Chapter 70 - Bout 2, Start: Dabbing on da Hatersss

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(Name)'s POV


With the end of the first bout, both sides were granted a one-hour break before the next round, so our team retreated to the green room to plan. They were even kind enough to release our friends from the jail cell and they filed in after us, grateful to stretch their legs. I made a beeline for the mini fridge to rehydrate, passing where Erina and Hisako discussed strategy (though it seemed more like Hisako was resisting the urge to break into tears at reuniting with her), as well as Alice and Marui who debated our next move.

"For the upcoming second bout, we should use the best we have!" Alice declared and lifted the marker in her hand.

"No, we should consider saving some of our best for last," countered Marui.

"Ugh, you just don't get it. This is basic battle strategy!"

Hayama eyed the whiteboard from nearby, where Alice scrawled an assortment of science (math?) calculations. "What the heck kind of equations are those?"

"Hayama, there's no sense in trying to talk to her." Kurokiba sighed.

My heart grew fuzzy at the usual chaos. I missed them so much!

Water? I now perused the contents of the fridge, free to take any of the complimentary beverages. No, I deserve a treat. This looks good. I grabbed my drink of choice, a colorful fruit mixture, and leaned against the wall as I drank. Mm. Crisp.

"Homura-san." The unexpected voice made me jolt, and I doubled over when I began to choke on the fruit juice. "Ah," the speaker whom I recognized to be Shun faltered, before a gentle hand patted between my shoulder-blades as if to alleviate my spluttering. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"S'fine." I wiped my spit away and attempted to regain my composure. Perhaps if I acted friendly, he would ignore how I was dribbling like a toddler. "Ibusaki-kun! It's good to see you again."

Shun nodded, the faintest upturn to his lips. "Likewise. Although it's not under ideal circumstances..."

"Tell me about it." I snorted at the familiar phrasing but shook my head when Shun tilted his head curiously. "But as far as I'm concerned, the battle's barely begun. And I don't plan on losing!"

"I expected as much from you." Shun's subtle smile grew when I raised my fist with determination.

"Oh," he shifted, as if remembering something, "Homura-san–" There was a pause in which Shun began to dig through his pockets, as if searching for something, and I took the opportunity to take another swig of my drink.

Wow, this thing's got zing! I eyed the ingredients, only to realize none of them were in a language I could understand. I shrugged and took another sip. Fancy foreign juice.

When I returned my attention to Shun, he was still searching, patting himself down and even turning out his empty pockets before stilling altogether. "...Hm." His lips turned downward, frustrated.

I was about to ask what he was looking for when suddenly, a hand shot out and seized Shun by the collar. It was Yuki, and she dragged him across the room as she sobbed something about farm work and living as monks? "What if they make us shave our hair? I won't look good bald..!" Shun knew better than to struggle and merely went limp, and I could only wave goodbye as he allowed himself to be carted away.

Poor guy. I sipped my juice. At least he's doing okay. Though I wonder what he was looking for?

"Homura," another voice called, and I managed to halt my drinking this time as they approached.

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