Chapter Eight: Confession

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

I could be seen running as fast as I could while my Overbooster deactivates. "AKENO!" I got to her and held her up and said, "You're gonna be alright Akeno." I said with teary eyes. "ALBION I want to absorb the healing sacred gear, just do it." [I am really sorry partner, but I will not do that. Not because I can't but because it has a super high chance of killing you] I said in a furious tone, "I don't care what happens to me, just do it." My sacred gear deactivates its power [Reset] Albion then says [She's Fading just be with her in her final moments. She would want it for the man she loves] I then redirected my attention to Akeno not hearing what he said in his second sentence. Akeno started to talk weakly, "You know. I've never been able to have this much fun until I met you. I never had a friend to talk to or have fun with or go on missions with." I then said with teary eyes, "Yea and we'll be going on more soon and we'll hang out again." I said delusionally. Akeno, knowing that this is her final moment, said, "Please Jake I don't want to see you cry. I want you to be smiling even when times are tough." I then put on the best smile I could and said, "There. This is the best I can do for now, and I love you so much Akeno you're the best, most kindest person I've ever met." I said crying even further. She then put her hand up to my cheek and said, "I love you too Jake I loved you ever since me and you met, I felt that you accepted me as me and not as Barkiel's daughter." With one tear falling from her face she said, "Goodbye." Her hand fell onto the floor as her whole body went limp. I then held her tighter then said, "God why would you take her she was the kindest girl there ever was. Is it because I'm The White Dragon Emperor? Is that it? Take away all my power, just give her back!" I said while screaming and tears flowing freely." "My my what a predicament." I heard a man's voice come from the church door as I said angrily, "Who are you?!" The stranger introduced himself, "I am The Dragon of Dreams, Great red, The True Red Dragon God Emperor." He then continued, "I heard what you said about taking away all your power, but I have a deal and on your part you get benefits including bringing that girl back to life and your eye turning back to normal." I then said, "How do I know you're not lying?" Albion then cut in and said [Trust him Jake we dragons are beings of pride and believe lying to be beneath us, so he's definitely telling the truth and it's a pleasure to meet you Great Red] Great Red started talking, "Yes it's a pleasure to meet you again Albion. Back to business I offer a Dragon Peerage to you." I looked at him in confusion and said, "That doesn't exist." Great Red says, "With my ability [Distortion] I'm able to make things that are impossible possible. You will turn into a 99% Dragon and 1% Human and this will remove the need for a brave saints card so that will be deactivated and so you can keep your Sacred Gear your gonna be 1% human. And in return for what I have given you and reviving Fallen Angel girl, all I want in return is to help rebuild the Dragon Faction. That's it." I said, "That's it? You got a deal." He then gave me a chessboard like the one Rias had in her room but mine was different. I noticed it was a full set including the king piece which normal peerage pieces don't have. He then said, "Pick whatever piece you want her to have, they work like the devil's pieces." I then decided to use a Queen piece. He said "Repeat after me, I, Jake Nicholson, command you to come back from the realms of death, be my servant to build a new faction, rejoice for you have been given a new life." I said the phrase and the Queen piece went into her body and shined white. Great Red said, "Give it a moment." I waited and then Akeno finally woke up. I hugged her tightly and with teary eyes said, "You're back, you're finally back." Akeno hugged me and said, "It's okay I'm here I'm not leaving you anytime soon." Great Red then put a teleportation circle under both of us as we teleported into my room at the Grigori. Akeno and I decided to sleep together tonight. Great Red said, "I'll cya Jake."

—————————Scene Break—————————

I could be seen in bed with Akeno in my arms not wanting to budge. I just stayed in my bed for longer until I felt her move around and she said, "Well good morning Jake." I said, "Yea it is a good morning, because you're with me." She said, "Yea I missed you more than you think." We both chuckled and got up. I told Akeno to go to her room to get ready to meet Azazel today. She sighed and said, "Alright." I could be seen brushing my teeth after I got out of the shower. I heard a knock on the door and said, "I'll be there in a minute." I quickly put on some pants and a shirt and opened the door. I saw that it was Barkiel and he said, "Jake can I please come in?" I said, "Sure." With my toothbrush still in my mouth. "But first lemme finish brushing my teeth." When I was finished. Me and Barkiel were sitting down as I offered him some coffee and he said he was good. But then he did something unexpected. He got up and bowed to me and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you so much for saving my daughter this means the world to me. I also need to thank you for helping her out with her past. I know she grew distant ever since the incident with Shuri. However I'm grateful to you since she's beginning to open up to me some more when she got back to her room this morning." I then said, "No No No I didn't really do all that I just helped her through her rough times." He said, "You humbled yourself too much and just so you know I don't know anyone better to be with my daughter so I approve if you marry her in the future." I said with a shocked and flustered expression on my face, "When did you know?" "I knew when you first laid eyes on her and that she loved you back. When you two started talking to each other over your training and she said you professed your love to her yesterday." I covered my face in embarrassment and said, "I really don't know what to say about this. I'm embarrassed but I'm also happy, because she's the one that melted the ice around my heart after Yuma killed me. Without her I think I would be an empty shell that couldn't bare to live another day." Then I heard my door open as Akeno said with tears in her eyes, "Don't say that Jake I wouldn't want you to be an empty shell and have given up on life, because it makes me feel sad to hear the man I love say stuff like that." "Well it's true, but that won't happen because you are here and I won't let you ever be taken from me no matter what. Even if the gods themselves were to go against me and try to hurt you I will eliminate them." I said extremely coldly. She then said, "Didn't know you were possessive like this." I replied with, "Well for only the people I really care about like My mom, Azazel, Barkiel, and finally You." Then you hear, "Well ima leave you lovebirds alone cya I'm just a third wheel here." We both blushed as he left and we both shared a tender kiss.


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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