Chapter Thirteen: Visitors

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

I could be seen sitting at my desk in my house staring at my kings piece. I was communicating with Albion. 'Hey Albion why do you think Great Red told me not to absorb the Dragon King Piece?' [I don't know partner. But I think it may have repercussions if you use it right now, because you're probably too weak. I don't know exactly you would have to ask Great Red himself] 'Yea you're right Albion. But do you think he'll show up soon it's been 1 month since I saw him back at the church when he gave me this piece.' [I think he'll show up soon, because he's invested in you. Not in a weird way it's because you gave up being a Fallen Angel to be a Dragon of your own volition. That's frankly unheard of] 'Yea well I didn't really have a choice either my pride or Akeno's life it's an easy decision. Would you do the same for your mate before you were sealed?' [I would struggle with the decision but eventually I would make my decision it would be my mate, and my mate was also a dragon. She died during the Great War giving birth to our hatchlings. You look like her too] 'Really!?' I thought in shock. 'You're telling me you would think about it and not let it be instinctual.' [Its not my fault I was too into fighting Ddraig that I kept training even when it was tough when I was in my heat. I ignored most of my instinct to mate but I did mate with her] 'Wow. You're the biggest asshole I've ever met.' [You're one to talk you're still a virgin, you hatchling] I then stopped him, 'At least I'm with a women, at least I'm dating and giving attention to her and I'm not gonna be a virgin for long. What do you mean by me being a hatchling? I'm 17.' [Isn't it obvious it's, because you just became a dragon that makes you a hatchling in our world] 'Makes sense anyway I think I'm gonna go train, so I'll leave you the tv in my dreamscape.' [You really need to watch more movies I've already watched them all already] 'You know what that's a good idea. I'm just gonna take Akeno on a date and I'll make sure to remember the movie for you.' [Thanks] I then woke up from my dreamscape and looked around and saw Akeno reading a book on my bed. "Hey Akeno you wanna go out on a date today." Akeno blushed as she said in embarrassment, "What are you talking about don't just ask me go out on a date all of a sudden look at me I'm not dressed in any good clothes I don't look good right now." "Nonsense your beautiful no matter what you wear." "Please let's not do it today I'm not ready." She said in a higher pitched and embarrassed voice." I said, "Then how about this Friday?" "Akeno then said, "Yea that sounds alright with me." I then felt my phone vibrate as I pulled it out I said, "It's Rias." I answered it. "Hello Rias how are you?" "I'm doing good how are you?" "I'm good I'm here with Akeno." I then put my phone on speaker as Rias said, "Oh hey Akeno." "Hi Rias." I then spoke "So Rias what do you want me for?" "Well since Akeno is here this go both of you. My brother would like you to enroll in the school I'm at right now." I then asked, "Oh it depends on where it is." Rias said, "It's in Japan. The school is called Kouh Academy. You'll already have a house there's enough for you, your mom and Akeno." "Sounds good I'm going to ask my mother. Akeno what about your father?" "He's fine with anything if I'm with you." "Rias I'll get back to you this afternoon." She then said, "Alright. Have a good morning you two." Me and Akeno said, "Cya and have a good morning."

—————————Scene Break—————————

I am currently walking downstairs with me carrying Akeno princess carry, because I spoil her too much. "Akeno why am I carrying you again?" "Because you love me." I sighed, "Can't really mess with that logic. Get on your feet when I'm downstairs, because I don't want my mom to embarrass me." "Oh little old Jake embarrassed I can't wait to see." I was half way down the stairs and I smirked and said, "Oh really." I opened my arms and she fell down the stairs. I never laughed so much in my life. "Aaaaaahhaaa ha ha." I even almost suffocated from laughing to hard. "Jake that was really mean." "What you mean mom? I heard you snickering when you saw her laying flat on the floor." "I'm still here Jake and you hurt my feelings and not to mention my back." "You'll live. Anyways mom can me and Akeno talk about an important matter to you?" "Sure Jake." Me, my mom and Akeno were sitting at the dining room table. "So what do you want to talk about Jake?" "Well a friend of mine wanted to invite us to a school in Japan called Kuoh Academy." "Jake you realize we'll be moving right? I don't have a house picked or nothing and we don't have enough money to move overseas." Akeno started talking, "The house we'll be living in has already been picked out and bought by Rias's brother. He will also be covering all of the expenses to get there. Rias already gave me the flight tickets to go there." "Wait, if Rias is in Japan and we're in America how do you know each other and supposedly meet?" I said, "She was visiting America and we ran into her and we helped her out with her tour of America. We got to know each other and became friends. I saved Rias from getting hit by a car accident. Her brother was very thankful. So much so that he wanted for us to live there and take classes with his sister for some reason. Saying something about Kuoh Academy was a prestigious institution." Then my mom said, "If he's paying for it then I don't care, let's move." Akeno and I then went to my room and she said, "That was a very good excuse." "Well I thought of something on the spot and it was easier thanks to being able to think and process anything within a couple of nanoseconds. Thanks to being a dragon." I pushed in my drawer and walked over to Akeno and asked what she was packing away. "Hey Akeno, is there anything else you're packing away?" She then smirked and pulled something out of her suitcase. "Yea this." I was shocked and couldn't say anything. I snapped out of my stunned phase and said, "Aren't you embarrassed to pull your really daunting underwear out and show it to me? I forgot your clothes were in my room." Akeno said, "I'm not embarrassed in the slightest Jake. I love you so I don't really care what you see." I then blushed and said, "Well I hope that's not just what your bringing." "Im bringing my pictures and the necklace you gave me. What are you bringing Jake?" "I'm not bringing anything exceptional just clothes and the rest in my dimensional storage." "Makes sense."

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