Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of a metal hitting metal. My eyes snap open in shock not used to the loud wake-up call.

"Wake up inmates. It's time for a head count"

A deep voice bellows through the air along with the sound of metal hitting metal again. Soon the guard's heavy footsteps are heard walking away. I sit up holding my back in pain.

"Mattress did a number on you, huh darling."

I quickly snap my head in the direction of the voice. I see a woman around my size with an hourglass figure and tawny color skin. Her black hair cascades down her back as she ties it into a ponytail. Almond-shaped grey eyes blessed her beautiful diamond shape face.

I can't help but stare as her full lips start moving again. I find it difficult to listen when I'm in a cell with such a beautiful woman. It was too dark to see her yesterday but now that the lights are on I can see her in all of her glory. What could she have possibly done to end up here?

Her gorgeous face twists into a scowl as she walks towards me and shoves her index finger against my chest. The force she applied made me wince slightly.

"Are you listening to me?!"

I flinch at the sharp dangerous edge in her voice. I quickly nod my head slightly fearful. I almost forgot that I am still dealing with a prisoner and need to watch my back at all times.

"Good. I hate being ignored."

Her sensual voice comes back in full force as she traces her long finger from my chest to my jawline only to stop and graze her thumb across my bottom lip. She looks deep into my eyes before chuckling slightly and swaying her hips as she walks out the cell door that had opened while we were talking.

My heart is racing. I don't know her name but I do know she's dangerous. The way she was able to knock me off my guard so easily is deadly. I close my eyes and take a deep shaky breath to try and regain my composure before heading out of our cell.

On my way out I see all the girls lined up in front of their cells including my cellmate. She gives me a wink and a smirk before facing the front again.

I shake my head as I look in front of me. A few guards walk back and forth in front of us, hitting anyone out of line or giving them a look they don't approve of with a baton. I keep my head up to try not to show them my fear.

Eventually, they stop walking and stop in front of us. The head guard steps up to us.

"Listen up convicts! Today will be a work day. You all know the drill but for the ones that don't-"

The guard briefly pauses his sentence as his head faces my direction. I can't see his face since he is wearing a futuristic helmet that looks like something an FBI agent would wear. Either way, I knew for certain he was looking me in the eyes.

"You all will be assigned a job that you must complete. That can include but is not limited to cleaning the showers, cooking lunch, or doing the laundry. You do your job right and you are rewarded. Do it wrong and be punished. Understood."

It stays silent.

"I'm sorry, let me repeat myself. I said, UNDERSTOOD?!"

I jolt from the sound of his voice echoing through the walls. I jump again when all the girls suddenly responded with understood just as loud as him.

"Good. Glad we are on the same page. Now hit the showers. It smells like freshly gutted fish in here. Once yall are done come to the assigning table to receive your job for today."

After that, he and the other guards make their way back downstairs to the assigning table having already yelled at the inmates down there. Everyone gets out of line and starts going downstairs to the showers while some wait in their cells til the crowd goes down.

Prison Break || Yandere Harem x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now