Chapter 18

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"Go on, tell them." He said.

Yuna gazed back at the suspicious eyes of Yeonjun and Hueningkai that were staring suspiciously at her. "Speak up, Yuna." Yeonjun ordered. "Why did you do now?" He added.

"I- I-" Yuna couldn't really hold the pressure of everyone's attention even though she was the biggest attention seeker anyone could come across with. Yuna was panicking.

"She tried killing one more of us." Beomgyu hissed. Yeonjun and Hueningkai didn't seem to question if that was true. Owing to her past actions, they were certain that she is capable of doing something like that again.

"Can't you just stop for once in your life?!" Yeonjun was enraged. It was as if he was keeping all his anger inside and had finally let it all out.

"B-but it's not fair!! I did what I was supposed to!" Yuna defended herself. "What you were supposed to?" Taehyun scoffed, unable to believe the nonsense Yuna spit. "You're telling me you were supposed to attempt to kill y/n?" Taehyun continued.

I was too dumbfounded to even utter a word. No matter how annoying Yuna have been, her and me have been the closest friends ever since we were young. My mother loves her. Probably more than she loves me.

But now, the situation wasn't the same anymore. I was trying my best to forgive Yuna for all her past mistakes that led to the demise of three of our friends. But now, it just seems like she's a spy of the zombies and is providing food for them.

"She was the one who came in my way!" Yuna's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean? Did she try to throw you at the zombies?" Yeonjun questioned. "I doubt Y/n would do that!" Hueningkai spoke up.

"I.. I was darting towards the zombies to try to get my phone but she-" Yuna's eyes that looked like she was ready to play a victim card glared at me. "-got in my way. I lost my phone! It's her fault!"

"Are you a nuthead? She was trying to save you, you foolish!" Taehyun took a step forward as if he was shielding me from her glares. But the room was tiny and packed. It wasn't much of a help.

"I never asked her to save me!" Yuna reasoned and took a step forward as she brought her face through the space between Hueningkai and Beomgyu, closer to mine.

"She always does stupid shit that no one asks her to do. Why else do you think everyone leaves her? Even you, Taehyun. She's nothing but a nossy bitc-" that's it. I don't care now. My palm met her cheeks.

It was to my advantage that she had brought her face closer to me. She backed away, holding her cheek that I had slapped just now. "See that?! You see that?!" She turned to the guys.

"She slapped me twice!" Yuna's voice grew louder. "She had slapped me there too. Why else do you think I pushed her at the zombies. It was just a self defence move. It was her who-" But Taehyun didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Yuna." Taehyun's voice was calm. It was so calm and composed that it creeped me a little. It seemed to have the same effect on Yuna as well as she had stopped blabbering her nonsense.

"Get out of the room." Taehyun stared at her face, expressionless. Wait... Isn't that like...too much? "No wait-" I tried to interfere but was forced to shut up by Taehyun's intimidating glare.

"Don't you dare think I'm doing this for you." Taehyun glared right into my soul. "I'm doing this for all of us." He shifted his gaze from me to the others. "She murdered three of us brutally. She attempted to kill the fourth one. I say, it's dangerous to keep her with us."

"W-what?" Yuna seemed dumbfounded. Yeonjun let out a breath. "I support Taehyun's decision." Yeonjun stated. "I don't want to admit it but Taehyun is right. Having Yuna around is like carrying a zombie itself with us." Beomgyu smirked at Yuna who seemed much offended.

"But I-" I tried to speak again. I mean, I know she pushed me there and everything but that doesn't mean that we should do the same. We aren't like her. But yet again, this man named Kang Taehyun just has to speak over me.

"You are a victim. You don't get a say." He stated, not even glancing at me. Don't victim usually get a say?

Now, everyone's attention was focused on Hueningkai who seemed to be thinking deeply about his decision as he was being threatened by Yuna's eyes.

"S-she's dangerous!" He said it in a single breath as if it took too much courage for him to speak those words. Now, they were were looking at Yuna.

"N-no, guys, listen to me. I can explain!" She pleaded with fake guilty eyes to everyone. "You've already lost your chance to explain anything, miss." Taehyun coldly said.

"You're taking sides!!!" Yuna yelled out at Taehyun. "Y'all didn't do this while the others died. Why? Why is it her?!" She pointed her finger at me. Taehyun slapped her hand away from me.

"We tried. We tried to understand and forgive you by assuming you had reasons and probably made a mistake. But I don't think we can do it anymore." Yeonjun sighed out.

"You tried to kill someone for a goddam phone. Who knows, you might throw us off a cliff for a bottle of water?" Taehyun said. After he spoke those words, the situation didn't seem too unreal to me.

"Get. Out." Taehyun was too serious. Yuna had defeat written all over her face. "But there are zombies out there!" She pointed at the door. "Should've thought that when you helped people get eaten by those." Beomgyu said.

Yuna tried till the very last but had to accept her defeat at the end. With a petrified expression and heavy breaths, she marched towards the door as we made a way through the gap between us for her.

"I swear I will take revenge." Yuna glared up at Taehyun who wasn't even slightly affected by it. "Sure." He unlocked the door, pushed Yuna out at a fast speed and closed the door before any zombies could even think of entering the room. He locked the door again.

We glanced at each other with uncomfortable and questioning expressions as we heard Yuna's screams through the corridor.

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