Chapter Twenty One: Fight For Freedom

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

——————Scene Break Vali's POV———————

     I am floating above the school using my Divine Dividing wings. "Tonight's finally the night. All the higher ups are gathering to discuss the most boring issues to be discussed." I then look to my right and saw a small girl with long black hair standing on an electric post. She then said, "There's nothing left in this boring world to interest me." I then said, "Ophis?" "Vali." Ophis then teleported in a blink of an eye to my right sitting on top of a roof. Ophis then said, "That is what you always say." "That's right, there's nothing left in this boring world to interest me."

——————Scene Break Eric's POV——————

     It's now sunset and a barrier is now surrounding the school. I hear a knock at the door and I hear, "May we come in?" I then see Rias and her team come in as I'm standing behind ArchAngel Michael. Then Rias and her group walks over to the right side of the room to be behind their king. Then you hear Sirzech talk, "Everyone's here. This is my sister Rias and her retainers. They're the ones who fought against Kokabiel in his surprise attack. A few days ago." ArchAngel Michael then says, "That is a rather impressive feat. I thank each one of you for all your hard work." Azazel then says, "Once again I apologize. It seems one of my boys caused you a bit of trouble." Sirzechs then says, "Now that all the participants are represented, let this summit commence." I didn't bother listening to what Rias was saying. It was something about the incident about Kokabiel. Then Sirzech says, "Perhaps the Governor General Of The Fallen Angels would care to share his opinion about the report?" "Kokabiel went rogue. Therefore my thoughts on the incident are irrelevant." Michael then says, "So he acted entirely on his own?" "Well he never had my permission if that's what you're asking. But something tells me the damn fool wouldn't destroy the whole town if he knew I was staying here. I've grown quite fond of this quiet little place." Sirzech then says, "Try to stay on topic if you please." "I sent The White Dragon Emperor in to resolve the issue and the culprit is I don't know where but I'm sure he would like to elaborate." "I interrogated him and when I was done I froze him solid for all eternity. He won't bother you again." Michael then says to Azazel, "But I find most troubling about the attack itself. It seems he was unsatisfied with the current status quo." "Yea but we're in a tight spot because he wanted perpetual war. But at this late stage in the game I have no desire for war." Serafall then said, "The seeds of discontent." "Hphm that behavior isn't exclusive to my faction." Sirzech then says, "Again I ask that we stay focused on the matter at hand. After all that is why we convened here." "Spare the verbosity won't you. Let's just make peace and be done with it." Everyone was shocked except for me Akeno and the Great powers and Vali. "That's the purpose of this grand summit isn't it? Of course it is. Our perpetual three way stalemate is getting rather old and hardly doing this world any favors. I assume we're all in agreement on that?" Michael then says, "God and the Devil King are gone. Both of our war generals have been annihilated." Azazel then said, "We have a complication. Once again it's not even our three powers, but these forces are equally if not more destructive are The White and The Red Dragon Emperors. So I'd like to hear their thoughts." Vali then says, "All I want, is to fight someone as strong as me." "Yes but you can still find a lot of powerful opponents without resorting to war." "I suppose." "And you Red Dragon Emperor. Thoughts?" "All I want to do is protect my new friends that I've made. That's all I want to use this power for." Michael then turned to Eric who is now in front of the Rias group, "Red Dragon Emperor do you still have a question you want to ask me?" "I do, although I didn't think you would remember that." "I made a promise." "Alright you weren't fair to Asia or Xenovia. I want to know why you kicked them both out of the church. They love God more than anyone, especially Asia." "After God was destroyed only the system remained. The only thing we had to keep the faith was our power to still administer divine protection, mercy, and miracles. Even with me as the center the church is barely functioning right now. Consequently there was a need to get rid of anything. That could affect the system." "So you had to. I mean Asia could heal devils and fallen angels on top of humans." "Indeed, the faith of believers are the reason we in heaven exist, a threat to the system is a threat to our survival. Therefore anything that could be negatively affected had to be removed." Xenovia then said, "Of course that's why I suffered the same fate as Asia along with others who found out the truth." "Exactly it was unfair you were hardly heretics we should have discovered another way. I ask for your forgiveness." "Apology accepted Chief Michael I understand. I grew up in the church so I must admit I do have a few regrets but to be honest I'm more than happy to serve under Lady Rias as a devil." Asia then stepped forward as she said, "As am I and I'm so much happier as a devil. I've met people who I cherish who also care about me." "Both of you have forgiving spirits and I am grateful for that." Azazel then says, "Oh right I've heard of her. Wasn't one of my underlings responsible for killing you." "Yes." "Then I am sorry. I take full responsibility. So to atone I will satisfy you in a way only I can." We then hear a sudden crash. A giant magic circle is covering the school yard and it's in the air higher than the school. I then said, "Who are those freaks?" Serafall then says, "They're magicians." They began to kill all of the troops at an alarming rate. We then begin to talk about what's going on and 1 minute later all our guards outside are gone. Vali then says, "Don't even try teleporting out because there's a barrier here that prevents that along with that giant teleportation circle." Azazel then says, "Since there's nothing to do right now why don't you upset their ranks some seeing The White Dragon Emperor might do the trick." Vali then stops leaning on the wall as his Sacred Gear Divine Dividing comes out, "Of course." Vali then jumps out the window as he starts flying above the magicians then stops when he reaches an optimal height, "Here we go. Balance Break." [Vanish Dragon... Balance... Breaker]

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