Chapter 24

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"We don't know the exact number of them here! We should get out and stick to our plan to get to the library." Yeonjun declared as he slowly stalked towards the door, keeping an eye on the zombies. "As we already should've." Beomgyu hissed while glaring at Taehyun.

The door of the infirmary was made of glass which did give it a differentiated look from the rest of the school. I peeked through the glass panel and caught no glimpse of any zombie much nearer to the door.

"Zombies aren't sticking to the door." I whispered to Yeonjun. He turned around too be sure that I was seeing right. As it was in fact not easy to believe that zombies aren't crowding a place inside the school.

"Get up! We've gotta go!" Yeonjun cried out. Taehyun single-handedly caught the grip of a nearby trolley filled with medicines and pushed it away towards the zombies that took down a few of them.

Taehyun signalled at Hyemi with his eyes. The atmosphere made it clear that everyone was hesitating. But Hyemi suddenly stood up. How? How was she even able to stand up when she was so weak just now.

"Let's go." I saw her mouth at Taehyun who was still kneeling against the bed, looking up at her. Taehyun was about to argue that she needed some rest. It was written all over his face. But instead, he chose not to. Arguing while zombies are around didn't seem like a smart decision to him.

He stuffed some medical equipments such as twizers, knives and whatever he found around into his pocket which he would probably use as darts against zombies.

Taehyun stood up and looked at Yeonjun who seemed to have gotten the clue of what Taehyun wanted to say to him without using words. Yeonjun nodded and muttered something to Beomgyu and both of them darted towards the zombies without second thought.

They were trying to be a barrier while Taehyun worked as a support to help Hyemi walk to us. "What are you doing? Open the door!" Taehyun commanded as he came closer.

"I- I can walk.." Hyemi let out a small whisper. Taehyun cautiously let go of her. By this time Yeonjun and Beomgyu had escaped the zombies and came up to us. Hueningkai unlocked the door. Yeonjun led us the way.

He was followed by Hueningkai, Beomgyu and then me. Everyone ran towards the hallway but I stopped and turned around. Those two weren't getting out of there. Taehyun stood aside and let Hyemi get out first.

Suddenly Hyemi pushed Taehyun out of the room and rushed to close the door. Taehyun fell on the floor on his back as he horrifyingly stared back at Hyemi.

"I know I won't survive anyway. I don't want to be a nuisance." Hyemi closed the door. Oh no, she was sacrificing herself.

Taehyun's eyes went wide open as he, with much struggle, stood up and threw himself at the door. "N-no!! Get out of there! They're already near you!" Taehyun's dreadful eyes looked behind Hyemi at the zombies that were approaching her.

But Hyemi showed no sight of fear. She smiled. "Go." She replied. "I love you, Taehyun." And the next thing I saw was that she was taken down by the zombies behind the the door.

While Taehyun was getting insane over here that he couldn't do anything. "Oh, Hyemi..." His hand swept down from the door.

I hate it that I thought of it that way but I couldn't help myself to notice that he didn't say that he loved her back... Or am I just being delusional?

"What are you guys doing here?! We must get going!" Beomgyu ran up back to us. "Can't you see?!" Taehyun yelled as he pointed to the door. "Oh.. but we shouldn't wait here." Beomgyu said after a pause.

"She's dying in there, moron!!" Taehyun yelled. "So? What do you want me to do? Can't you see? We can't do anything. She chose this." Beomgyu stated. He was right.

Taehyun ran a hand through his hair, indicating that he was frustrated. He knew he had to leave but was too guilty to do that.

I looked at the direction that we were supposed to hopefully go now. Yeonjun was trying to avoid the zombies from coming much near us but wasn't much successful as Hueningkai wasn't really doing any job.

A zombie escaped from his reach and leapt towards us. Taehyun was yelling at Beomgyu. It was rare to see him lose his patience. Those yells brought the zombie to Taehyun.

I snatched Beomgyu's fire extinguisher and smacked the zombie with it. It made both Taehyun and Beomgyu get startled. But my smack mustn't have been much impactful as the zombie did go away a few steps but gaped at us again.

In the speed of light, Beomgyu snatched back the fire extinguisher from me. On the other hand, Taehyun, with all his might swung his saw at the zombie. Beomgyu's fire extinguisher was enough to spill blood out of the head of the zombie.

But on the other hand, Taehyun's aim couldn't be considered as much accurate because his axe missed the zombie by a slight inch but landed somewhere it should never have.

Beomgyu's elbow. Taehyun must've been so mad at Hyemi's demise that he must've put in every bit of strength he owned into the attack. Owing to which Beomgyu's elbow....cut off... detaching his forearm from his upper arm.

It was a frightening scene to witness. I gasped as I could start hearing my own heartbeat. Beomgyu seemed to have not even a single clue that whatever happened actually had happened.

I noticed that his feet were trembling crazily. He looked scared, scared for life. His dreadful eyes travelled to the forearm of his that was attached a while ago.

I shifted my glance at Taehyun, my hand still over my mouth. He looked like he couldn't believe it either. His face screamed the look of guilt.

He knew he had made a mistake that in no way could be undone. Forgetting all the friendly arguments that they had in the past, Taehyun looked like he was ready to fall onto Beomgyu's feet and as for mercy and forgiveness.

But Beomgyu composed himself. "We should head to the library." He said in a calm voice as though nothing had happened at all. I was going to speak something but then realised that he must be pretending to be strong and brave. So, I chose not to.

Taehyun who looked like he would've apologized by begging on his knees probably took this attitude of Beomgyu as a sign of pride as no apology escaped his mouth.

Instead, we headed to the library.

The Dawn of Destruction || Kang Taehyun Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin