Chapter 14

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How the hell am I gonna do this exactly? I stood in front of my map layout deflated from the lack of map prices I have. How am I gonna find the other two players and escape when I don't have much of a map to plan any routes?

I have been standing in front of my map with the game on pause for what felt like an hour. I had already changed out of my hospital gown, and I won't lie. My body is far from the best condition.

I let out a sigh. Maybe I can use Tessa's tunnels to unlock more map pieces, plus it will be easier and quicker to get around without getting caught. The only issue would be Tessa, which shouldn't be too hard. She seems to like me... somewhat.

I finally unpause the game, closing the digital map in the process. Once the map is down, I screech as I jump what feels like five feet back as I come face to face with the very person I was just talking about.

"O-o-oh hey T-tessa. How l-long have you b-b-been standing there?"

She lifts one eyebrow as she stares at me, concerned and slightly upset. Emotions I didn't think she could feel considering she is only supposed to be an mpc.

"I've been standing here for 21 minutes and 35 seconds in counting. In fact, I've been waving my hand in front of your face. I even punched you in your fractured rib. You didn't even flinch."

I starred at her. Now that she mentions it, my rib hurts like hell. On cue, a sharp pain shoots up my body as I feel my rib shattering all over again. I hunch over with a groan.

"What the- why would you do that?!"

Tess looks at me confused yet intrigued before rolling her eyes.

"Oh, relax, I did that 17 minutes ago. It's a little late to react now, don't you think?"

I really need to stop pausing the game. Why even call it 'pausing the game' when the only thing that pause button can do is pause me! I continue to groan as I hold my broken rib in pain.

I have to push through this. I desperately need to know the layout of this prison if I want to get anywhere.

"H-hey Tessa, do you mind letting me use your underground tunnels."

Tessa's eyes narrow as she tries to figure me out. I won't lie her stare made me nervous. I gulp as we stay in silence for a couple of seconds before Tessa lets out a sigh.

"Fine, follow me."

I let out a much needed breath of relief as I limp behind Tessa as she walks. I can feel my body slowly breaking down. I don't know if it was the adrenalin that had Mr moving the way I was before or if it had to do with my replenished HP but I can definitely feel the effects of Daisy's beating finally hit me. I feel like I've been run over by a bus, only for the bus to reverse and park on top of me.

I groaned as I ran into Tessa's back. I swore I even heard something in my body crack on impact, and it wasn't even a large impact. Tessa looked at me over her shoulder before placing her goggles back on her eyes and opening up a sewer cap. I watch as she descends into the darkness of the tunnels before carefully following her into the dark depths, making sure to close the sewer cap above us.

Once I finally reached the ground of the tunnel, I let out a small 'woah' at the massive size before noticing that Tessa is no where in sight.


No reply. Did she leave without waiting for me. I try to stay calm as I feel my heart begin to pick up pace. I suck in a sharp breath as I feel a cold hand touch my neck. My eyes widen as my body begins to shake immensely.


I jumped as I let out a scream before turning around to face the so-called threat.


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