37 | My Best Friend's Dad is a Death Eater

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While on page 227, I heard screams and screeches from outside - ones that were distinctly different from the ones that resulted from the game yesterday.

"Ced. Cedric!" I jumped off the bed and grabbed an unused pillow, bashing it against his face.

He jumped. "What? What happened?!"

"Something's wrong!"

He pulled out his wand and tossed me mine. "Mum! Dad!" I shouted as I opened the flap to their room.

Orion squawked and my mother jumped from her bed, knowing that he's only loud when something's the matter.

Quickly, everyone gathered outside of the tent and I slapped my hand over my mouth. The Roberts family were being held in the air by Death Eaters, who were in a circle, laughing at the fact that Mrs. Roberts' knickers were showing. Fires were scattered all over the place as every screamed and ran off.

I whistled and Orion tucked his head between my legs and threw me onto his back.

"Ced!" I held out my hand as Orion ran towards him and I yanked him onto Orion's back once he grabbed my hand.

"Y/N!" my mom shrieked but I was already in the air.

Two children, a boy and a girl, ran through the camp when a tent collapsed in front of them, set aflame.

I aimed my wand at the fire. "Aguamenti!" The fire hissed and died down.

I flew Orion towards the Roberts family that was being held in the air. "Finite Incantatem!"

They all fell and Cedric aimed his wand. "Arresto Momentum!"

Their fall slowed and I jumped down, catching the two children, although I nearly toppled over.

"Don't do something you'll regret, little girl," one slurred as he staggered towards me. His voice sounded oddly familiar. "Stupefy!" He flew back, his hood falling, and my eyes went round. "...Lucius?"

Before he could do anything, Orion landed and screeched, sending the Death Eaters running.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Cedric questioned when he jumped off of Orion's back to grab my shoulders.

"Y-Yeah... Of course." I held the youngest's head close to my chest as he cried, the older one sobbing into my shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay."

Cedric rushed to Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, who both appeared shaken. "Just... what are you people?" Mr. Roberts questioned.

Cedric was quiet, unable to answer the question.

I held up my wand and used the Cheering Charm to get the children to stop crying.

People from the Ministry ran over, one of them I remember being the one constantly running around to make Muggles forget the oddities that occurred. "Goodness," he groaned. "This has become a mess."

"You two!" another one snapped to Cedric and I. "Evacuate the area."

"Yes sir." Cedric took my arm and we went to Orion.

I hopped on Orion's back and flew off, watching the scattering Death Eaters run through the camps, setting things aflame again.

I raised my wand to the sky. "Meteolojinx." Clouds gathered in the sky and it began to rain, making the fires die out.

We continued flying forward and my eyes widened, spotting someone aiming their wand at one of the hooded figures. A glimmer of green radiated from the tip of their wand and the person in front of them fell to the ground.

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