Chapter 10

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"You took quite the fall."

I groan as sitting up from my position on the floor. Looking around I noticed that I am no longer outside. Instead, I'm...somewhere? I don't exactly know where I am at.

The room was quite large with metal lining the walls. The floor was also a darker metal making the room feel extra cold. There were a few large desks scattered around the room. Tools, screws, and unfinished inventions were on each desk with some even occupying the floor. I would have taken in more detail but the room looked poorly lit with one light in the back flicking on and off.

"Are you done examining my room? If so, you can leave now. Your presence is unneeded."

I shot up off the floor as I searched for the voice. I turned around to see a woman with light brown skin looking at me bored yet slightly intrigued. She wore goggles, covering her eyes. Silver hair cascades past her flat chest and sits at her narrow hips. What caught my attention the most was her prison outfit. Instead of the ugly orange jumpsuit, hers was navy blue with orange cuffs at the sleeves and an orange collar along with some black military boots. A weird combination yet it oddly works for her.

"Are you done checking me out?"

I blinked.

"I- what?"

She walked past me to get to one of the large desks behind me as she spoke.

"You know, not once have you said thank you. I saved your ass before those guards could get to you and not once have you thanked me."

I stood speechless as she takes a seat at the desk and begins working on one of her many unfinished projects.

"T-thank you? Why w-w-would I need t-"

She spins around abruptly with a smile plastered on her face.

"You're welcome! See now was that so hard."

She drops her smile as she spins back towards her project to continue doing what she is doing. I stare in confusion before trying to initiate conversation again.

"Sooo, uh, whatcha makin'?"

I drag my 'so' as I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet.


It was a very bland answer. Probably her way of telling me to fuck off but I persisted anyway.

"Oh uh, cool. What kind of gun?"

I'm met with silence before I see her pull out a small box and press a button.

"Analog 693, October 11, 4051. The patient now known as the champion is talkative and incapable of picking up on body language. It is to my understanding that maybe she craves affection to bury past trauma. Although I noticed that she has placed herself quite close to the leader, the slut, the outcast, and the ghost. There is a chance she has alternative motives. Will investigate further."

She let go of the button placing the box in her pocket before turning her chair towards me. I stare at her in awe. Was she talking about me? I don't know if I should feel honored that she is interested in me or offended that she basically called me annoying. Also, did she say we're in the year 4051?!

"Why are you still here? You have woken from your temporary prison. You may go now."

"Wait! I need to know who you are. Where are we? Why did you help me? Why did I need help? What's going on?!"

She sighs before taking her goggles off revealing her unnatural purple eyes. I gasped jumping back a little.

"My name is Techa. I know my eyes may seem a little off-putting but it had to be done."

Prison Break || Yandere Harem x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now