Chapter Thirty: Summer Is Over

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

Asia pulls out her key and unlocks the door as she opens it she says, "Hello? Anyone home?" She then fully opens the door and walks in and she doesn't see anyone. "Looks like no one is home." Asia then waved at the group to come in and they did. Asia then said, "You guys can pick a room that doesn't have our name on it but Kuroka you can just stay with Jake." Kuroka said, "Speaking of Jake." She went around and got in front of Jake and she said, "You hungry?" Jake didn't respond. "You thirsty?" Jake made a little bit of movement. "Alright, hey Asia can you get some water." "Sure." Cao Cao then said, "Well I'm going to go find my room." Arthur said, "I agree." Ley Fe said, "I want to go too." Bikou however said, "I'm going to look around the town for some food. I'll look at my room when I'm back." Bikou then walked out of the door. Asia got Jake's water and she said, "Here Kuroka." "Thanks." Kuroka then gave Jake the water but when Jake was finished it he said, "Kolos Los Rek." When Jake said this Asia and Kuroka paused. Kuroka was wide eyed and got closer to Jake and said, "Jake are you there?" Asia then asked, "Do you know what he said?" "Not a clue." "You know someone who might?" "Arthur." Kuroka then went to find Arthur and it wasn't that hard when she went the way they went. "Arthur where are you?" Ley Fe shouted, "We're over here." Kuroka got to the room they were in and Kuroka said, "Jake said something." Everyone was surprised and Cao Cao said, "Well what he say." "I don't know thats why I wanted to ask Arthur if he knows what it means." Arthur then said, "What is it?" "I think he said Coolos Los Wreck." Arthur then thought and said, "I don't know that language so I can't help." Cao Cao said, "Know anyone who does?" Arthur shook his head and said, "I don't." Kuroka then looked disheartened as she heard this and she went back to Jake as she sees he's still in the wheelchair. Kuroka then said, "Please Jake we need to you to wake up."

—————Scene Break Inside Jake——————

I'm currently in school with an empty classroom. I said, "Well where should I go the arcade or the the..." Jake looked down and said, "Where do I want to go?" I then got my bag and left the classroom. As I went to the door I felt something weird behind me. "Who's there!" I turn around and no one. At least no one I can see. Well I guess I can go home. I got on the subway as there is only one on board and that's me. Im almost at my house I open my door as I say, "Im home." The area around me transforms to the Church as I recognize it my eyes widen in shock as I see Akeno, "Goodbye." The world around me turns to black as I begin to cry and scream, "Aaaaah Aaaaaaaahh Aaaah." Then a scene appears in front of me. Loki coated his hand in his aura and shoved it through Akeno's chest and her eyes widened as his hand came out the other side of her chest holding her heart as he then crushed it. He then took his hand out of her chest as she then fell to the ground in front of Jake. Jake eyes widened as he said in shock, "A-Akeno." Akeno looked at Jake and said, "Sorry, but it looks like it's over for me." I start crying as I then say, "We must have some phoenix tears somewhere." She then said, "Jake don't bother I won't make it, I just want to spend the time I have left here with you." I then held her head up slightly as I said, "Akeno you can't leave me like this." Akeno then whispered something in Jake's ear, "I love you Jake don't forget me." She then went limp. Jake then clutches his head as he screams even more, "Aaaaaah Aaaaahh Aaaaaaaah. AAAAAAAAH AAAAAAH AAAAAAAHH." The scene that happened in front of him vanishes into the darkness as another appears. Jake in his Juggernaut Drive holds up his mother and Azazel. He says, "DIE." He squeezes them and they end up spewing blood all over his arm and then the scene changes to Jake's Juggernaut Drive shrinking into his human form with his back turned to Jake, he turns his head and smiles at Jake. Jake noticed the lifeless bodies behind evil Jake as he sees Asia, Xenovia, Rias, Kiba, Irina, Eric, Sona, Sachi, Koneko, Kuroka, Arthur, Cao Cao, Le Fey, Bikou, Ophis, and Great Red. "AAAAAH AAAAH AAAAAH AAAAAHH PLEASE NO MORE PLEASE STOP." Juggernaut Drive Jake turns around and says, "You're Next." The scene vanishes as Jake curls into a fetus position and says, "Please stop it I can't... I can't take it anymore."

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