Chapter 9

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"Guys!!!" She pointed at the opened window.. there was a zombie...

Everyone leaned back on their seats, terrified. But how? Zombies don't have brains. They can't be smart enough to climb. I assume it fell from one of the top floors and got stuck onto the water pipe.

It was swinging in and out of the window. It might come into the room anytime. I swear I would've given Yuna a black eye. She chose to let out a high scream which seemed to have attracted the zombie.

While letting out a distrubing sound from it's mouth (probably) it swung in. It had almost had it's hand that was stuck onto the water pipe out. If not Yeonjun had hurried to use their desks to keep the zombie out of the window, causing Yuna to land on the ground while Taehyun knew when to stand up, we'd all have turned into one of those creatures out there.

Taehyun helped Yeonjun to hold the bench. They had never fought a zombie before this and hence did not wanted to risk it all by using their hands to fight him.

"Unlock the door! We've gotta go out!" Yeonjun said. I rushed to the door and had just held the doorknob when it hit me. I decided not to flung the door open and run out like crazy.

I unlocked the door, slow and steady and creaked it a open by a few inches, just enough to peek out. And oh God! It was the most horrible sight I could've seen.

There were a good amount of zombies hobbling aimlessly in the corridor. I won't say that it was a crazy number but the amount of zombies couldn't be called less either. We were trapped. If we go out now, we won't become anything less than the same species as them. I really couldn't see a way out without fighting the zombies.

"What are you doing there?" Taehyun said to me. I closed the door. "There are zombies out there." I turned around to face them. Taehyun glanced over his shoulder at me. He bit his lower hip. "Can you three come and help him?" He said to the girls.

Michiko, Kiara and Yuna, who wasn't much of a help, assisted Yeonjun to hold back the bench while Taehyun walked up to me. I took a step to the side to let him look through the door.

He jolted the door a little ajar and peeped out. He kept watching the condition out there for a few seconds before turning back to the others. "We don't have any other choice." Taehyun declared. "We have to run out there." He added.

"Can't we use the bench to throw this one out?" Kiara pointed at the zombie by the window. "One mistake and all of us will be killed." Taehyun replied. "Also, we need to find a better place. Maybe with more companions and maybe with some food to survive on." Taehyun said.

"Now what?" Yeonjun questioned. "We've gotta run." Taehyun announced. "But what's our destination?" Michiko asked. "While we were out in the ground, we saw the classroom at the left end is empty." Taehyun said.

"But what if it's not empty by now?" Kiara reasoned. "Listen, there's risk in everything we do from now on. I say it's safer in the classrooms. We might find some food in students' bags too. But it's okay if y'all don't want to try out the plan. Yeonjun hyung can just hold up the zombie while we die because of starving." Taehyun sat on the spot I was sitting on previously.

"We should go out. We can't stay here forever." Yeonjun stated. "If Yeonjun's going, then I'm going too!" Yuna slyly said. Kiara and Michiko looked at me, indecisive. "We shouldn't split in half. We should go." I suggested to them. They exchanged a look between themselves before agreeing to the plan.

"Good." Taehyun stood up. "So, can y'all run?" Taehyun's eyes circled through everyone. I was about to speak but he spoke over me. "I know you can't. So, you'll stay with me."

I blinked my eyes a few time in confusion. "What do you mean?" "We shouldn't run individually. We should run in pairs. It'll be an advantage to the ones who can't run. Hold hands and don't let them go unless a zombie attacks you and you don't want the other one to die with you." Taehyun reasoned.

"I ain't holding hands with you!" I argued. He has a girlfriend. I ain't doing that. What will that make me? His mistress? No, thank you. "I didn't ask you to hold my hand. I ordered you to do so." Taehyun stated.

"You have a girlfriend, I ain't doing that-" Maybe I was speaking nonsense at this time of brink between life and death because oh boy, I was scolded by him. "Is that what's important to you right now? That I have a girlfriend? Instead of your will to live?" His voice got a little louder.

Him raising his voice did work. His words did shut me up. He kept looking at me, rage in his eyes after I brought up his girlfriend. While I looked back at him, as if I was ready to argue back anytime.

"I can run." Kiara probably spoke in the middle to break off this tension between us and it worked. Taehyun shifted his gaze to her. "I can run too..." Yuna slowly said. "But Michiko can't!" Yuna added.

"Michiko is going with Yeonjun then, he can run. You won't need to worry." Taehyun looked at Michiko. She nodded. "What?! Her? With? Yeonjun?!??? No, I'm against this! I should be the one to go with Yeonj-" but Taehyun shut her up. "One more word escapes your mouth and I'll throw you out there."

This warning which we could've never given but Taehyun could seemed to please each and every one of us. "Get yourselves ready." Taehyun sighed out. "Please do it quick." Yeonjun referred to the zombie he was holding back.

I decided to leave my bag here. Without anyone noticing I creeped my choco pie into my pocket along with my phone. I took my handkerchief with me too. I then stood up.

"I guess we're ready." Taehyun said. He offered his hand to me. I looked at him and then at his hand. I know this is just for survival but why is it making my heart race. It's just his hand. But why do I feel so much butterflies circling in my stomach over it.

"Hurry up!" Yeonjun was impatient. I glanced back to see that everyone were already holding hands with their partner...well not partner... You get what I mean!!

I took the brave step and put my hand in his. It made my heart stop it's pounding when he closed his fingers around my hand, holding it tight. It was getting hard to breathe. I have no idea how people make love, I'm getting nervous af just by holding hands with a man.

"Don't worry. Me and Y/n will go first, followed by Yuna and Kiara and Michiko and Yeonjun will be at the end. Don't worry, the two of us will be at the front and end so that we can fight zombies if they come at our way." Taehyun said.

"Wait!" I spoke up. "What do you mean by you'll fight the zombies? While holding my hand? What are you gonna do? Throw me towards the zombies?" "Oh, I will." Taehyun smirked. I scoffed. How could he-

I tried to free my hand from his but he didn't let me to it. He held it tighter. If I had to be honest, it didn't fail to send a tingling sensation through my nerves.

"Don't scream. You scream and I'll use you as a shield against the zombies." Taehyun precisely looked at Yuna, as if warning her. Then, the turned around and unlocked the door. He peeped out and then looked at me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I replied.

And then, we sprinted into the corridor filled with the undead.

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