Chapter Eighteen: Blue Light

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

"It's The Sword Of Betrayer. A sword bested with both holy and demonic powers try and stop me." Valper starts talking, "A holy devil sword is impossible. Two opposing elements cannot mix together, something like that is an aberration." Xenovia starts walking next to Kiba saying, "Talk to me knight of Rias Gremory. Are the two of us still fighting on the same side?" "I'd like to think we are." "I have a thought then. Why don't we destroy that Excalibur together." "Are you sure?" "I understand that what we're technically dealing with is a holy sword but there's nothing holy about that." "Agreed." Xenovia then shoves her sword of destruction in the ground so it stays there as she begins to chant, "Oh Peter Oh Besileis And Dianices. And The Blessed Virgin Marry. I Ask You To Please Hear My Prayers." Xenovia then puts up her right arm to the side and a holy magic circle appears and a Gold and Blue greatsword starts to come out covered in chains. Xenovia then reaches for the handle as she continues the chant, "In The Name Of The Saint Living Within This Blade." Xenovia grabs the handle and the chains start to break as she continued the chant, "I Hereby Set You Free." All the chains shatter as she pulls it out. "This is called Durandal." She says while getting in a fighting stance with the sword. Akeno then says, "It's a holy sword which is on par with Excalibur. It's said to cut anything in this world." Valper then said, "That's impossible my research didn't go into how to use Durandal no one should be able to wield that thing." Xenovia then says, "You're wrong. Unlike Kiba or Irina. I'm one of the rare born naturals." "One who is perfectly suitable also known as a true holy sword user." "This kiddo cuts anything it touches to pieces and he doesn't always listen to me either. Besides that he's infinitely dangerous if not stored in another dimension." Siegfried says, "I don't believe you." He then commands his sword to use the power of mimicry to extent the Excalibur's blade. Xenovia smacks the blade away and swings again and breaks the mimicry tip. "Damn I hate a hell of a plot twist." Xenovia jumps up to slash down and says, "You have simply a broken holy sword it's no match for my Durandal." "Kiss my ass." Siegfried uses Excalibur rapidly to dodge and says while in the air, "You know what I don't think I like you." Kiba jumps up to hit him and said, "The feeling's mutual." They both begin to fight, clash, and give each others blows until Kiba slashes his sword in half and Siegfried said, "Noo my sword broke." His Excalibur was in pieces now. "Are you fucking kidding me?! How could I be taken out by lame devil scum. No." then a holy slash was left on his body and he fell to the ground and blacked out. Kiba said, "Yes, did you see our powers overcame Excalibur." Valper starts talking, "How is this possible in theory the fusion of holy and devil is uh-." Kiba then faced Valper who flinched then he realized something, "Yes, I understand now if the balance between holy and devil powers is disrupted it could be possible. Which means not only the devils kings but also go-." Valper didn't finish his sentence and died on the spot from Kokabiel throwing a light spear through him.

——————Scene Break Akeno's POV——————

"Oh Valper. You really were talented. Unfortunately you weren't supposed to figure that part out." Rias piped up and said, "Okay Kokabiel what are you up to." "I'm destroying everything I find tedious. Now I'm even more bored than before." Then you hear a random voice run up towards them. "Hi I'm the reinforcement you guys called in." Kokabiel said, "Oh and who are you?" "I'm The Red Dragon Emperor. My name is Eric." Eric is currently wearing normal fight clothes from the church that consist of black battle gear and that's it. "Kokabiel I'm taking you down." "Oh you better make this interesting for me." "Let's go, Ddraig." [Yea I'll back your move partner] a red gauntlet appeared on Eric's left hand. It was mainly red but the gems were green and the tiny spikes on the gauntlet looked yellow. [Boost] "If you want something interesting Kokabiel you wouldn't mind waiting for me to power up now would you?" "Not at all but I want to deal with some grunts first." "Very well." Rias then nodded and told Xenovia and Kiba to fight Kokabiel for some time. Xenovia ran straight after Kokabiel who went straight to the ground as he said, "Come at me." Xenovia and Kiba tried to slash his sides while he blocked it with relative ease with light swords and then Koneko jumped up behind him to attack him but before she hit him he unfurled his wings and sharpened them and attacked them. [Boost] Kiba, Xenovia, and Koneko get blasted back by his attack. Kiba got up first and Kiba shouted, "SWORD BIRTH." Kiba summoned 10 swords to attack him at all sides. He unfurled his wings to block the attack. The sword hit him and nothing happened, then he used his wings to destroy the swords. Kiba then rushed at him and swung to his right side. He caught his blade. Kiba summoned a sword in his left hand and swung at his left side. He caught it. [Boost] "Is this the best you can do?" Kiba then summoned a third sword in his mouth and slashed him. This time his attack connected. Kiba was pushed back by a shockwave as Kokabiel said, "You cut me." Kiba was on the floor when Kokabiel shot a ball of light with a purple ring on the ball. Xenovia then dragged her sword through the dirt to have momentum to hit his attack. Xenovia struggles but ends up cutting through his attack. Screaming while doing it. [Boost] Kokabiel starts laughing as he says, "Why are you still fighting when you lost your master?" Xenovia had a shocked expression when he said that so she asked, "Kokabiel what do you mean by lost your master." "Oh that just slipped right out. Didn't it." "Answer me." Kokabiel starts laughing then says, "I guess I am starting a war so it's no use keeping this a secret. In the 3 way war God actually died along with The 4 Great Devil Kings." Xenovia had a shocked expression as she said, "No it can't be true." Rias then said, "No it can't be." Rias then shouted, "That's ludicrous. I've never heard of such a thing." Kokabiel starts talking, "Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. Pure Angels after the war were so hard to come by and Pure Devils are also just as hard to find. After the war we had to depend on humans for our races to survive." Asia then asked, "Then where is all the love we get from our prayers coming from?" "Micheal has been playing as a substitute for his father. If the system remains then basic prayers and exorcism still works." Xenovia then says, "So Micheal has been playing as God's agent." Asia faints and Xenovia notices and says, "It's a natural reaction. I'm even surprised that I can even think straight." "Now look I couldn't care any less about that. But when those devil kings and god died." Kokabiel starts screaming, "IT WAS DECIDED TO STOP THE WAR. WHY WOULD THEY STOP WHEN IT WAS JUST GETTING FUN. EVEN AZAZEL SAID THERE WOULD NEVER BE ANOTHER WAR. WHAT THE FUCK." Kokabiel calms down and stops screaming as he says, "Because of this it would make sense that an aberration like the holy devil sword would appear. With that said God has been dead for a long time." [Boost] [Explosion] [Partner we reached an optimal strength for fighting] "Alright Kokabiel time to die." "Huh you kill me. That's funny from a human." "Hey red haired girl, come over here." Rias walks over to him and he says, "Alright you're fighting him." Eric then grabs Rias's hand and before she fights it, "Alright Ddraig Transfer." [Transfer] "There, I gave you my multipliers so fight him." Rias's power started to flare as her red aura sprouted out around her with a green overglow around her red aura. Then she shot a black beam with a red outline at Kokabiel. Kokabiel blocked the beam with his wings and as it got shot at him he started speaking, "Ahaha fascinating, your power is on par with that of your big bad brother little girl." After Rias finally let up on the beam Kokabiel spoke again, that was fascinating. Your power is almost as good as Sirzech. That's how powerful you can be with just a little bit of The Red Dragon Emperor inside you." Now I want to fight that boy. Eric starts talking, "Yea come on and fight me Kokabiel." "As you wish little boy." "Alright Draig let's do this." [Alright Partner] "OVERBOOSTER" [Welsh Dragon OverBooster] Eric's Overbooster starts to take shape looking like Jake's Overbooster but less flashy.

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