Chpt 3: First Date

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We drove a good few miles on the border of the humans. Parking off to the side of the street surrounding by woods, turning the car off. I walked to her side open the door for her. I grabbed her hand and lead us in the woods in a clearing under the moon, it was a small clearing, then a small lake with a small waterfall. Big Boulders surrounding the waterfall that come from the side of the big hill Mountain.

Leading her to the lake, sat down on the boulder.

"Ain't it beautiful out here?" I asked staring at her. Shes the beautiful one.

"Yeah." She stuck her feet in the water. Moments of silence went by.

"So whats your favourite colour and why?" I broke the ice.

"Red cuz its the colour of blood" she smirked. That's gross, but I should have known for a vampire. Yours?"

"Green because of the trees, grass, and life." Answering before asking another question. "Your favourite food?"

"Starting with basic questions eh." She has an accent I didn't quite know where it's from, but it was very sexy. I nodded. "Well I don't have favourite food cuz we only eat for pleasure, but for me it's too control my cravings. How bout you?"

"A good rare steak." I licked my lips as my mouth started to water from thinking bout food.

"That typical for a dog to say." She snickered.

"Ha yeah I guess so. Do you have a lot of cravings you can't control?" Curiosity killed the dog.

"I have mood swings that make me not think bout control. But yes I do have control like right now although I am gettin' hungry." Her fangs poked out a little licking her lips, her eyes were red colour. I'm looking very intently, it's quite interesting.

"Can I see your fangs?" I was shocked with myself saying that.

She chuckles, "A wolf asking to see fangs? You're weird."

"Yeah I mean I've always been interested in vampire alchemy, but never gotten to get close."

She opened her lips to reveal long fangs. I never seen them that long. They were perfectly white and sharp to a point. I put my finger up to her fangs, they were smooth, no plaque on them. I then accidentally pricked my finger. I flinched back holding my finger "Ouch"

"Yeah you ought to be careful, they're sharp."  She toothy fang smirked.

"Noted" I laugh while she's laughing.
I opened my hand up, my finger was bleeding a little bit.
She stared at it Licking her lips. "You smell delicious." She looked away. "And hard to resist so you should wrap that up." 

"Is it weird that I feel okay for you to have some?" What the fuck am I saying?

"It's cuz the mate bond, you don't actually want me too, plus I won't be able to stop." She looked back looking at my small wound.

"Well you did say you were hungry..." Am I being ridiculous or what? I would have never said that.

"Ughh" She sighs.

"Okay I see your point." I washed the blood off in the lake. It will be healed in a few minutes anyways.

"Well where do we feed you?" I hope she not that one of those leeches that flirts to get a drunk to go outside and drinks him dry. She probably won't even need to flirt because she's way too hot or maybe they like to do that for fun.

"Calm down, your giving me a headache. No I don't seduce men. I just snatch up and release, some end up in the hospital trying to survive for their life."

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