Chapter 1

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I walk into the testing facility. Volunteers have already been hooked to their cables and minds have already been digitally transported into 'Prison Break'. If this works we can design more "games" to improve our lifestyle. Our planet has already lost its livability yet we manage. I don't know how much longer we can go before humanity is wiped out completely.

As I continue my journey passed thousands of different pods. Only around 50 of them have actual people inside. I'm going to make it 51.

"Y/n! I'm glad you could join us. I see you are already suited up and ready to go."

My commander spoke to me as I entered his office. He had a bright smile on his face. Eyes filled with hope for humanity's survival.

"Yes sir. I'm ready to serve our people commander." I saluted

He nodded his head as he turn to look out the giant window behind him. Outside of our security bubble plants were dying at an alarming rate. Cracks were visible in the ground and some lava could be seen spewing from random areas.

The commander sighs.

"Our's dying. We don't have much time. If this plan works out we could transport our minds into a digital form and we won't need our bodies ever again. We could live in the digital world we have created and build it up more from the inside."

I bite my lip as I look toward the ground. I think about his words.

"Why, if you don't mind me asking, are we testing out a prison puzzle game."

I never understood why out of all the game worlds we could test out...we are testing out a prison game. The commander strokes his trimmed beard only to stop and looks at me through the reflection of the window.

"Well y/n. This game is meant to test our reflexes. How our bodies will react in even the toughest environments and test our in-game immortality. We have it set to where we will come back to life no matter what happens. Unlimited lives."

"But sir, I still don't understand why it has to be a prison."

The commander only smiles and turns towards me.

"Trust me, there is a reason that I will not be disclosing."

I look back down at the floor as I pick at the sensors on my full-body cyber suit. I can hear the commander let out a small huff only to hear footsteps walking toward me. I look up as the commander places his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry so much y/n. We can do this, YOU can do this. If something doesn't go right I will make sure our team pulls you and everyone out of there. Okay?"

With that speech, I felt a bit more reassured knowing that the commander would never let anything happen to me or his people.


"Good. Well then let's get you to your pod soldier"

The commander pats me on my back nearly knocking me off my feet. We share a small chuckle as we make our way to my pod on floor 2, section 3B.

As we enter the open elevator shaft I can't help but tremble slightly. If this doesn't go right I could die. Then again I knew of the consequences before I signed up to do this.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This is for my commander, for my people, for humanity, and most of all, for my mother. As I think of my sick mother and how If we somehow pull this off I could save her from her inevitable demise, I gain some courage to push forward.

I open my eyes right as the elevator stops at my level. The commander and I straighten up as we walk past empty pods and a few people-filled pods.

We finally come to a stop in front of my pod. The commander silently opens the door as I step inside and lay down. Scientists come over to me and check my vitals. They start to hook me up to the cables and wires.

After running a few tests and checking to make sure all of my sensors are working the commander asks me if I am ready.

"As ready as I'll ever be"

With that, the commander gives me a slight nod and a comforting smile before commanding the scientist to close my door and start phase 1.

They close the door and start up their computers to begin the phase 1 process. I take a deep breath and close my eyes as my pod begins to fill up with a pink gel-like substance. Once the pod is full the sound outside becomes muffled and incoherent.

"B....pha....2" a muffled voice is heard.

With that, I begin to slip out of consciousness. I feel like an electric current is surrounding my body. It hurts like hell. I want to move but I feel paralyzed. My lungs feel like they are being suffocated til eventually all of the pain abruptly ends. I open my eyes only to be met with...' Silent Heights Correctional Facility'. It worked.

"Y/n, can you hear me? I repeat, y/n can you hear me."

I look around to find where the voice is coming from. After a few seconds, I found a very small earpiece on the floor. I pick it up and put it in my ear after dusting it off on my suit. Shirt? Hmm, it seems my body suit changed into an orange prison outfit.

I push the button on the earpiece. "I hear you over"

All of a sudden I hear celebrating and high fives.

"Congratulations y/n! You are the 3rd tester who made it into the game. The others couldn't get in or had difficulty making it passed phase 2."

The sound was pretty staticy but I knew that voice. My commander was there every step of the way. Just like he promised before I signed up. I let out a sigh of relief glad that I made it through phase 2.

"Did you have to pull them from the pod commander?"

The commander and the scientists went quiet after my question. Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat as they spoke into my earpiece.

"We did pull them out but unfortunately some didn't make it. 23 casualties have been recorded thus far. 10 injured from the electric current. 15 pulled successfully and unharmed. Lastly, 3 made it through all 4 phases and have successfully entered 'Silent Heights Correctional Facility'. You are the third."

My mouth and eyes widen in shock as the head scientist broke down the statistics to me. I could have died. From the sounds of it, my chances of dying or getting injuries were shockingly high. All of a sudden a weight drops onto my shoulders as reality begins to set in.

I shake off disbelief and decided that I can worry about that once my mission is complete. Finish the game and escape the prison.

"Give me a run-through," I said through the earpiece.

"To see your stats you are going to press the metal cuff around your wrist. It will show your crime, health bar, hunger, and relationship status, along with your tasks, inventory, and an empty map of the facility that will fill up as you go through the game. Skills and special abilities can also be unlocked as you play. This is an all girls prison with the males as guards so be careful. Watch what you say as everything you say and choose can affect your relationship status and your progress through the game. Once you enter the facility you will automatically be accompanied by guards as they escort you to your cell and your level will begin as "fresh meat". When you enter the building we will no longer be able to talk to you but we will be tracking you through the game so if something seems amiss we will immediately pull you from the pod."

With that explanation, I nod my head only to realize they can't see me.

"Understood. I'm going in."

"Wait y/n-"

I pause my walk for a second as my commander's voice rings through my ear.

"Be careful"

With that my determination increased by 100% in my open stats. I turn off my stats as I straighten up and head through the gates of the 'Silent Heights Correctional Facility'. With that a bright light consumes me.

       Welcome to the game player!

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