Chapter 19

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I'm finding it impossible to bring myself to believe that I had just contributed in throwing someone I knew since I was a kid to be eaten alive.

The others tried to comfort me by saying that she's nothing more than a bitch and she deserved that. My brain knew she deserved that, but my heart was making it uneasy for me to accept the whole situation.

There was a little more space inside the room for us. I still stood close enough to Taehyun but our bodies weren't brushing against each other anymore. It's a good thing, right? Then, why am I disappointed?

"We can't be here forever. Our plan to grab some food has already been failed. We should do something." Yeonjun said. "But what?" Hueningkai muttered.

"Check out of the window. See if we can escape through it." Taehyun gestured to the little window that was in the room. "You really are expecting that we'd be able to pass through that? Even if there aren't zombies? With the help of what? Magic? We don't study at Hogwarts, Taehyun." Beomgyu reminded him.

"E-excuse me. My mind seems to be off." Taehyun cleared his throat. I watch his flawless face. He is nervous and is panicking. He sure isn't letting it show but he's really having a breakdown.

Taehyun is usually smart. He's the school topper. He isn't just academically smart but also has a high IQ. He always makes smart decisions, but everytime there's something bothering him, he utters stuff that don't make sense.

Just like he did now.

"We don't have a choice." Yeonjun stated at the closed door. "It's the only way out." He added. "But the zombies are growing in number and it has become dangerous." Beomgyu said.

"Then, what do you want us to do? Sit here like cowards and meet a death either by starvation or by getting eaten up by people you call friends?" Taehyun snapped at Beomgyu.

"I'm suggesting to just wait until it's either a death at the hands of those monsters or death because of starvation." Beomgyu argued back.

"Stop being a coward!" Taehyun took a step forward. "What am I ought to do then? Follow some senseless plan and meet my end?" Beomgyu stepped forward too.

"Fine then! Be a coward! But you're being a loser now! Don't be a loser!" Taehyun stopped his track. "Did you just call me a loser?" But Beomgyu wasn't stopping his steps towards Taehyun.

Beomgyu was about to grab the collar of Taehyun's shirt when I had enough. "Enough! Both of you!" I took a step forward and positioned myself between the two.

The room was so packed that there wasn't any space for movement. "The only thing the two of you know is fighting! Listen, we've lost four of our friends-" But Taehyun interrupted. "Three."

"Yeah, I don't consider Yuna as a friend either." Beomgyu muttered. "See y'all agree on atleast.. something? No, that's not the point. We've lost friends on our way. We're blessed to survive. Don't waste your energy against each other. Try to find ways to get out of this mess safe and sound." I continued.

"She's right." Yeonjun said. "We haven't eaten since a long time. We're hungry and thirsty. We shouldn't be targeting each other at such a fragile situation."

"Please, I beg you. Co-operate." I pleaded at both of them. They both looked like they were cutting off their fight... atleast for now.

"Let us think of ways now, to get out of this." I proposed after walking over to my previous spot. "What if we-" Yeonjun was about to make up a plan but suddenly the speakers of the school started to produce some unappealing noise.

The weird noise had faded away before we heard a familiar voice through the speakers.

"This is me, your Math teacher Kim Namjoon. Anyone who is alive, I repeat, anyone who is alive is requested to make their way to the school library. We have enough food and water here. We had been seeking help from the government and will achieve that help from them soon. So, every survivor should stay at the same place. The library is the safest possible place at the moment. So, those who are alive, make your way here."

All of us exchanged a look at each other. "It's at the end of the hallway on the ground floor!" Hope glinted in Hueningkai's eyes as he spoke. "It's not far from here!" He enthusiastically looked at everyone.

He's right. But it's at the other end of the hallway. We're at one. But well, compared to several other places at school, this is pretty close.

The school library is enormous. It's actually surprising to even assume that no zombie. Not even one of them had entered the library because the library extended till the fourth floor. I'm telling you, it's the biggest room in the whole campus. Had not even a single zombie been there.

I decided not to just worry about it by myself. I expressed my thoughts to the others. "Yes, I was wondering the same. How come not even one.." Taehyun's voice died away.

"But Professor Namjoon said that it was safe!" Hueningkai reasoned. "What if he's lying?" Beomgyu glanced at Hueningkai. Hueningkai looked like he wasn't expecting such a statement so suddenly.

"W-what do you mean?" Hueningkai stuttered as he stared back at Beomgyu. "I mean, what if he is actually bitten and is lying. Lying to get his food, humans. Us, students to gather there, so, he could feed on us." Beomgyu reasoned.

"But Professor Namjoon wouldn't do it? Right? Right?" Hueningkai's pleading eyes travelled through all of us, expecting us to agree to his views.

But now that Beomgyu had brought it up. It was actually a justified suspicion. I agree that Professor Namjoon is one of the best teachers of our school and is very friendly to the students but... Once one is bitten.. he's not the same anymore.

It appeared as if the others had the exact same contradiction of thoughts in their heads as they couldn't bring themselves to agree with Hueningkai.

"There's just one way to find out." Taehyun's voice grabbed everyone's attention. "We'll have to go and check for ourselves."

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