Chapter 13

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"Sir- sh- hurry were lo-"

Multiple voices rang in and out of my ears.

"What th- Daisy why- sh- hur-"

My consciousness felt trapped. I felt like I was stuck between life and death. My eyes open to see a land of clouds. I release slow breaths as I seemingly walk forward without a clue where I'm going.

"Ple- sir she- capsule befor-"

The voices become small whispers in the back of my head as my focus flies around the cloudy land.

"Daisy- nurs- please we- sh-"

A woman dipped in forest green with white freckles, brown eyes, and flowing brown hair with a white streak walks up to me, stopping me from going any further. I crane my neck back as she towers above me by an incredible amount. With bated breath, I watch as she rips a hole into nothing.

A white glow appears inside the tear as she stares at me with a warm smile. With a slow blink, I glide into the white space. I'm consumed with the bright light as the woman dissappears without a trace.

"Y/N.Y/N. Y/N.Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!"

With that, I jolt up in fright. A slight ringing hums in the back of my mind as my eyes adjust to the bright lights around me.

"Y/N, you're alive!"

Jessi pounces on me with a tight embrace as I let out a hiss of pain. I hear slow clapping beside me. I turn my head to see Imani and Haven sitting by my bedside. Imani was clapping slowly as a small yet concerned smile plagued her lips.

"I think we should change your nickname from champion to lucky. In all my years of being in this prison, not once have I ever seen someone take that many hits from Daisy and live to tell the tale."

Although she's smiling, it didn't quite reach her eyes. She looked tired with a few bags building under her eyes. Haven didn't look any better with her eyes covered in gloss as if she's been crying non-stop while she held my hand tightly. She almost seems afraid to let go.

I didn't respond to Imani's remark deciding to look around. The room was huge with white walls and deem lights that seemed bright when I first woke up. Medical beds lined the walls. Half walls were also built, so beds can rest against those, too. Each bed had a small locker as a beside table and storage along with IVs on the other side of the bed.

I was lucky enough to get a bed in the far corner, which had two chairs for other inmates to sit if they wished to visit. Any bed that wasn't in a corner didn't have this privilege. If they had visitors, they would have to stand at the end of the bed or squeeze in to stand beside it.

Jessi continued to hug me tightly while rambling on about whatever. I ignored her as I checked my notifications and stats.

Relationship status:

'Negative Boost Daisy: 45%'

'Positive Boost Imani: 55%'

'Positive Boost Haven: 45%'

'Positive Boost Jessi: 57%'

'Positive Boost ???: 30%'

What? Who are the question marks? I thought the only love interests/ friendships the player could achieve a relationship with were Haven, Imani, Daisy, and Jessi.


'Warninig! Hp is low'

I roll my eyes at the first notification. You don't say?

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