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The noises here were hard to get used to. The printer worked differently and the place was a maze to get used to. There were key codes and doors I had to scan my badge at. There were new names to learn and new phone extensions to master.

I think I'm getting the hang of it. Slowly but surely.

"It's Y/N, right?" A voice asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I blinked and looked away from my tea and to the face smiling at me.

"Uh, yeah it is. And you're...Roxy, right?"

"Yeah! You're good at names" she laughed, sipping her own tea and taking a seat beside me. "How are you liking it here so far?"

"It's great, thanks" I said, picking up my tea and blowing on it. Avoiding her eyes, I think hard about where I've seen her before. She must be in the same department if she's in this break room.

"You used to work for Matt Sturniolo, didn't you?" She asked, taking a sip from her mug.

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that since I'd been here, I wouldn't have to work.

"Yeah" I said, trying not to sound annoyed at having to answer the question.

"Interesting. It looks like you stayed in the same world coming to work at the courts" she commented and I nodded.

I smiled and nodded and her repetition of questions. I answered them and listened to her talk about her three kids until the small hand reached 6, and my break was over.

Sitting down at my desk, I smiled at the way the cushion welcomed me back. Framed pictures stare back at me.

Holly and I. Robert and I. My Dad and my Grandparents.

The same ones I had on my desk at his firm.

I rested my chin on my hand and sighed. The little pink clock on my desk told me it was 12:30 in the afternoon.

I wonder what he's doing right now.

I close my eyes with a groan, shaking my head rid of those thoughts. The thoughts I'd been trying to push away for the last month. But after so long, it was hard. I thought the more time that passed would make it easier, but some days were hard.

I really like it here. My boss is easygoing, supportive and helps me with any questions I have. My workload is realistic, familiar and I like it.

Some days, a thought pops into my head and makes me think that I'll look up and see him there. Some days I think I can hear his voice or I think a text is from him.

None of that happens.

It upsets me more than it should. Some days, I'm good at ignoring it, but sometimes I miss him. And I don't know what to do about it. I know I made the right decision to leave, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and frustrated with learning new things, I wish I could be sitting back in the desk down the hall from his office.

Rubbing my head, I blinked hard. The thoughts go away for a second, but not for long enough. I lifted my head and rested my fingers on the keyboard. The ache in my head and my chest doesn't stop. They continued as I opened a document and continued my work, continuing to miss him.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop.


Matt's POV

12:30 on the dot.

I wonder what she's doing now.

Does she like her new job?

The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now