Chapter Two: Longinus

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

     'I see only darkness and a bit of warmth until I hear a noise that's very familiar to me.' [Ring Ring Ring] I opened my eyes and sat up clutching my head as I thought, 'wow was that really just a dream it felt so surreal.' Then I heard someone call my name from downstairs "Jake come downstairs already or you'll be late for school!" I then got out of bed to get my clothes for school. After that I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and combed my messy wet hair. I ran downstairs to get my breakfast. My mom asked me "Why did you get out of bed so late? Are you alright?" She asked out of concern. I replied with "no mom I'm alright I just had a really bad dream, I'll be alright." "Okay Jake, well you better get to school fast or you'll be late." I said, "Okay mom, I love you." As I ran out the door I heard. "Okay Jake, I love you too."

—————————Scene Break—————————

     I got to school on time and in surprise I said, "Holy crap how did I get here on time I usually can't run this far without taking breaks but I took none." I said to myself in confusion. The school day was the same as it always has been, but I felt a little off being in school after the dream I had and that man with white hair and blue eyes leaning at the main entrance, but when I blinked he vanished. However I tried to put those feelings and thoughts in the back of my mind for now. I was walking home until I got a text from mom. 'Hey honey I won't be home until it's very late today, so I left some money on the counter for you to buy something from up the street at the grocery store.' I then sighed saying "Oh well can't help it. It makes me really sad that you have to work so much since dad died." I then typed back to her 'I love you and thank you mom.' I was about to go into my house as I felt my body stiffen like it said danger. I heard someone say, "hey Jake I'm glad you're alright now." I was really confused, but I didn't let my guard down. I turned around now looking at him. He had a really nice suit on. It was all black he had a nice black tie on with a white undershirt. He had a black goatee that looked well groomed. The most distinctive thing about this guy was that his hair was all black, except for his bangs they were gold in color. I stopped checking out what he looked like and said, "What do you mean by glad you're alright now like we met before." Then the stranger said,"This is gonna take awhile to explain to you, so can you let me in so I can tell you what I'm talking about." I got curious about what he was talking about so I said, "Yea alright come on in."

—————————Scene Break—————————

     "I guess I should start with who I am," the stranger said. "I am Azazel the Governor of the Fallen Angels." When he finished his sentence 12 jet black wings came out of his back. I fell out of my chair in shock as I said, "you mean the Azazel in the Bible and what do you mean you're a Fallen Angel?!" When I finished my sentence he started laughing at me. When he finished laughing at me I said with a depressed tone "you done laughing at me yet?" He replied with "yea kid your reaction was just hilarious I couldn't help myself." He then put on a serious expression and he explained what happened to me. "Look kid, you know the girl you went out with until she killed you?" I looked at him and said with confusion in my voice, " how do you know about my dream." He replied with "kid I need you to understand that wasn't a dream. It was real, she really killed you." Then I retorted with "then how do you explain this?" Pointing at myself, "how am I alive then?" That's when he said something that shocked me for the uptienth time, "I reincarnated you as Fallen Angel." I then shouted," YOU WHAT?!" He then explained even further. "I turned you into a Fallen Angel to save your life. If I didn't you would have died and that would be a waste." I asked "but how did you turn me into a Fallen Angel?" He said "I have a set of brave saints cards I got from a friend you'll hopefully meet in the future, but I'm the only one in the Fallen Angel race that possesses a brave saints deck." I asked the obvious question. "What is a brave saint?" He started saying "it's basically a system of reincarnation to rebuild our numbers over a recent war we had and it is used through a magical deck of cards like the ones you see in poker, but abit different." I replied with,"oh okay so what I'm getting at you reincarnated me into a Fallen Angel using these brave saints cards." He said "precisely and with each card there are benefits so I chose to reincarnate you as an Ace. The Ace is the most powerful card I can use on someone and it was barely enough to use it on you. Any other card didn't work. However the ace increases all attributes like speed, stamina, strength, magic." I then asked, "Wait, if you're the leader of the Fallen Angels then how was I a human barely able to be reincarnated by you, aren't you super powerful?" He then said "yes I am strong but you possess a powerful sacred gear and a lot of potential for the gear. The oddest thing is I can sense some dragon energy in you which can mean two things. Your half dragon or your sacred gear is making you produce dragon energy. I personally think it's the latter of the two." I then said "wait Yuma said something about sacred gear, what are they?" Azazel started explaining "look here the sacred gears were made by my father, you humans call him god." He continued to explain, "Sacred Gears range from fighting type, healing type, and support type. Then they're divided into classes, low class, mid class, and high class and then there are the sacred gears that can even kill gods." He paused cause he's an ass, I gulped and asked,"what are they called?" He said," the god slaying weapons LONGINUS Sacred Gears."


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

The White Dragon God EmperorOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara