Chapter 2

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"Move it, prisoner!"

One of the guards yelled at me as he and his fellow guard shoved me through the hallway. They lead me to a room, an empty white room with filthy tile floors. One guard stays outside the door while the other follows me into the room. The door closes and locks behind us.


I turned towards the guard who told me to move. My eyes were wide as I gave him a baffled look.

"What? B-but I'm already in my prison uniform!"

He looked at me with a blank expression. He opened his mouth only for his face to glitch for only a quick second.

"You heard me, princess. Strip!"

The guard completely ignores what I said. This can't be right. I'm already in my prison jumpsuit. He should have just escorted me to my prison cell. Why is he starting from the beginning? Then again the scientist did tell me only three people made it into the game.  So the game must be slightly faulty.

I determined that I am not going to move on to the official beginning until I am properly searched. I take a deep breath before taking off my clothes to get this over with.

The guard watches me closely with a perverted smirk only to walk towards me. He started "searching" my body.

"Turn around and bend over"

I do as he says still feeling rather uncomfortable. He presses his front against my backside as he continues to search me. The moment I could feel his member poking me through his pants I stood up quickly and got as far away from him as possible.

With a scoff, he grabs the hose connected to the wall before spraying me with cold water. The pressure pelting at my skin gave me bruises in the process. I wanted to cry but crying wouldn't help besides, I volunteered for this. This is for my people.

After a few minutes, he finally turned that accursed hose off and threw my jumpsuit at me.

"Get dressed princess"

I quickly put on my clothes. My skin wetting the jumpsuit. The guard knocks on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and a cold breeze hits my already shivering body. The guard shoved me through the door and began to walk me out to the courtyard with the other guard following on the other side of me.

Once we made it to the courtyard the guard mumbles something under his breath only for the other guard to nod as they begin to push me to the south wing of the prison.

It was a long and antagonizing walk but we finally made it to my cell they threw me in and locked the bar door behind me.

"Well well well, if it isn't fresh meat. Welcome to Silent Heights."

A soothing almost seductive voice cut through the air. I quickly stood up and looked around in full caution mode.

A giggle rang through the small cell room only for a sudden shock to run through my body as a pair of arms comes around my shoulders from behind.

"What are you in for darling."

Her smooth voice shakes my very core as my body involuntarily shivers from her whispering in my ear. I open my mouth to speak only to realize that I never checked what my crime was. Since she is an MPC I pull up my stats and read out my crime without her noticing a thing.

"I- I stole a blue diamond from the Central Crystal?"

My statement came out more as a question than anything. Why would the scientist make me a thief out of all the crimes I could have committed? Oh well, at least it's better than being a murderer or a rapist.

A gasp breaks me from my thoughts. Why is she shocked? My crime is more mundane compared to what most people might have done to end up here. The mystery woman quickly spun me around placing her hand on my shoulders.

"You stole from the Central Crystal Museum?! Are you mad? That is the most high-end Museum in the world and you decided to steal the most expensive diamond known to mankind. I'm surprised they didn't put you on death row."

Her voice went from a yell to a small whisper, losing that seductive edge to her voice.

"Why would they put me on death row for stealing? I get that the diamond is expensive but-"

The woman places her index finger against my lips.

"Darling. That blue diamond is the only one of its kind and was owned by Queen Talia. It has been passed down through the royal generation for years until they died out, landing the diamond in the museum. Stealing that diamond is enough to have you executed in front of a national crowd."

She whispers to me slowly. Almost as if she was talking to a child. My eyes widen as I process that information. Why did my commander, my team, give me such a bad crime? All of a sudden being a murderer doesn't sound too bad.

The woman slowly removes her finger from my lips. Her gaze never left me.

"I-I didn't k-know"

In my speechless state, a sound rings through the air. The woman remains unchanged almost as if she didn't hear it. I look down only to see a blue light on my metal cuff. I open my stats and go to my relationships tab since it has the blue light on it.

'Your relationship with ??? has increased by 1%'

I tilt my head confused. I look over toward the lady to see she is still looking at me. She remains unmoving like she is paused. I take note of that small detail as I close my stats. The woman begins to move, blink, and breathe again.

"Sweetheart are you listening to me?" the woman asked looking slightly concerned.

"I- um- y-yes. Why wouldn't I be listening?"

"I don't know. You just kind of froze for a minute."

Interesting. So when I check my stats I temporally pause the game. But to the people who live in this game world, it looks like I am the one who is paused. Good to know.

"Right. Sorry I was just thinking about what you said. By the way, can I get your name?"

She giggles slightly before backing away from me.

"Maybe some other time darling. For right now we should get some sleep. The guards would have us beat if they notice we are up past our bedtime."

She smirks at me before she turns on her heel swaying her hips as she walks away. She heads to the bottom bunk bed in the corner of the small cell room and turns toward the wall once she is under the old slightly torn-up blanket.

That explains why it's so dark. The guards must have called lights out while I was checking my stats. This is strange but the sooner I get out of here, the sooner my team can save humanity.

With that, I silently make my way to the top bunk and lay down on the hard thin mattress. I cover myself with the heavy stained blanket still cold from the hose. I shift slightly finally succumbing to sleep.

Prison Break || Yandere Harem x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now