7 | Stupid Heroes

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After Christmas is always a rather chaotic time, and nothing says chaos like Hermione, Harry, and Ron sitting in front of me, telling me about how Snape is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

"You think Snape let out the troll as a distraction so that he could get to - what was his name again?"


"Fluffy, and get the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Yes, exactly right."

I stared at the trio, who all seemed expectant. "Look, I love the clearly bias thinking, but there's a hole. When did he get the chance? He was in the Great Hall the entire time."

They each looked at each other and I blinked. "You didn't... consider that?"

"Well, who else could it be? Someone from your description?"

I blinked. "Yes. That's why there's a bloody description, Weasley!"

"But what about the jinxed broom?" Hermione questioned. "I saw Snape saying it!"

"The thing is, Harry didn't simply fly off," I reminded them. "So, that means someone was fighting against the jinx to keep Harry safe. So it's possible that-"

"Snape? Protect Harry?" Ron scoffed. "That's laughable."

This was clearly not going to go anywhere.

Without someone else backing me up, I, admittedly, looked like an idiot amongst three who had already made their conclusion.

The only problem was that I had no conclusive evidence that it wasn't Snape. He had no alibi for July 31, nor did he have an alibi for any other time.

I needed a culprit, not a suspect.

Whether or not I'd find one before the three did something stupid was beyond me, though.

I combed a hand through my hair, trying to keep it from slapping one of the three across the face, and smiled. "Okay then, a little bet is in place now. I bet you three gall-" I paused, realizing that I was not talking to Draco. "-knuts that it's not Snape. Three for each of you. Deal?"

They each looked at each other with uncertainty, but it was Ron who accepted the bet first.

Not a lot of people were able to make bets with Harry Potter; not many wanted to after the whole fiasco with him, Hermione, Ron, and Draco getting detention, making Gryffindor lose 150 points overall.

Was it the most exciting thing I could be doing? No, not really. But anything that could possibly be connected to Harry Potter is bound to be interesting.

The bet was set in stone by an odd handshake that lacked a firm grip from Ron.


I went to my dorm, pausing when I saw the exact book I needed - a record of Hogwarts teachers.

"Did I already take it out...?"

The book had a long record of all the teachers that Hogwarts ever had, going all the way back to the founders: Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff.

I skipped to the final page, containing all the teachers from last year. Professor Quirrell wasn't on the list.

"If the stone is in Hogwarts, then that must be the reason he became a professor in the first place!"

Why didn't I deduct that sooner? What kind of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher stutters like a coward, faints when he sees a troll - Oh, the troll was probably him!

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