Aknowledgements and characters

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I would like to thank the readers from the bottom of my heart. This is a completely orginal idea that I had been working on for a long time. Whether compliment or criticism, I'm glad with every interaction that the reader had with this book.

I'm grateful for all the reads,votes and comments that I have received. Those really motivated me to keep publishing new chapters and not leave the story hanging in the middle.

Listen, I AM SORRY that I killed Taehyun.... Pls don't kill me-

But I promise if I write any other book, I'll give Taehyun and Y/n the happiest ending, they just weren't meant to end up together in this AU.... I guess, LOOK IDK WHAT TO SAY,OKAY?

Some added characters were based on people I've met in real life. While the whole plot is completely fictional. Once more, thank you for reading this <33 you're awesome.

- Author


Kang Taehyun

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Kang Taehyun

Kang Taehyun

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Lee Y/n

Choi Beomgyu

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Choi Beomgyu

Choi Beomgyu

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