chest.

My breathing hitched in my throat as I saw him inching his way closer. He glanced at my lips and his eyes flashed yellow. As much as I wanted to kiss him I couldn't. I wanted our first kiss to be special, not right after his younger brother tried to kiss me. I know it sounds stupid, but for a werewolf, it means a lot. You see, the first kiss is the first step in the mating process. After the first kiss, for a male wolf the urge to claim and for a female wolf the urge to be claimed becomes much stronger to the point where it becomes impossible to resist .For the female to be claimed, the male wolf bites into her at a chosen spot and it leaves a mark, which is kind of like a tattoo. After a female werewolf is claimed, her scent changes and is mixed with the male's. This way, other werewolves know that she is taken. Next the urge to actually mate becomes stronger, which is, you guessed it, sex. During sex, the two mates bite each other, sealing the mating process.

I pulled away, reluctantly, smiling sadly at him. I saw hurt and longing flash in his eyes and it took all I had to stop myself from grabbing him and kissing him until we were both panting.

"Come on, let me show you around."

He showed me around the house and I was really impressed. They had an amazing cinema room, complete with their own popcorn machine and mini bar. I could totally see myself spending a couple hours inside their watching movie after movie.

"And this is the games room. Us guys pretty much spend all day in here."

"I can see why." I laughed.

There was everything inside here. It had a foosball table, a pool table, three flat screen TVs and a bunch of other arcade games scattered around the room. One of the flat screens had a WII, a PS3 and an Xbox 360 connected to it. The shelves that surrounded the TV were filled with a million games and were separated into three sections; Xbox games, Wii games and ps3 games. I could imagine all the guys in the pack spending all day in here.

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