Chapter Thirty Two: The Curse Of The Drive

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

—————Kuroka's POV—————

I'm walking home and it's pretty late at night as I went to the grocery store to buy some energy drinks for Bikou and candy for Ophis. 'I wonder why Bikou wants energy drinks. All he said is that he needed them badly. Ophis on the other hand I already know, she has a sweet tooth.' I got tired of walking down the street so I went into an alleyway and teleported to the house.

———-Scene Break Jake's House———

"I'm home." Cao Cao was the first to greet me as he said, "Hey Kuroka you're back early from your little errand." "Yea well I didn't feel like walking back, so I teleported." "That's weird, you like walking so why teleport." "Like I said I didn't feel like it." Ophis showed up after hearing us talk. Ophis said, "Did you get me my candy." "Yes I did, here you go." I gave the bag I was holding to Ophis as I took out one can of boost energy drink." Ophis starts chowing down on some of the candy. Also the bag was really heavy. She's eating it like she never saw food before. I was slightly stunned by this but then I continued talking with Cao Cao, "So how is Jake doing while I was gone?" "He's doing fine but he said another sentence." This piqued my interest. "Well what did he say?" "I wrote it down on a notepad." Cao Cao pulled a notepad out of his dimensional storage, "Here." I read it, "Saraan Fah Zu'u Akeno Zu'u Fen Sarenk Hi?" Me and him look at each other as we both know Jake was saying something about Akeno. "Well that's a good or bad sign, hopefully good." Cao Cao nodded in agreement as he said, "It's hopefully good." I just sigh as I go to sit down on the couch but I notice a little dragon sleeping there. 'Never knew Ophis sleeps, the more you know. And how did she go to sleep so fast.' I went over to the bar and as I looked into the mini fridge instead of the regular fridge I saw some drinks which say, 'Don't touch Jake's stash.' I then thought, 'Well I don't think he'll mind but that leaves a big question what are these.' I opened the little ampule and I sniffed them. It smells of alcohol. 'Might as well try it.' I chugged the whole ampule aaaannnddd. Bleeeeccc. I threw up. "That is so nasty who would drink that." I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and cleaned up the mess. 'Note to self don't drink Jake's stuff.' "Speaking of Jake I should go find him and work on his healing." I walked over to Jake's room and the room was empty so I decided to find someone who might. I walked over to Ophis and asked her, "Hey Ophis, do you know where Jake went?" She shakes her hand indicating no. I walked over to Cao Cao and asked him, "Yea Arthur said he wanted to try reaching his psyche with his Excalibur." I had a worried look on my face as I ran towards Arthur's room as I then felt holy energy surging in his room. I slammed the door open as I screamed, "Arthur what on God's green—." I clutched my head as a sharp pain shot through it. "Ow. Arthur, what are you doing to Jake?!" Arthur said in a monotone voice, "I'm using Excalibur Ruler to see if I can reach Jake and bring him back." I ask, "Do you think it can work?" I was getting desperate at this point. I would do practically anything to get him back. Arthur says, "I have no idea if it'll work or not, it has a low chance of working." Arthur then pierces Jake with Excalibur Ruler he then commands, "Jake I order you to wake up." Arthur waited for a bit.... Nothing happened. Albion then manifested himself as he suggested [Why don't you command him to let me enter his Mindscape I can't talk to him since I'm not in his soul anymore ever since I was disconnected] I said, "That's a good idea let's do it." Arthur removes Excalibur Ruler and then pierces the blue orb on the back of Jake's hand. "Albion I command you to enter Jake's Mindscape." Nothing happened again. [It didn't work] Arthur then removed and pierced Jake on the arm this time as he commanded again, "Give entry to the other soul in your body to enter your Mindscape." This time Albion was shocked [A portal is opening on my side and I can go through, you did something Arthur good job. For now we should stop here so we don't have any adverse effects] However as they celebrated Jake began eluding an aura so dark it absorbed light around it like the Juggernaut Drive in a split second Excalibur Ruler was shattered completely. There were thousands of pieces of the sword all over the ground and then Jake said in a deep and demonic voice.

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