Chapter 4

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Jessi and I wait in the long line for what feels like hours until it's finally our turn. Jessi is assigned her job before me since she is in front.

She manages to convince the guard to give her an easy task by using her body "persuade him". She was tasked with cleaning the equipment in the 'gym'. Apparently, the gym doesn't have that much equipment to clean so I guess that is a pretty easy job.

Unfortunately, I wasn't given such a privilege. The guard clears his throat as he tries to relax his hormones from Jessi's teasing.

"Y/n, you are assigned to laundry duty. On the right side of the room are you and your fellow inmate's dirty laundry while on the left side is our laundry. Since we don't trust convicts with Detergent and washing machines you and everyone else tasked with laundry duty will be washing everything by hand. The laundry room is in the basement and the stairs to the basement are located in the 3rd room to the left of the showers. Get to cleaning."

With that, he gave me a keycard that had laundry labeled on it and shooed me away to tend to the next prisoner. I mumble to myself as I retrace my steps to the showers. Once I get to the shower room I make a left, counting to the 3rd room. Once there I am faced with a security door that looks like it is on its last life.

I look around only to spot some sort of keycard scanner next to the door. After a few tries, I was finally able to successfully scan the keycard the guard gave me. The door clicks a few times before opening. I'm welcomed by the sight of steep stairs that are dimly lit.

I walk down the stairs rather nervous as I hear the door slam shut behind me. As I get closer to the bottom I hear talking but I can't exactly make out what is being said. I finally get to the bottom and I am met with guards guarding the stairway and the laundry room. Apparently, the whole basement is one room.

I see other prisoners doing the laundry and talking. They seem to have split up into teams. One team cleaned the guard's laundry and the other cleaned our laundry. One of the guards shoved me towards the teams having got sick of me standing at the stairs.

Everyone stops what they are doing for a second when they notice me.

"Oh. Welcome to laundry duty newbie. Come on don't be so shy, we won't bite. You'll be on team guard. There aren't too many of us so we are a little uneven."

One of the prisoners spoke as she smiled at me, pointing to the left side of the room. I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and walked to the left side of the room. Everyone continued to chat as they hand-washed all the laundry.

I take a seat on the floor with everyone else as a prisoner on my team hands me a huge beat-up tin bucket of warm soapy water, a washboard, and a pile of clothes to start with.

As I go to begin washing I hear a huff beside me almost as if they are unsatisfied with my presence. I turn to see who it was, not wanting to make any more enemies that could possibly jeopardize my mission.

When I turn to see who it is I am unfortunately greeted by Daisy.

"You really couldn't sit anywhere else, huh fish?"

I let out an internal groan. I remind myself that I need to bond with her. I take a deep breath before responding to her.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were here. I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I shouldn't have questioned you like that. Especially, when I am the one who keeps bumping into you."

I speak whole-heartedly as I rest my hand against my chest to somehow show her I mean every word. She looks at me skeptically before scoffing and mumbling whatever before getting back to washing her load of clothes.

I let out a discouraging sigh before starting to finally wash my pile of clothes. Although, everyone is talking to pass the time the atmosphere between me and Daisy was suffocating.

I try to ignore the clear tension between us as I wash until I picked up a clothing item I shouldn't have. There in my hand was one of the many guard's underwear and the front of it was crusty. Almost as if-

"This is disgusting!"

My eyes widen as I quickly threw the underwear a few feet away from me. I try to wash my hand in the bucket of water but to no avail. My hand still felt disgusting.

As I continue to panic in disgust I hear a loud laugh from the side of me along with a few others around the room. I look up to see everyone laughing at my reaction, especially Daisy. She was laughing wildly at my misfortune.

"Okay, okay, calm down fish. I'm sorry to break it to you but that's not even half of the things you can come across while on laundry duty."

Daisy wipes away an invisible tear before getting up and picking me up by the back of my shirt. She sets me down on my feet before grabbing the hand that isn't dirty.

"Come with me."

With that, she drags me to the back of the room. An arch semi-separates the one room. Behind the arch are washing machines, Detergent, more loads of clothes in a bin under the laundry shoot, and a sink.

Daisy drags me to the sink and forces me to give her my hand. Once she has my dirty hand she squirts some soap on it and proceeds to tell me to wash my hands.

I didn't need to be babied like that but I would take this over her trying to kill me any day. As I wash my hands the silence between us is broken when Daisy speaks up.

"Hey uh, fish. I'm sorry about grabbing you by the throat before."

I pause momentarily, shocked that she apologized.

"Oh um well t-that's alright I guess. Maybe we can be frie-"

"But don't think I won't do it again, Got it!"

She cuts me off swiftly and grabs me by the collar of my shirt lifting me a few inches off the ground. For a moment it's silent with only the running water being heard. I gulp loudly as I try to hide my head in my shirt as her dark brown eyes glare at me.

"G-g-got i-it."

She huffs from her nose before setting me down gentl- who am I kidding, she dropped me onto the floor like I was a sack of potatoes. She clicks her tongue at me only to leave back into the main room.

After she leaves a blue light flashes. I open my stats to see my map has expanded slightly. Unfortunately, there is still so much to explore. I also noticed my relationships tab had a notification.

- Relationship with Daisy went up 6%

Now Daisy's Relationship bar has 1% on the positive side. That's great. I don't know how her dropping me on my rear end counted as bonding but I'll take it. I was about to close my stats when I saw another notification.

- Personality trait for Daisy has been unlocked! Irrational Violence

I scoff loudly. Irrational Violence, no kidding. I think I already figured that out by now stats. I shake my head as I pinch the bridge of my nose. Either way, I could tell that this trait she possesses is going to be annoying and possibly my downfall.

I grumble to myself as I close my stats only to see a guard outfit from the corner of my eye. It's in the pile of dirty laundry. I do think a guard outfit will come in handy when I finally escape. As I go to take it a matching puzzle game pops up in the air.

I forgot this was a puzzle game for a second. I quickly match all of the pieces to unlock the guard outfit. I swiftly take the outfit, storing it in my inventory. I straighten myself out and wash my hands one more time before drying them on my orange jumpsuit and heading back to the main room.

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