Chapter 12

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But then suddenly the stack of desks started to rumble and make a noise. It caught everyone's attention. Everyone looked at it's direction as they flinched at that sudden noise. "D-do you have another companion?" Yuna grabbed Yeonjun's arm.

Taehyun had carefully walked over to us in the meantime. "No.." Hueningkai replied, as he took a step back. The stack started to shake crazily and then suddenly a figure rose out of the desks.

It was what we had least wanted in the room at that moment (after Yuna), a zombie. As expected,Yuna let out a high pitched screech that attracted the zombie towards us. It paced right at us.

But Taehyun was fast enough to land a flying kick right onto it's head which caused it to fall on to the ground, groaning in pain. "We can't leave it like this." Yeonjun stated, watching the zombie. "You don't mean...." Soobin started. "We should kill it." Taehyun continued.

"H-how?" Hueningkai stuttered. Everyone looked around to search for something to use to kill the zombie. "There's nothing." Beomgyu stated. "There's no choice. We'll have to beat it to death." Taehyun declared.

"Who's gonna do it?" Soobin asked as the guys exchanged glances with each other. "Look!" I bewared Taehyun as the zombie was slowly trying to get back up beside his feet.

Taehyun landed another kick onto it's head that caused the zombie to freeze it's motions. "I will do it..." Taehyun sighed out. "I will help you out..." Yeonjun suggested. Taehyun nodded at Yeonjun as a response.

"I don't think we should watch it.." I said to the rest. They nodded as we turned to stare out of the window while Taehyun and Yeonjun were using the stacked desks to beat the zombie to death.

The horrifying noises made by the zombie did make me uncomfortable. After all, it was a student. A student whom we probably saw many times before all this. But now, it was impossible to recognise anyone.

I could hear noises that suggested that Taehyun and Yeonjun were dragging the zombie back to the stack of desks. Just so, the body could be avoided being seen by us all the time.

"I-its done.." Yeonjun slowly said. The others turned around. There stood the two, having blood stains on their uniforms. The spot on the floor where the zombie was lying down a few minutes ago, now had a huge patch of blood.

What has our life came to...

After a while, all of us were sitting at individual desks that were placed as a circle as we sat, facing each other. I sat between Kiara and Beomgyu, with Taehyun sitting right across me.

"What do we do after this?" Kiara questioned. "I suggest, we should stay put in here until we are compelled to go out." Yeonjun said.

"But I'm hungry and thirsty..." Yuna blinked her eyes innocently. "Should I pierce those eyes out?" Kiara whispered into my ear, just loud enough for me to hear. I sighed out.

"Let's not risk our lives just because our stomachs aren't full." I suggested. "How long can people survive without food?" Beomgyu questioned. "Err-" No one really knew the answer. "Upto three weeks." Taehyun said as if he was a walking encyclopaedia.

"And without water?" Beomgyu turned to Taehyun. "From 3 to 5 days." Taehyun answered without looking back at Beomgyu. "But... I'm really thirsty, I feel like I'll faint now." Yuna said in a fake weak voice. "Go out to drink something then, and become a prey to the zombies." Kiara snapped at her.

Yuna rolled her eyes as a response. "We should not make any moves out of this room atleast until tomorrow." Yeonjun stated. Everyone seemed to agree with him. "Oh yes my darling Yeonjunnie- WAIT!" Yuna's loud voice made everyone flinch.

"You're telling me, we should even sleep here?" Yuna's eyes travelled to everyone. "Yes?" Yeonjun replied. "How can I sleep here? There's no bed and we literally have a zombie in her-" Beomgyu cut Yuna's words. "A dead zombie."

"Yeah, whatever that is. It's still a zombie. And what if any one of you is bitten too and are just hiding it just like the girl in the bathroom earlier. How can I trust you?" Yuna spoke rather fast. "You may leave if you don't trust us." Taehyun suggested.

"Yes, there's no way you can check through everyone if they're bitten or not." Yeonjun reasoned. "Oh, I can...." Yuna winked at Yeonjun. "I would be glad if you don't..." Yeonjun let out a fake laugh.

"Honestly, if you're so suspicious of your friends, just get out of here. We can't care any less." Taehyun looked like he was losing his patience. Yuna decided to keep quiet before she would be fed to the zombies by Taehyun.

"Do all of you agree with the plan of staying here until we get desperate to get out of here?" Yeonjun looked at everyone. All of us nodded without any hesitation, except Yuna. She looked like she wasn't really sure about this. But she really didn't have any other choice.

While time passed, everyone looked like they were slowly forgetting the situation they were in. I was forgetting it too. All of us were sitting in circle and talking to each other. We laughed when someone made a joke too.

It was as if we had the situation out there completely out of our minds. But it was late at night and I couldn't help but feel sleepy. "But what if we can't get out of her EVER how will we survive?" Hueningkai spoke.

"You know, humans eat each other when they're too desperate for food. They slowly lose their minds owing to hunger and start attacking their companions and eat their flesh, blood and insidies." I said in a rather creepy voice to Hueningkai.

He looked like he would've peed in his pants honestly. "She's right. History has records." Taehyun added. "Y-you guys are so terrible! I'm going to bed- oh wait- there's no bed." Hueningkai looked scared.

It did make everyone want to laugh a little. "How are we going to sleep?" Kiara questioned. "On the benches?" Beomgyu replied. "It's too hard.." Yuna started but the moment Taehyun glared at her, she decided to shut up for good.

"Just sleep on desks, benches, floors, however you want...." Yeonjun said. "But I think someone should stay as a stand-by.." He added. "I will." Taehyun volunteered. "Wow! I never thought you would-" Soobin's words were cut off by Taehyun's cold ones.

"I don't trust any of you with my lives." Taehyun said. Soobin looked like he wanted to take back his words. "Let's keep the lights on." Hueningkai slowly said. "Fine and I'll switch with you after some hours." Yeonjun suggested. Taehyun nodded.

Everyone dissembled as they found some sleeping spots for themselves. Beomgyu, Soobin and Yuna found themselves some benches. Yeonjun and Kiara slept in sitting positions at desks while Hueningkai just laid on the floor.

As for me, I can never sleep without hugging anything. But at this time, being alive was a great thing, let alone caring about a comfortable sitting position. I sighed and shoved myself to the wall across the door and leaned onto it.

In a sitting position on the floor I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. I was hungry and thirsty. In addition to that, lacking of sleep would be a great disadvantage.

I tried to drift away to sleep but wasn't able to. I was sure I spent some solid 10 minutes trying to sleep with my eyes closed but then suddenly I felt a presence beside mine.

Before I could open my eyes, the figure gently placed a shoulder for my head to rely on. It was Taehyun. I was too familiar with his presence. "Everyone is already asleep, they wouldn't know... Get some sleep." His whisper lingered in my ears.

No matter how much I wanted to resist by reminding him that he had a girlfriend, my body didn't listen to me. It was something too comfortable to let go of. I could slowly feel myself drifting to sleep.

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