Chapter Three: Divine Dividing

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

I responded by saying, "You act like I know what a Longinus Sacred Gear is." Azazel responded with, "Yea for now you don't need to know other than that they're super powerful." Then I ask the question I wanted to ask ever since he spoke about reincarnating me,"Well what is going to happen to me. Do I have a choice to do anything?" "Azazel responded with, "Well for now I would like you to come with me to the Grigori for you to train, so we can find out which sacred gear you possess." I then asked, "How will I explain this to my mom?" He responded with laughter,"You're a really funny kid, it's easy, I'll just cast an illusionary spell on her to make her think you're doing your daily routine while you're training with me." I sighed as I said" Okay fine but I will visit my mom 3 times a week." I said with determination. Azazel knew that he would not win the argument, because of the look in my eyes. He said, "That's fine with me, it'll give you more determination to train harder. Now where is your mother?" I replied, "She's at work right now, you can make yourself comfortable in my house for now." Then he said, "Do you guys have beer in here?" He asked with excitement. I sighed and pointed at the fridge. "Go get some beer you drunk." He yelled at me saying "hey I don't drink that often maybe like 3 to 5 times a day." I teased him with an insult, "I bet you even go daydrinking." He then looked at me shocked while saying, "Wait how do you know about that? I mean I don't know what you're talking about." I sighed again "bro that line is only good if you're in a movie or a romance tv show when you're getting caught doing something bad."

—————————Scene Break—————————

It's been 2 hours since I let Azazel in my house and I finally heard the noise I was waiting for what felt like an eternity. "Hey mom, how was work?" She replied with, "well I'm stressed since Elly dropped all her work on me again." I then gave my mom a hug while saying thank you for working so hard for me and if you don't want Elly to drop all that work on you then you should report it to your boss." She said, "Maybe you're right." She said with a sigh, "ima go get a beer." She walked to the fridge and to her horror she saw that the box of beer was gone and she looked around to see a man on the couch. She started yelling at me, "Jake why in god's name would you let a stranger in our house!" She yelled. I then said to Azazel, "do it." The thing I heard next was my mom's body collapsing to the ground. I then spoke to her " I'm sorry mom I'll be going away for a while I love you." Azazel spoke up, "there I erased her memory of me and placed the illusionary spell on her. Now let's go Jake to your new home for at least a little while."

—————————Scene Break—————————

We teleported to the Grigori walking through the hallway that honestly didn't look as bad as I thought it would be for a Fallen Angel base. It looked more like an office than anything else. I followed Azazel and I heard hello's from the other Fallen Angels. "Hello Azazel." "What's up Governor." Stuff like that, but when we stopped walking we reached an elevator Azazel started to explain what the elevator is and the different floors are on the elevator. Azazel started explaining, "The first and second floor are both office spaces. The third floor is the dining hall or what you would call a cafeteria. The fourth floor is the training room where you can train in many different rooms to your heart's content. It's also where you'll be the most. The fifth and sixth floor is where people sleep and do their daily necessities. The seventh floor is the lab where me and Shimize the vice governor of the Fallen Angels, do our research. There's the eighth floor is where we keep all our knowledge and research. You need a certain clearance to access more top secret information. Then there's the ninth floor it's mine and Shimize's office's. Now it's time to go to floor four."

—————————Scene Break—————————

We are currently going up to floor four and I asked, "What are we gonna do?" Azazel looked at me seriously and said, "I want you to focus where in your body you feel strongest. I looked at him in confusion and said, "Alright." I started to focus really hard on where I felt the strongest, but then it hit me. "Um Azazel I don't know where I feel strongest." He then said, "Try focusing on one of your arms or your back, because most sacred gear is on the arms or sometimes back. This sometimes helps you know where you feel strongest." I nodded then tried to focus all of my energy on my right arm nothing happened, then I tried my left still nothing, then I tried to do it on my back, but still nothing happened until I see a blue light coming from behind me and I said, "what's with this light Azazel?" Azazel however was shocked not that I actually summoned my sacred gear but what it was. He grew a grin on his face then started laughing. In the middle of him laughing he started to say, "This must be a joke right? I got this lucky (laughing) you have a Longinus class sacred gear!" After he calmed down I asked him, "Azazel you said I have a Longinus sacred gear what does that mean?" He pointed at my back and said, "take a look for yourself." I looked at my back and noticed a pair of white metallic dragon wings on my back, with eight blue energy "feathers". "What the hell are these?!" Azazel started saying, "It is the mid class Longinus sacred gear Divine Dividing. The powers of the wings work like this, if you have physical contact with someone you divide their power in half every ten seconds. The energy you halved transfers to you, but the power you gained will go away after you expend the extra energy or the sacred gear deactivates, due to the limits to how much power you are able to take. You take too much power and there are consequences. Your sacred gear may even take your life if you take too much." I then said, "holy shit I could kill myself by taking too much power." Azazel reassured me by saying, "You won't have to worry about that, because I'll make you strong enough to where you won't have to worry about that in a fight, plus you would have to steal someone's energy from the top tens to kill you." He said but then he facepalmed as he said, "I forgot to tell you the basic things of sacred gears and your sacred gear specifically every sacred gear evolves to the wishes and will of its current host and changes to fit their will and your sacred gear can gain power for a short time due to intense emotions maybe evolve even further. Now for your sacred gear, your sacred gear is special, because it possesses a dragon in it called Albion. He is one of the heavenly dragons; the other one is also in a sacred gear called the boosted gear; the heavenly dragon that is sealed in it is called Draig. Ddraig and Albion are rivals even when they were alive they battled each other whenever wherever. It took all 3 factions to seal them away, however the factions are also another story for another day. But to make it simple you have a sacred gear similar to other one and the two of you are fated to fight to death." I then said in exasperation, "Wow that's a lot to take in so what your saying my sacred gear has a dragon in it and there's another gear like mine I have to fight the owner of it to the death?" I repeated this his only words were, "Yup." Azazel started saying, "Now since you activated the gear all you need to do is deactive it and when you want to activate it. It'll be much easier anyway. Get some rest in your room. Your training starts tomorrow. I want you down here at 8am." When he finished he gave me a card and said, "Your room is on the sixth floor room 2047." I replied with, "Alright" as I said that I deactivated my sacred gear. I went to my room, cleaned myself up and went to bed.


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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