Chapter 15

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But then I noticed that Taehyun was at the brink of being bitten as his baseball bat was snatched away by the aimless attacks of the zombies, I did whatever I could.

I did some random movements to the fire extinguisher and the sprayer came off. "Duck!" I ordered to Taehyun as I landed a strike at the zombies' heads especially the one closest to Taehyun.

Few of them did get away from Taehyun but it took me a few strikes before I could knock all the danger away from Taehyun. Taehyun got up as soon as the zombies left his body.

I handed the fire extinguisher to him as both of us knew that he would make a better use of it. He passed me a grateful smile (as he should) and took my hand in his before rushing towards the canteen.

He managed to get some zombies out of our way. There were about 8 zombies that came to us on our way. There were much more than that amount of zombies present but we tried our very best to not make much noises.

To our surprise, we were successful in avoiding many zombies owing to that. We reached the exit of the main building and were about to run to the canteen but we saw a dreadful image of the ground and the canteen building being thickly crowded with the zombies.

Do we really have to go there? In this condition? I gulped and shifted my gaze to Taehyun who seemed to be questioning what to do next. He then looked around.

To our sideway, there was that secret room that was on every floor. Taehyun took the handle of the fire extinguisher to break of the lock that was on the door. I was about to warn him that it was a storeroom and didn't have as much space as the previous one.

But I was interrupted by a zombie that had rushed to us Taehyun threw the fire extinguisher at it, knocking the zombie out.

Taehyun opened the door of the storeroom infront of us and dragged me in after him. "Taehyun this is a-" I still tried to tell him that it was a storeroom. But I was yet interrupted by the others that had reached the storeroom and pushed us further into the room. There were stacks of two pairs of desks and benches, brooms, toolkits, some old registers, mops, used notebooks, cleaning supplies, etc.

Yeonjun managed to push away the zombie that had followed them to here and locked the door after pushing it out. Everyone was panting and now slowly were catching their breath. They started to look around the room.

Mind you, everyone was squeezed in that small room that was filled with other stuffs. Also... Me and Taehyun as being the first ones to enter the room were pushed to the end of the room where a small window remained closed. Both of us were squeezing onto each other. There was no space between us even for air to pass by.

And oh holy lord, you have no idea how crazily nervous I was. I couldn't dare to look up at him. My eyes were on the level of his chest and the proximity between us made my heart skip beats.

"Y-you didn't tell me it was a storeroom!" Taehyun finally spoke after we had entered this room. I felt like words won't escape my mouth at any cost. I was feeling my cheeks burn up even though Taehyun hadn't even done anything.

"Well, I was interrupted!" I quickly said and I thanked heavens that I didn't stutter. The others' condition was similar too. The room was so packed that everyone had no space to call their own.

Beomgyu and Hueningkai were struggling not to bump their heads on the ceiling along with their struggle to keep space for themselves. Yuna was clinging onto Yeonjun. Yuna seemed to enjoy this moment.

"What do we do now?" Hueningkai hesitated to speak. "The canteen is packed with those creatures!" He added. "But we cannot not go there because of it." Yeonjun said, trying to get Yuna a little away from him. But, he failed as there was a lack of this thing called space.

"Yes, t-this space is too small for all of us.." Taehyun stuttered. I haven't heard him stutter before this. He must be really nervous about going to the canteen. Both of us were nervous but for entirely different reasons.

"Atleast I think we're finding better equipments for ourselves." Beomgyu looked around the room. The others did too. Yes, there were several equipments here that were much better than the previous ones against the zombies.

"We'll have to get out of here at any costs." Yeonjun secretly gestured at Yuna with his eyes who was too busy trying to climb on him. "Why? This isn't too bad!" Yuna reasoned. "Haha.." Yeonjun gave the most fake laugh of the century.

"Yeonjun looks like he'd prefer those zombies over you, Yuna." Beomgyu snapped at her. "Yeah, you would kill another friend of us-" Taehyun was about to snap at her but then he must've remembered that I was there too.

And then it all came to my mind once again. Michiko, Kiara and Soobin.. we lost them... I could still not forget how owing to Yuna's mistakes,all of them had to lose their lives and she didn't show a slight glimpse of remorse on her face.

Taehyun cleared his throat. "But, how do we get out of here. We should do it soon. Before we die here out of hunger and thirst." Taehyun changed the topic. But my mind wasn't fully cooperating with my decision to focus on the new topic. I lost my bestfriend....

"We have do think of an useful plan." Yeonjun stated. Just then suddenly, a high pitched song that started playing out of nowhere. It did make all of us flinch, surprised.

"Oh sorry! It's my ringtone." Yuna giggled as she pulled out a phone out of her pocket. "You had a phone all along?" Beomgyu scoffed. "Yeah, so?" Yuna blinked innocently.

She then stared at the screen of the phone and seemed like she was hanging up the call. "Customer service. They even call at this situation?" Yuna shoved her phone back to her pocket.

"What would you have done if it rang while we were in the middle of the zombies!?" Taehyun growled. "B-but it didn't!" She argued. "Also, she has her phone with her too!" Yuna added, pointing at me.

I wanted to argue by saying that mine's on silent but Taehyun spoke ahead of me. "Hers is on silent. It always is." He.. remembers? I really shouldn't feel this happiness that I'm feeling to realise that he remembers small details about me.

"You're just taking sides!" Yuna snapped. Yeonjun was about to say something to Yuna about this but Taehyun suddenly spoke with a glint of hope in his voice.

"That's it! That's our escape!" He pointed at Yuna's phone.

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