Chapter 7

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What is it now? Do zombies throw rocks now?!

"What are you doing? Go check!" Yuna said as everyone kept themselves away from the window. "Why should I?" I argued back. "Just go!" Yuna legit pushed me towards the window.

She is really acting up right now. I would feed her to the zombies if I could. I, myself am not brave enough to go and see who actually threw the rock.

But all thanks to miss Kim Yuna, I landed right next to the window. She pushed me with all her might. She must be really strong. I had no choice but to look down, expecting to see a creepy sight of the zombies.

My heart pounding in my chest, I opened the closed window with my shaky hands. I breathed out to calm myself down and to prepare myself to look at that horrifying undead.

But when I finally got myself to look at the ground, I could see the zombies. But at a distance but there stood someone else too.

Kang Taehyun.....

With his friend, Yeonjun. They were being cautious of the zombies and looked like they were prepared to run like crazy anytime if the zombies get closer to them. I noticed that they were keeping quiet... Zombies can detect sound. Maybe that's the reason.

Yeonjun saw me open the window. His eyes lit up as he looked up at me. He waved his hands in the air, probably thinking that I hadn't seen him. But I did.

I decided to not yell as a response. It'll put them in danger. I gesture a 'what' with my hands. My eyes couldn't help but move to Taehyun who looked like he was on guard against the zombies. He kept his eyes on them while Yeonjun interacted with me.

Yeonjun made some funny gestures with his hands, because of which I would've laughed if the situation wouldn't have been so serious. But, I somehow understood that he was asking for help to climb up to the room we were in.

I gestured him to wait and turned to the girls. "Zombies throw rocks now?" Yuna had her body pressed against the door, fearing zombies. "It was not a zombie who threw the rock." I informed. "Then who?" Michiko asked.

"Yeonjun." I replied. "What?" Kiara questioned. "He, along with Taehyun are in the field below. The zombies are right infront of them. Yeonjun threw the rock and is asking if they can climb up here." I said.

Yuna literally pushed me away and ran towards the window. She glanced down and turned to us. "Omg she's right! We've got to help them! I can't see my Yeonjun turn into a zombie. I mean he'd be hot, but still." I could tell that the rest three of us had the exact same weird out expression on our faces.

Yuna glanced down once again, signalling them that we're willing to help them climb up. "Why are y'all just standing there? Help them!" Yuna turned to us. "But how?! We don't have magic powers." I asked.

"Can't they climb up through the water pipe that's beside the window?" Yuna asked. "You can't be serious!" Michiko scoffed.

Yuna impatiently looked around the room. Her eyes glinted with happiness suddenly as she rushed to grab something from below a bench. She showed us the object. It was a rope. "We'll use this." She announced.

"We're not Hulk, woman." Kiara reminded her. "There is no way we can pull them up with this mere rope! I mean it looks long enough but we're not that strong!" Michiko argued. "There's got to be a way!" Yuna bit her lip, thinking of ideas.

"We can do something... Idk if it will work tho..." I said in a low-tone. All of them shifted their gaze at me. "We can stack all these desks and benches really close to each other, tie the rope onto one of them and four of us can hold the part of the rope near the window and we can try to bring them but. But we'll have to ask the lighter one to come up first and he can help us to-"

I hadn't even finished speaking when Yuna rushed to the window again. "We will use this rope! The lighter one may come up first!!!!" Yuna yelled with excitement. But that excitement didn't end up well for them.

The zombies had started to react and approached towards the location where Taehyun and Yeonjun stood. The horrifying noises made by the zombies made me rush to the window along with Kiara and Michiko to see that sight.

"We've got to hurry." I tell them. Everyone nod their heads and get into business. There was an unspoken division of tasks. Yuna threw one end of the rope through the window for Taehyun and Yeonjun while Kiara and Michiko arranged the desks and benches.

I tied the other end to a desk. After making sure that the rope was tight enough, we signalled Yuna to inform them to start climbing as we got into position to hold the rope.

I stood at the front, followed by Michiko who stood infront of Kiara. After making sure that the rope had reached the guys, Yuna ran to the end and held the rope behind Kiara.

"Zombies are really close to them." Yuna informed. It made me anxious if they were even alright because I wasn't feeling any weight. But suddenly I could feel it. The desk did move a little but it wasn't extreme, we could handle it.

After what seemed like labour of a decade, I could feel the person coming close. A figure's hand grabbed the frame of the window. Taehyun. It was Taehyun's hand.

All of us rushed to pull him in. Even though it was not an easy task, but through much hard work, we were successful in pulling him in. Taehyun panted after his legs met the floor of the room.

But when he stood straight, his eyes met mine and he refused to break the eye contact. It made me feel what they call 'butterflies in the stomach'. Yuna rushed to Taehyun and started touching his body. "Omg are you okay?" She spoke as she kept touching him.

It didn't really seem like she was checking if he was alright. He probably felt so too. He backed himself away from her. "I- I'm alright.. please don't touch me." He said that to her and looked straight into my eyes.

I have no idea why he did that.

"Guys... I think we're forgetting someone..." Michiko interrupted. She pointed at the window. Yes, Yeonjun. Everyone hurried to the rope again. Taehyun stood infront of me, his back facing me.

"You can let go, I'm here now." He glanced back a little at me. But he didn't turn around completely. Just then we heard a shrilling voice.

"Oh my God, yes, I was tired anyway. I love how you're taking care of me. I mean I know you like me but you didn't have to make it so obvious." Yuna laughed to herself. Taehyun passed me a look of  'is this really your friend'.

I sighed as a response. "It's okay. I will help." I said. We shifted a step back. Yuna had now left the rope and was checking down at Yeonjun. "Omg zombies have caught onto his leg, oh, wait, it's fine. He kicked them off." Yuna said as if she was giving a match commentary.

I started feeling the weight climbing up. It wasn't as hard as it was to bring Taehyun up. It was actually quite a lot easier. It was because of Taehyun. He was strong. He probably could've pulled Yeonjun up without our help.

After a while, we successfully pulled Yeonjun in and.... There goes Yuna touching him again. "Omg are you alright?!" Yeonjun kinda looked like he wasn't really enjoying it.

"I-I'm okay..." He tried to free himself but she wasn't willing to let him go. I shook my head. But suddenly it was feeling like someone was watching me. My body acted on it's own as my head looked up and saw that I was right.

Taehyun was looking at me all this time while I was watching Yeonjun and Yuna.

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