Chapter 7

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The clock ticking in the background is driving me crazy as the warden looks at me closely. It made me feel like he was studying a new species and that species just so happens to be me.

"So y/n. Do you think I'm funny?"

I gave him a confused face as the warden sighed.

"Because I think you believe I'm a joke. I am not a person you want to cross y/n. With your crime, I could have you sent to death row with no rebuttal. You should be over the moon that I am being this merciful but don't mistake my mercy for kindness."

I gulped as the warden stands to his feet while shooting me a glare. He makes his way around the table towards me before yanking my chair back and turning it to face him.

"If you wish to die please do tell me so I can have you escorted out. It wouldn't bother me at all. One less mouth to feed, one less convict to beat, and one less miserable disgusting bag of flesh wondering this beautiful earth."

His glare hardens as I feel small and practically worthless in his presence. It reminds me of the time I met my commander. All the other soldiers hated me but not my commander. He made me a promise. He made me believe in dreams again. He gave me hope amidst all of the hate. This warden is the complete opposite. He is like the soldiers all over again but worst and without the guidance of my commander.

I and the warden continue our stare-off before the warden sighs and looks down at the floor. After scratching his neck he eventually looks back up at me.

"Help me, help you, that's all I'm asking Y/n. I know you're better than all of these other convicts. All you have to do is obey and stay out of trouble. If you do then maybe, just maybe, I'll let you out of here."

Liar. I'm a lot of things but a fool isn't one. No one leaves Silent Heights Correctional Facility unless it's through an execution van with chains wrapped around your neck and a muzzle over your mouth. I'm so glad I read the little files I was given about this prison before entering this world or else I would have fallen for his trick.

"What do you say y/n? Follow my rules and I'll let you leave this office unharmed and without punishment?"

The warden stuck his meaty hand out to initiate a handshake. I hesitated at first til I realized that it would be best to play his game if I want to win it. So I immediately shook his hand. The moment we shook hands the guards all came in and took me away as the warden watched unmoving with a sinister smile on his face. He thinks he won. Good.

I'm dragged back to my cell where I am greeted by Jessi. Once the guards throw me in with her and lock the door behind me Jessi immediately starts to bombard me with questions.

"Oh, sweetheart I was so worried. What happened? Are you ok? What did they do? Why did they touch you like that? Who was those girls you were with? Why didn't you just come to sit with me?"

Jessi continues to hyperventilate as she throws thousands of questions at me. She searches my body for any injuries.

"Jessi. Jessi! JESSI!"

Jessi finally stops.

"Relax. I'm okay, just a little beaten up is all."

Jessi sighs as she takes notice of some of the scratches on my face and my dirty uniform.

"You can't just go around fighting people like that honey. You don't have enough rep to be starting fights in this prison."

I looked down as Jessi gave me a disappointed look.


My head snapped up to look at Jessi.


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