Chapter Seventeen: Sword Of Betrayer

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

Akeno and I woke up at 12 pm. Akeno said, "Dang Jake I'm sore from the mark you gave me along with other stuff." Author said, "whoa whoa whoa let's keep it pg-13 -ish." Akeno said, "Ugh fine, you're no fun." Jake said, "She's right you know, stop being a buzzkill." Author said, "Sorry no can do, carry on though this story is getting juicy." A tick mark appeared on Jake's head screaming up in the air with his fist raised, "IT WOULD'VE BEEN JUICIER IF YOU MINDED YOUR OWN BUSINESS." "Oh well deal with it." Jake then said, "I'm going to kill you one day." After Jake said that he calmed down as he breathed in and out and then he turned to Akeno and then he sees the fruit of his labor his dragon mark is now on top of Akeno's chest above her breasts.

" After Jake said that he calmed down as he breathed in and out and then he turned to Akeno and then he sees the fruit of his labor his dragon mark is now on top of Akeno's chest above her breasts

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Jake smirked as he pointed a finger at it saying, "Look something's right there what is it." Akeno looked down and Jake flicked his finger up. Akeno said, "That was really mean Jake." As she said this she pouted with fake anger. I then said, "You'll be fine." We tried to get up but Akeno said, "I'm still sore from last night." "Want me to carry you?" "That'll be nice." I then scooped up Akeno in a princess carry as I said, "We should go shower first." After said shower Akeno started feeling better after I healed her. I don't specialize in healing so it took awhile, but it was done. We then went out to the kitchen as I said, "Sit on the couch and watch some Netflix. I'll be making lunch since it's 12:53." "Okay." I finished making lunch and we ate it then I told Akeno, "I have something to do so I'll be going to the Grigori." "Alright have a safe trip."

——————Scene Break Irina's POV——————

"Damnit why is Xenovia and Kiba so fast." A psychotic voice said, "Isn't it past your bedtime little lady?!" "You, Siegfried." I got into a sword stance I learned from the church and had my mimic sword turn from an arm band to a katana. I charged forward to Siegfried as he just blocked it and then I tried a leg sweep and he jumped and avoided it. Siegfried said, "Excalibur Rapidly." Siegfried then had the speed of a knight which increases speed by ten times. I just got cutted down and I fell to the ground the last thing I heard before going unconscious was a dark commanding voice, "Leave her alive and take the Excalibur. She'll be perfect bait." I then blacked out.

——————Scene Break Akeno's POV——————

I wake up with Jake not at my side which kinda saddened me, but I knew it was important for him so I let it go. I got in the shower to get all cleaned up. Then I got dressed in our uniform and I was not happy, it was Monday today. I opened my door and I saw Asia making breakfast for us saying that, "I've always wanted to learn how to cook do you think you could help me Akeno?" "Sure but I'll have to do it in our free time we got school soon." "Sure" she said excitedly. We walked into the school a couple of students were shocked that Jake wasn't there beside me. I heard them saying, "Yes she finally left The King of Kuoh." That was Jake's nickname after we transferred here and I liked the name. We both entered the classroom and two girls came after me, "Dish, what happened between you and Jake. Did you guys really break up?" "No we didn't break up, we're actually closer than ever Ashley. Also Jake went back to America for a little while, because he had friends and family he wanted to visit." Katie then said, "Well why didn't he take you?" "He offered but me and Asia refused. We wanted to still go to school and didn't want to burden him." Thankfully they both bought it. I can't tell him he went to the Grigori. I'll look crazy. Class after that continued normally until it was the end of the day and Rias called for an ORC meeting and me and Asia went in.

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