Chapter Nine: The Favor

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

It's been 1 month since me and Akeno started dating. I was sent on a mission to kill a Stray Devil in the town of Kuoh and I was currently at a warehouse. "It's here. This place looks really run down and it reeks of death." I hear in the distance behind me the way I came from "Kiba I want you to use your speed to cut down the Stray Devil, Koneko I want you to put the Devil in submission. Asia I want you to use your magic as back up if needed. I want you to observe how we deal with strays since you're new to Devil work. They all said, "Yes president." I then turned around and walk over to them. I said, "What's up? Long time no see." Rias said, "Oh hey Jake this is the first time you're gonna see my peerage. This is Kiba Yuuto, he is a knight." Kiba said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, "Likewise." "This is Koneko Toujo my Rook" Koneko said one word, "Sup." I said, "She doesn't talk much." "No, not really." "This is my newest member, her name is Asia Argento." Asia spoke nervously, "Hello my name is Asia." "Oh Asia I believe I have something of yours." "Wait, how do you have something of mine if we never met." I responded, "Show me both your hands." Rias said softly, "Do as he asks Asia." Asia nodded, "Okay." I pulled her Sacred Gear out of my pocket and put it on her middle fingers individually. "Here you go, your Sacred Gear Twilight Healing." I then bowed to her saying, "I'm so sorry Asia. One of our Fallen Angels killed you and stole your treasure for that I am sorry. I hope you can forgive us." She was flustered and nervous as she said, "No it's alright because of what happened. I've met great people like Rias, Kiba, and Koneko they're good to me. I'm thankful that I'm now surrounded by love. I also forgive you. It was those Fallen Angels that hurt me not you." I then hugged Asia and told her, "Thank you. You are and always will be the Holy Maiden with an open heart." "Thank you." "Now down to business if you guys want to take this stray I'm fine with it but I'll be leaving if that's okay." Then I heard Rias say, "Hey Jake I have a favor and I want to ask you in my club room, so can you go and wait there?" I said, "Alright, I'm bringing Akeno. Is that alright?" She said, "Yes."

—————————Scene Break—————————

2 hours have passed since we got into the club room and finally Rias just came back and now is sitting at her desk while Kiba was standing near the window and looking out of it. Koneko and Asia were sitting on the opposite couch. Rias was about to start to talk but was cut off, because a pillar of flames came out of a magic circle and Rias said with anger, "Riser." Then a voice came from the fire as the flames died down and a man appeared out of them. The man in question was wearing a red suit with black button yellow slicked hair but abit more spikier. "Ah it's been far too long since Riser has been in the human world." I then thought, 'Wait this guy talks in a third person he must be really annoying and arrogant.' Turns out I was right. Riser started talking again, "Hello Rias my beloved I want you to come to the underworld right now and finish our engagement arrangements, because your parents are getting worried that you may do something drastic to stop this wedding." Rias said with fury, "For the last time Riser I will not marry you." "And for the last time Rias you will marry me even if I have to incinerate everyone in here." I then spoke up, "A fried chicken like you incinerating me, that's the best joke I've ever heard. Instead of being a high class Devil you should be a comedian, you'll make a killing." Riser gets angry as he says, "And who are you boy? You dare mock the Great Riser." I responded with, "No I'm just telling the truth." Riser was about to try to punch me until he heard, "There will be no fighting as of this moment." Riser reluctantly calmed down as he said, "Well if it's an order from the ultimate queen even Riser can be frightened." The lady said, "I'm sorry for my intrusion but I had to stop the fighting. My name is Grayfia. I am the head maid in the service of the Gremory family." Rias then shouted, "Grayfia, I am not marrying this man." Grayfia then said, "Well if you don't want to marry him then beat him in an unofficial raiding game." I then asked, "What's a Raiding Game?" Grayfia explained, "To put it simply it's like real life magical chess in an alternate dimension." I nodded as Riser said, "Hah that'll be easy since you Rias don't have a complete set while I do." He then snapped his finger as 15 girls game out of a fire pillar teleportation circle and then I said, "Wow man I know your low but to be this down bad. Ugh." "How dare you mock Riser again." He yelled in fury. Then Grayfia said, "Lady Gremory, will you fight Lord Riser in a Raiding Game?" Rias replied with, "Absolutely ." "Then it is settled Lady Rias will have an unofficial Raiding game with Lord Riser. Lady Rais since she is an immature Devil will get 10 days to train and be able to recruit someone of lower power than her for support since she doesn't have a lot of evil pieces." After Riser and his peerage left. Rias came to me and said, "Jake, will you please train us? We are all in need of it and you are very powerful." I then said, "Of course I will you're a dear friend Rias."


Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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