Chapter 8

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After a while, everyone had settled. The window was still open as it was really hot and everyone needed some air. The guys had helped us to arrange the benches in a way that we could sit while facing each other.

Taehyun, Yeonjun and Yuna sat on one of the benches while me, Michiko and Kiara sat on the other. "Weren't you with Beomgyu a while ago?" I asked Yeonjun. "Why? Are you missing him?" Taehyun snapped at me.

I was about to argue but Kiara spoke ahead of me. "Why? Are you jealous?" And.... It made the environment awkward between me and Taehyun. There was this ice wall that had formed now. Kiara really shouldn't have said it. Not after knowing the situation.

Yeonjun cleared out his throat as if to try to break the ice. "Yeah but we got lost in the middle. I suppose he is with Soobin and Hueningkai." Yeonjun explained. I nodded slowly. "How did you end up alone in the middle of those horrible zombies?" Yuna threw herself at Yeonjun who seemed to get uncomfortable.

"Me and Taehyun got separated from the others and then us, alone were trying to find ways to sneak out of the school campus, assuming it was safer outside but as we were checking various directions, it turned out we were wrong. By the time we decided to get into the school building again, we realised that it was locked from the inside and we were locked out with the zombies. But then we saw y'all running to this room through the windows of the corridor. And Taehyun suggested-" Taehyun coughed.

"- I mean I suggested Taehyun that we should ask y'all for help, hoping you'd save us! And you did!" Yeonjun smiled at us. Yeonjun seemed like he was lying. Why would Taehyun cough in the middle of Yeonjun's sentence other than not to expose himself.

But nahhh, I was just overthinking. I'm probably turning into Yuna who romanticizes everything. "How did y'all end up here?" Yeonjun asked us and Michiko narrated the story of girls' washroom.

Yeonjun swallowed a gulp. "A-are any of y'll bitten?" His suspicion grew after Michiko had finished her story. "We should be asking that to you. You were the ones surrounded completely by zombies." I snapped at him.

"But still, we never know if you're bitten." Taehyun spoke. "Why? You would like to check?" I snapped. "Oh, I would love to check." He stared intensely into my eyes.

It did catch me by chance. The way he said that without any hesitation and the way he kept staring at me without minding the presence of our friends... But then I got reminded, he has a girlfriend.

"Should I inform about this to your girlfriend?" I argued. It seemed like the thought of his girlfriend finally crossed his mind. It looked as if he hadn't thought about his girlfriend all this time at all.

"Hyemi! Hyemi! Have any of you seen her?" Taehyun looked at each of us. "We don't get paid to keep tracks of your girlfriend." Kiara gave him a disgusted look. Taehyun collapsed onto his seat, tensed.

"I haven't seen her after the lunch break. I have no idea if she's alright." Taehyun said to Yeonjun. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Maybe you guys weren't lucky enough to get a chance to hide together." Yeonjun said it to Taehyun but looked at me.


But I chose not to question it. "Atleast, we're lucky enough to get the opportunity to hide together." Yuna linked arms with Yeonjun. "Haha..." Yeonjun laughed awkwardly as he pulled away his arm from hers.

Little would Yuna have realise that Yeonjun didn't agree with her. Kiara and Michiko seemed to notice it too as they passed me a look.

"Do y'all have anything to eat?" Yeonjun asked. "We didn't even have time to have breakfast this morning because we were running late." He added. Yeah Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai live in the same house.

They actually come to this school from a good distance. So, their parents had rented a house for them to live together. They didn't choose to live in the school dormitory because they don't allow phones.

But Yeonjun's statement that said he was hungry made me feel guilty. I squeezed my bag tighter that was on my lap. "No, sadly, we don't have any food with us right now.... We are starving as well.." Kiara sighed.

"Do you have any water? We're thirsty too..." Taehyun, shyly asked. Everyone turned their gaze to my bag. "L-let me check..." I unzipped my bag. I was already aware that I had my filled water bottle in there. But I wasn't sure if I was ready to share it.

But then my eyes met Taehyun's eyes. He seemed genuinely thirsty (not the explicit thirsty). I couldn't refuse. "I do." Locking my eyes with Taehyun, I handed him the bottle that I pulled out from my bag.

My brain was telling me not to do what I just did but it was as if some unknown force made me do it. He drank two gulps of water and handed the bottle which was still almost full to me.

But Yuna's hand snatched the water bottle before I could get a hold of it and she started drinking from it. It's okay... Just a few gulps of water... it's okay...

"Let's not drink it, if we're not thirsty. We need to save it. We don't know what's ahead of us- WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Yeonjun noticed mid-sentence that Yuna had drunk almost all of the water.

A little was left in the bottle. "Omg I'm so sorry!" Yuna didn't seem sorry at all. "Do you have any idea what we're going to do after this if we get thirsty? Die?" Kiara said to Yuna.

"What has happened has happened. There's no way we can bring back the water from her stomach. Let's just save what's left." Taehyun took the water bottle and was closing it's lid to hand to me just when Michiko screamed.

"Guys!!!" She pointed at the opened window.. there was a zombie...

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