Chapter 9

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Tw: Blood, Death, and Panic Attack

The wind blew past us as Daisy smirked before going over the rules.

"Welcome to the circle! You both will each fight hand to hand, meaning no weapons allowed."

The girl with the southern accent appeared beside me as she began to pat me down. In a panic, I looked towards Marsha to see she is also getting a pat down by a brunette.

"Neither of you can leave the circle. To ensure none of you try to leave ten of my best fighters will be surrounding the outer ring of the circle. If you try and run out they will shove you back in. If you get knocked out of the circle by the opponent you officially lose the match and will have your neck snapped, understood?"

We nod our heads as the ten girls began to surround the circle. Other girls move some benches together to sit and watch as if no one's lives were on the line. I gulp as Daisy walks to the top of the bench, everyone making room for her as she stands.

"May the battle commence!"

With that, she sits down and the girls who were searching us for weapons quickly vacate the circle. My eyes widen in shock as I heard a yell before taking a punch in the jaw. The force was enough to knock me to the ground.

I looked up as my jaw throbbed in pain only to notice Marsha coming at me in full force. I quickly rolled out of the way before she had the chance to stomp on my head. I got up so the fight was fair.

Marsha continued to rush me as she threw kicks and punches my way with some of them landing. After she landed a punch to my right eye I realized that dodging her advances won't do anything and will certainly have me killed.

I took a deep breath as I dodge her next punch. Grabbing her arm before she could pull it back to her chest I quickly bashed my head against hers. I could feel the blood trickling from my forehead and between my eyes.

Marsha stumbles back dazed as blood flowed from her forehead as well. I used this to my advantage, lunging at her and taking us both to the ground. I began to throw punch after punch to her face which transitioned to me putting my hand together and just slamming them against her face as I yelled out.

She clawed at my bloody uniform, tearing away at my sleeves bit by bit. Eventually, she was able to knock me off of her as she begins to rip out my hair before wrapping her hands around my throat and digging her nails in. Blood dripped from my neck as her nails seeped deeper while I choked from the lack of oxygen.

I can't go out like this. I promised my mother I would be back. I promised everything would be okay. My vision slowly went black as I could see my whole life play out in front of me. Marsha gave a twisted smile as blood slid from her beat-up face dripping onto mines.

I screwed my eyes shut before opening them quickly and throwing one last uppercut to her jaw, knocking a tooth out in the process. I take a large gulp of air as Marsha stumbles, falling out of the circle and into one of the girl's arms.

Terrified, Marsha looks up at the woman with her swollen eye. The woman looks towards Daisy who looks more than displeased. Daisy raises her open hand in the air as everyone watches her intently before closing it into a fist. With that, Marsha began to beg and plead for her life before the woman holding her took a jagged knife from her uniform and gutted Marsha as if she was a fish.

Marsha's pleas and screams could be heard as the woman lay her on the ground and mauled her. Marsha gives one final scream before finally succumbing to her injuries. I gaze on in shock with the one eye that isn't swollen shut.

It goes quiet with only me gasping for air and the sounds of prisoners doing their own thing elsewhere. Daisy begins to slowly clap before everyone jumps in clapping and chanting my name. They all cheer as they run off the bleachers and towards me. Daisy walks past all of them before raising my hand in the air as everyone surrounds us.

Prison Break || Yandere Harem x F!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ