11 | Beware

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"Y/N, your Defence Against the Dark Arts homework!"

"Oh, he probably doesn't even know how to check it anyway," I replied to Padma's scold as I began spreading out books on the floor.

One was the record of students of 1943-1944.

Another was filled with all the information I could find about the headmaster of that year.

And another was filled with different magical creatures, all of which somehow able to kill a wizard. The true question was which one was able to kill a wizard within the walls of Hogwarts, under the noses of every single professor and student.

The only way I could prove Hagrid innocent was to prove someone else guilty.

"Ooh, another investigation?" Sue asked when she walked in.

"Yep. You know Hagrid? I'm trying to prove that he didn't deserve to be expelled from Hogwarts."

She glanced at Padma, then turned back to me. "The sentiment is nice, but isn't that quite literally impossible? He was expelled who knows how long ago."

"I shall either find a way or make one."

I flipped through the pages of the yearbook, to the teachers of Hogwarts. There were some I either hadn't heard of or didn't care enough about to remember, then another.

"Dumbledore was a teacher," I whispered, my finger following his ridiculously long name.


"Dumbledore trusts Hagrid a lot. There's a reason Hagrid was sent to get Harry and summoned back to Hogwarts to work here even though he didn't even graduate. Knowing Dumbledore, there's a reason he trusts Hagrid."

I stood and started pacing around the room like a stereotypical investigator.

"What exactly got him expelled in the first place?"

Hagrid had already refused to tell me, so I was on my own for that one. I didn't blame him, though, I wouldn't want to recall such a time in my life either.

Although it could be something Dumbledore told him to do.

I wasn't all that close with Hagrid, not like Hermione, Harry, and Ron. If I frequented his hut, he'd probably feel somewhat uncomfortable.

I sighed and picked up the books off the floor. "I have to watch Draco try out for Quidditch, I'll be back."


So, apparently, I'm not popular among the Slytherin crowd, but at the same time, who is?

I caught the Quaffle shooting in my direction and threw it back into the field, finally looking up from my book and seeing a few Slytherin students snickering in a group in the sky.

Draco slowly backed away from them, likely recalling what I did the last time he threw a Quaffle in my direction and laughed.

I pulled out my wand and aimed it right at the group. "Alart Ascendare."

The group shot up into the sky, leaving their unattended brooms to fall down onto the grass.

They screamed as they came falling down and I flicked my wand again to keep them from breaking their spines.

Draco smirked in my direction, his eyes continuing to say, "You should've been in Slytherin," and flew off.

The captain of the team scolded the few, scolding them for losing control of their brooms, ignoring the accusations against me. "She's just a second year Ravenclaw, do you think I'm daft?"

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