10 | Weirdos Are Interesting

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"So what's Cedric like?" Cho asked when I told her that I had spent the entirety of August with him. A month later, we were at Hogwarts, and me hanging out with Cedric Diggory was being treated as if I went on a grand expedition with a magic prince. "He's kind, right? And dreamy? Is he dreamy?"

"I don't think I can call my god brother 'dreamy', Cho." I pulled out a book from the shelves in the common room.

Perhaps the first thing I told Cho when I got to Hogwarts shouldn't have been, "I hung out with Cedric". It wasn't necessarily the first thing, but it was the only thing she seemed to pay attention to.

"Okay, but is he kind?"





"Sure..." I sighed. "Cho, the questions are kind of creepy, don't you think?"


I glanced at the stairs and was startled by one of the first years. Luna Lovegood was her name. She had beautiful, blonde wavy hair, but a stare that made it seem like she was distant. Her wand was tucked behind her left ear and she had a necklace of butter beer caps, which I thought was actually brilliant.

"Hey Luna," I greeted, placing the book I pulled out back onto the shelf. "Do you need something?"

"...There are wrackspurts in my dorm."

Some of the other students in the common room began whispering to each other. I rolled my eyes and followed her up the stairs.

Did I know what wrackspurts were? No. But seeing as she got out of bed just to mention them, they had to be something, right?

"So," I started, seeing the room barren of anything that I deemed an issue. "Where are the wrackspurts?"


Suddenly, she was wearing this gaudy pair of pink sunglasses, and her finger was pointed at her bed.

Were there bed bugs?

I stepped up beside her bed then noticed outside that the Whomping Willow, which was a tree that had been in Hogwarts for longer than I was born, was thrashing.

"Um. What's going on out there?"

Luna stood beside me and shrugged. "Something quite odd."

I chuckled dryly and put my hand on Luna's shoulder. "Well, I don't know what to do about the wrackspurts, but if you'd like, I can sleep with you in the common room."

I wasn't actually planning on sleeping. I was planning on figuring out who put the yearbook in my bag the previous school year.

After asking my roommates, I deducted that they had nothing to do with it, but if it wasn't them, then who else? They're the only ones that have access to our dorm room, let alone my bag.

That night, as I sat on the couch with Luna lying on the opposite couch, I opened the yearbook to try and find anyone that was here that could want me to know anything about the year of 1943-1944.

I searched the pages, pausing on a rather familiar name.


I flinched and turned to the peculiar girl beside me. "Luna... I didn't know you were awake."

"I was asleep before. But your head is full of wrackspurts now."

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