Chapter 23

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The short journey to the infirmary was heartbreaking, if I had to be brutally honest. I was wishing inside for it to end soon. Even though the journey was short but it still felt like it was taking us forever to reach there.

It wasn't because of the countless zombies gaping at us. Yes, I should worry about them. But it was because of that irritable couple who was sprinting right ahead of me.

However, no matter how light a person is, you've got to struggle if you run while carrying someone. So, by the time we finally reached the infirmary, Taehyun's pace was slowed and I run past them, though the distance between us was merely 3 feet.

Yeonjun was the first to got to the door of the infirmary. Panting heavily, he flung it open for us to get in and stood by the doorframe only after he took a quick glance into the room examining if it's free from the invasion of zombies.

Hueningkai rushed in after he got the sign of safety form Yeonjun. I was ought to be the second one to run in. But, Taehyun had other plans. He  pushed me aside and ran in with Hyemi who looked like she was putting all her might to keep her eyes open.

He didn't push me too hard, but it did restrict me from entering the room before him. What seemed like a little push from him felt like him throwing my heart out of the window.

I stumbled by the doorframe. I was unable to walk further in as I witnessed Taehyun rushing Hyemi to a bed to let her body rest.

I felt something uneasy and as if something was clenching my heart tight. I felt as if I was humiliated for some reason. I felt weak as I was losing my balance over such a small matter.

But I was recalled back to the surroundings as a hand held my arm, preventing me from falling. I would've given everything of mine for it to be Taehyun but instead, it was Beomgyu. "What are you doing? Get in!" He dragged me into the infirmary.

Yeonjun, after making sure everyone was safely inside the room, walked in, slamming the door on the face of the zombies.

Beomgyu let go of my arm as all the guys walked over to the bed where Hyemi was laid so as to check on her condition. Don't act selfish,Y/n, go there. I thought to myself. After taking a deep breath to prepare myself, I walked over to join the others.

I witnessed Taehyun panicking while he tried covering Hyemi with ointments and bandages rather untidily. He seemed to have no clue of what he was doing. He probably didn't know what each of the ointments were for but it didn't stop him from doing whatever he could.

Everyone stared at the scene with pity in their eyes. Hyemi suddenly held Taehyun's arm. It looked as if she wanted to stop him from doing whatever he was doing or atleast for him to stop panicking.

She forced a weak smile on her face. It did make Taehyun stop his movements. I felt like if I saw this anymore, I would start crying. Ofcourse, caring for another human being is one of the great deeds one can do.

However, whatever was flashing infront of my eyes contradicted all those preachings. I couldn't help myself but secretly wish that we had never come across Hyemi at the first place.

Would things have been different now? Would we be peacefully settled in the library while maybe feeding ourselves while we could finally breathe one or two breaths?

"I've been severely injured.." said Hyemi. It sounded like a forced whisper and could be barely heard by us, audience. "I can see. Let go of me. I'll treat-" Taehyun spoke but Hyemi placed a finger on his lips to hush him.

I could feel my jaw clench, heart drop and fist grip. "Do you really think these mere first aid kit will be enough to mend this?" Hyemi smiled weakly. "H-how did it happen?" Taehyun questioned back, instead of answering Hyemi's question.

"Oh dear, it wasn't just one event. First, I fell off the stairs while trying to run to the upper floors along with the students. Again, a zombie almost got me. It couldn't bite me but it did manage to bore it's nails into my flesh. Also, I was also mistakenly hit by the survivors I was with while they were trying to take down zombies and-" Taehyun spoke over her. It appeared as if he understood that Hyemi's list wasn't going to end any time soon.

"Take some rest." He advised while he fixed the pillow. I've had enough. I could watch it anymore. I turned my back and walked up to the seats that were against the wall on the either side of the door.

I refused to watch Taehyun getting lovey dovey with Hyemi. I found staring at my feet that were now dirty and had stains of blood more interesting. I was sitting alone, with barely any thoughts for a good amount of time until Beomgyu decided to join me.

He sat beside me with a sigh. "Good thing you walked away." He stared at his feet to. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Seeing couples getting lovey dovey makes me sick too." Beomgyu replied.

"No wonder you ain't got any bitches." TRUST ME. I didn't mean to say any of those words. They just magically escaped my mouth as though someone had made me do it.

Even though I was making those excuses, I knew at the back of my mind that I was just jealous and mad about the whole Taehyun - Hyemi situation.

I was about to apologise to Beomgyu but then, he suddenly let out a small chuckle. "I mean, if insulting me makes your anger fade away, woman." He spoke through his laugh.

Even in such unsustainable times, a small smile formed on my face without much effort from my side. Oh how peaceful it was when a friend doesn't overreact to your outburst of anger.

Beomgyu had opened his mouth to speak furthermore but was overruled by a yell escaping from Hueningkai's mouth. "Can't you see we have a patient here?!" Taehyun barked. Ouch.

"Can't you see we have zombies here!!!!" Hueningkai ran away from the door that had led to the office of the doctor of the infirmary.

Everyone was alerted and caught grips of their own weapons. "And what the hell were you doing there?!" Yeonjun shrieked. "I... I... Just wanted to go there!!" Hueningkai didn't have any proper explanation. "Curiosity kills." Beomgyu muttered under his breath.

It wasn't much after that moment, when we spotted zombies coming out of the office. "You didn't even shut the door?!" Beomgyu glared at Hueningkai.

"S-sorry!!" He replied as his feet trembled. He was just as scared as I was to see zombies limping towards us.

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