Chapter Fifteen: Holy Sword Project

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

     "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE EXCALIBUR FOR WHAT IT DID TO ME!" "Watch out boy before your pretty face gets stuck that way." I then shouted, [Holy Eraser] the stranger then said, "Yea nice try but this is pure holy energy you can't erase it with a holy energy drain sword. By the way I'm Siegfried, the man who's gonna exorcize you." I just said, "Shut. Up. I only used the holy eraser to make sure that sword was real now that I confirmed it. You gave me the license to destroy it." Siegfried then just pointed his sword up and swung it in the air pushing his aura into the sword. He then said, "Time to die." He ran at Kiba and swung at him with a downward slash. I dodged it and tried a leg sweep to catch him off balance but he jumped. "Nice try devil but you'll have to try harder. I then came at him and threw some mud in his face. He said, "That's playing dirty." I then shouted, "That's what devils do." I swung at him, he dodged and got the mud off of his face. A green magic circle appeared on Seigfried's ear as he said, "Oh shit." He then looked at me and said, "Well that was fun but I gotta go, that's all folks." "No Siegfried, get back here." Siegfried then pulled a small ball off of his exorcist jacket and threw it on the ground as a flash of light illuminated the area and Siegfried was gone. Kiba then looked down and walked away.

——————Scene Break Jake's POV———————

     I was looking through the photo book Kiba was looking at and I said, "Here." I was pointing at the photo. "Kiba said that was a holy sword." And he also said something when I went to talk to him about destroying Excalibur." Then Rias took the photo and said, "Yes Kiba was right, that is a holy sword but not as powerful as Excalibur but it probably reminded him of the Project." Akeno then asked, "What Project are you talking about Rias." I said, "Makes sense why you don't know because it was buried and became classified information. I had the chance to look at the file." I sighed and started the explanation. "There was this man that wanted to make artificial holy sword wielders so he made a project to have the goal of making an artificial holy sword wielder. The project was called The Holy Sword Project. The person responsible for this project was Vaulper Galile. He told his subordinates to take some orphans from a church and experiment on them. In the end the project ended in failure. They killed all of their test subjects with a deadly gas. If I'm right Kiba barely survived the project he must have escaped." Rias then said, "Yes that was spot on Jake." Akeno said, "That's really sad, poor Kiba." I then looked at the clock and saw it was getting really late and I said, "Sorry girls we have to close this case for now I need to get to bed I'm training early tomorrow." They both said, "Alright." Rias left the room to go stay in one of the many rooms in the house while I went to bed with Akeno in my arms.

—————————Scene Break—————————

     It's 4 am right now and I'm getting on my training clothes. I then left my room as I marveled at how big my house really is and before I knew it I was already at an elevator. I then got in the elevator and said, "Training Room". The elevator started to go down and I activated my sacred gear and asked Albion a question, "Hey Albion how would I go about increasing my magic reserves and making my own spells?" [Magic Reserve takes time but it's simple just use all your magic up and then when you recover all your mana you'll have more then you spent. For creating your own spells just picture something happening in your mind and make it happen] I then asked him another question, "Shouldn't I use magic that I have affinities for?" [Yes you should, that's the best thing you can do for magic spell creation right now. You're honestly lucky you already have mana on par with an average high class devil which is amazing since you were reincarnated not long ago. Now back to the topic of affinities I already know your affinities, because I'm living in your soul right now. Your first one is Time magic, second Poison magic, third Holy magic. But your Time magic attribute changed to being number one when you became a dragon. Your dragon trait must be Time or related to it, and the magic inside you looks a lot different from regular time magic so I can't tell you anything beyond that] "Sounds cool but I think I want to start training with a sword." [What brought about this change?] "Just a gut feeling." [Very well I'll set you up with a trainer they'll be here to train you in a week] "Alright Albion that's my boy. Now let's get down to training." Its been 4 hours and I'm drenched in sweat. I could be seen panting really hard. "Damn that's it for training today." [Good job Jake you broke your record for strength your new total of push ups is 13,980 for squats 18,083 and for pull-ups 26,917. However you'll have to wait for your magic to fully regenerate. However your strength is 703,951. You should cool off for a bit though] "Yea you're right now I better clean myself up." I am currently walking to the elevator and then I say, "Hotsprings." The elevator is currently going up to the 1st floor basement. I then took off my clothes and put on a towel and got into the bath. I then said, "Aw this is refreshing I can feel the hard training affects wearing off." I then spent a few minutes in the bath. I then thought 'I think it's time for me to get out of the bath and get ready for school. I have 20 minutes before I'm late so I better get out now.' I then got up and exited the bath and picked up a towel to dry off. My hair was messy but I didn't particularly care it didn't look any different from it usually looked. I then used my magic to open my magic storage to get my uniform. I then get dressed and teleported into my room. I then had a stupified expression on my face. I saw Akeno naked with her clothes in hand from her getting out of the shower. Akeno then turned around and said, "Why are you getting so flustered you see me like this all the time." "Yea well this time I didn't expect it, let's just hurry up we're gonna be late. When she was done I pulled her close and teleported in a back alley near the school and we continued walking towards the entrance and I saw Xenovia and Irina. They both came up to me and Xenovia said, "Will you take us to Rias Gregory and Sona Sitri?" I said, "Follow me." They both followed me. I am currently walking towards the old school building. I then pulled out my phone and called Rias, "Hello Jake I'm on my way to school do you need something?" "Yes I do, can you get everyone in the old school building? I have some people that want to talk to you and could you call over Sona as well?" "That's a tall order but I'll get it done." "Kay thanks bye." I then hung up the phone and we went into the club room and I decided to sit on one of the two couches and Akeno sat next to me. The two duo decided to stand even though I offered them a seat on the other couch. After a while I saw Rias and Asia come in at the same time as well as Koneko. Sona, Tsubaki, and Sachi then came in after Rias. Sona said, "I think we'll stay spectators I don't really feel like getting into shenanigans this early in the morning." Rias then said, "That's fine Sona." Kiba then came in and he was shocked when he saw the two girls wearing white holy robes. He got into a defensive stance as he started preparing his magic circle to make a sword. I then said, "Kiba stand down." I used some magic in my voice and he was forced to kneel as I said, "Get up." He then just looked down and walked towards the window. As I started to talk, "Now that everyone is here. Let's start the talk." Xenovia nodded and started saying, "Thank you for agreeing to speak with us today. My name is Xenovia." Irina then spoke, "And I'm Irina Shidou." Rias then spoke, "It's fascinating to me why followers of god would want to meet with a Devil." Irina then spoke again, "It does seem random here's the thing. There are six swords we can account for, 3 of them are still with the church, but we happen to know that the other 3 were stolen by fallen angels." Then Koneko said, "Are you sure about that?" Xenovia then brought her sword down into her hands still wrapped in its white cloth to prevent the holy aura from escaping out. Xenovia spoke again, "These are from the ones we have left, they're made from Excalibur, this weapon is mine. It's called the Sword of Destruction." Irina then spoke up, "And then there's the one I have here, it's known as the holy sword of mimicry. It's the Excalibur mimic." Rias then spoke up, "Well, what is it you would like us to do for you today?" Xenovia then said, "Stay completely out of it. This is between us and the fallen angels. Let's keep it simple shall we, we don't need the devils in this town to intervene." Rias said, "That sounds like an accusation. Are you afraid that we'll side with the fallen angels and keep you from obtaining the holy swords?" "We know that for devils the holy sword is a detestable thing. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to support the fallen angels?" Rias then subconsciously activates her PoD her eyes turn from blue to red. I then thought, 'Oh man little Rias is getting pissed.' Xenovia started talking again, "And if that's true we will have no choice but to completely annihilate you. Even though you are the Great Devil's sister." "If you already have me figured out then let me share something with you. There is no way I'll ever think of joining the fallen angels. I would never do anything to besmirch the name of the house of Gremory or my dear brother." Xenovia smiled a bit and said, "It's enough for me to be able to hear that. I was only relaying the thought of headquarters. I honestly didn't think Lucifer's little sister would do something so stupid." "Good to know, and I hope you understand I will not help your side either." Xenovia then said, "Great then if you don't do anything against us I promise we will prevail." "You have my word on that." "Now we will not take up anymore of your time." The duo began to walk out but stopped when Xenovia saw Asia. Xenovia began to say, "I was wondering if visiting here would lead us to you. Aren't you Asia Argento." Asia said, "Ugh uh yes." Xenovia started talking again, "It makes sense I would run into a witch in a place like this." Asia's eyes widened. Irina then started talking, "Oh my god. It is you, your the former saint that became a witch. I had heard you were banished because you had the powers to heal fallen angels and devils, and at one time you actually used it. You must be pretty strong. I didn't know you would actually become a Devil yourself." Asia started talking but abit weaker, "Well I am I guess so." Akeno then said, "Are you okay?" Xenovia butted in, "Of course she's not okay. She went from being a saint to being a devil. That's about as far as one can fall." I then said, "THATS ENOUGH. Why don't take that crap and get out of here." Xenovia then said, "Do you still believe in our god Asia?" Irina then said, "Don't be silly she's a devil and stuff she's over us." Xenovia then said, "No, that doesn't always mean what you think it does. There are those who's hearts continue to remain pious in the midst of there own selfish betrayal. She seems like she might be one of them." Irina said, "Really? Is it true Asia? Do you still believe in god? I mean I know your a devil but do you?" Asia replied with tears running down her face, "Yes, I have never been able to let go of my faith. I've believed in god this whole time." She finished while quivering a little Xenovia however said, "Then you should allow us to execute you this instant." Asia's eyes were closed but suddenly opened when she heard her say, "You have sinned the worst way possible, but if you sacrifice your soul to him he will forgive you. Let you be convicted by my hand, and god will work through me to save you." I then said, "Xenovia what do you think your doing?" I walked up to her and got in her face. She then looked up at me and said, "I'm doing this to cleanse her soul of the sins she's committed." I then said, "That is such bullshit and if you so much as to lay a finger on Asia I'll kill you." Then Rias said, "Would you mind stopping there please. There is no need to be shaming my servant here in that way or killing." Xenovia then said, "I'm sorry I'll be on my way then." Irina then said, "See you next time Jake." When she finished that sentence she lifted her cross and kissed it and said, "ahmen."

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