Chapter 11

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Upon entering my cell, I saw Jessi pacing back and forth while speaking under her breath. I decided to ignore it, too tired to care, as I walked to our bunk bed. Of course, that didn't go unnoticed by Jessi.


She tackles me to the ground with a hug. Her arms were wrapped around my neck with an unforgivable tight grip. She mumbled in my ear as she melted into the hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I can't bear the thought of you leaving me to."

She snuggles into my neck as she loosens her grip, allowing me to breathe again. I gasp as I try to suck in as much air as possible in case she tightens her grip again. It never happened. She just continued to gently cling on to me as if I would disappear if she was to let go. I opened my mouth to speak before stopping when I felt something wet on my shirt.

"Please.....don't leave me....please"

Jessi's voice cracks as she whispers into my shirt. A few sniffles and hiccups escape her as more of her tears soak into my shirt. I open and close my mouth multiple times before closing my eyes and holding her close.

"I'm not going anywhere,"

I whispered into the top of her hair as I held her. She shifts slightly, forcing me to remove my head from the top of hers. She looks up at me before whispering back.



Jessi gives me a smile before pulling away from me and standing up. She reached her hand out for me to grab. Once I grabbed her hand, she pulled me up. Jessi stared into my eyes with a firm grip on my hand. We stood like that for a few seconds before she finally let go and went to her bottom bunk before covering herself with the old blanket and facing the wall.

I sigh quietly before climbing the latter and going to bed. I tossed and turned as Marsha's screams continued to haunt me, and Tessa's words replay in my head like a broken record player. Eventually, I'm able to find sleep.

The next morning comes quicker than I thought. A guard bangs his metal baton against the cell door ten times before walking away. I sit up disoriented and stretch before leaning down and taking notice of Jessi's absence. She must be in therapy.

I yawn before grabbing the fresh clothes left for me and all of my other bathroom supplies before heading to the showers.

Upon entering, I'm immediately swarmed by naked women asking me about my fight with Marsha and how I gained a higher status in such a short period of time. I cover my eyes out of respect for them and their bodies as I blindly try to make my way through the small crowd forming around me.

Before I know it, I am yanked out of the center as a recognizable voice yells through all of the questions and excitement.

"Alright, back the fuck up! Go back to doing whatever the hell yall were doing."

I open my eyes to see Imani and Haven. Haven had her hand around my wrist indicating that she was the one to yank me out of the crowd while Imani yells at our inmates. The women hesitate to obey Imani due to her outcast status until Imani's voice dominates the room once again.

"Don't make me say it twice."

With a menacing glare and the crack of her knuckles the girls scattered and went back to doing what they were doing. Imani turned to me allowing me to take notice of her appearance. Instead of her normal prison jumpsuit she is Instead in a a towel. Water dripped from her face as it slid down her neck in into her cleavage. Her curly hair stuck to her face as she stared at me.

I couldn't help but gulp before quickly placing my hand that Haven is not holding against my eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to look. Did I interrupt your shower?"

I heard a small chuckle as Imani slowly uncovered my eyes. She had a smirk on her with one eyebrow raised.

"You just had a face full of a variety of naked women's titties.....yet you're scared to look at me wearing a towel?"

I blush as I realized that she isn't wrong. She let's out another laugh before walking to one of the sinks in the far back. Haven follows her which forces me to follow her to.

Imani and Haven's stuff was already on the sink counter. I placed mines next to theirs before removing my hand from Haven so I can go take a shower. Haven stared at her hand while Imani grabbed her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth.

I walk to the shower not to far from the sink. While I shower I swear I could feel eyes watching me. As I rinse the soap from my face I see a reflection of Imani on the shower head.

Upon looking closer I could see her looking at me from the mirror in front of the sink. Haven stood next to her with her eyes still locked on the hand I was holding. I shivered slightly at the thought of Imani watching me shower this entire time but I shook it off.

Maybe she wasn't looking at me. Maybe I just happened to catch her glancing over in my direction. Yea I'll go with that. I finished my shower quickly before drying off with my towel and putting on my prison uniform.

I looked down at my uniform and noticed that everyone adjusted their uniform to feel more comfortable but me. Looking up I noticed Imani had changed into her jumpsuit with her cleavage showing. I looked back down at my own and decided to roll up my sleeves to my elbows.

It's not much, but I like it. Once I finished rolling up my sleeves, I walked over to Haven and Imani as I began brushing my teeth.

"So, champion, huh?"

I blush slightly while I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth.  Imani continued to speak as I didn't answer.

"How did you do it? How did you go from another worthless bitch sitting with us in the cafeteria to being the top dogs BFF?"

I just shrugged while spitting out more tooth paste. I use my towel to dry my mouth off before gathering my things.

Before I could walk out, Haven grabbed my hand again, seeming content. Imani took her place on the other side of me as we walked out. As we were walking I decided to make some conversation.

"How did you guys end up here anyway, if you don't mind me asking."

Haven looks down as she squeeze my hand a little tighter. Imani opens her mouth only to close it again. Right as I was going to take back what I said, Imani spoke up.

"I...I'll tell you some other time. For right now, we should all put our shower stuff away and go get some breakfast."

I nod as I separated from the both of them. It wasn't easy due to Haven not wanting to let go of my hand but I eventually get her to let go. I place everything back in my cell before deciding I should really start making a plan on how to get out of here.

I looked around the cell before remembering a prison break movie I saw once with my grandma. The prisoner used a spoon to carve a hole in order to escape prison.

I thought about doing that until I remembered that the guards removed our silverware after Imani stabbed Marsha in the eye with that fork....Marsha. I try my best to shake her out of my head and hold down my guilt. I need to focus. Now is not the time for a pitty party.

I scrapped the spoon idea before thinking of another solution. I have a guard suit. I can sneak out as a guard, but that can only go so far. I would need keys, the wardens keys to be exact. I also think those files I saw in his office will come in handy. Tomorrow is a work day. If I'm lucky enough, I might be able to work where I can get some useful items. I don't have much, so it would be best to start building out my inventory.

I try to think of other things I might need to help me peice together a plan. While I was thinking my stomach let out a growl, making me lose my train of thought. I should probably eat first than plan later.

I nod my head to no one in particular before leaving my cell and heading to the cafeteria.

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