Chpt 14: High Meeting

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There was knock on the door early in the morning. Skade got up dressing herself before getting the door.

"Princess." She bowed, "The majesty needs you this morning in the meeting Chambers." The Lopa the servant girl delivered the message. As well as her thoughts explaining why to Skade. Skade nodded and shut the door.

Isaac was still sleeping in the bed, he was exhausted after yesterday with giving a tour to the High Alpha then ending his day with beautiful love making.

Skade studied his sleeping. A smile appeared on her so naturally for once. She was happy with him than she had ever been in centuries.

She got ready to go meet the King. She put on a black leather short dress and kiss Isaac's forehead and left without waking him up.

She flashed Infront of the King, the second she did, his voice Stormed the almost empty room. "I do not want any of your shenanigans at this meeting with the High Alpha attending."


"Good now we need to discuss a couple of things that will not be known at this meeting as the High Alpha will be attending..."

"And?" Tone of boredom.

"Leader of all wolf packs. He must know about you two and also to called in about the demons. You will not lead him anywhere. He's isn't just any past High Alphas, he's an Ultima Wolf."

"Soooo your point is......?" She started to get annoyed

King Ashton sighed. "I don't have to explain myself for you to already know what the point is."

"He will never be a challenge." She smirked.

"Don't underestimate him Skade." He said in a low tone. Skade just rolled her eyes. "I know more and more folks are finding out that you exist. Do you really not care if the whole world knows, the human government getting involved even?"

"No I don't care. I have been taking care of myself for centuries, Father. I can handle anything thrown at me."

"That's not what I'm worried about." He didn't speak the rest of his mind. He wasn't worried about her, he's worried about everything else. He knew she's powerful, he knew she can handle herself, but what about the folks that had and will encounter her. She has already shown her darkest era. The darkness she holds on too through rage. The darkness that took over her ability to feel emotions then letting them go. How dangerous power is behind rage is. Specially in her case with her demon side with the added vampiric side. The prophecy also shows the end of civilization. But with Isaac in the picture, he has hope for her to regain her humanity back.

She actually used to tell him about herself ruling the entire planet. How she wouldn't end the world but she wanted humans to know about the supernatural world. Everyone coexisting together but of course she wanted the vampires ruling over everything. She would tell him about how she will make this dream happen when she was about two hundred years old. But she just left undetected. Untraceable. Then nightmare stories were told in wolves pack and he knew it has only gotten started.

Where has his little girl gone? She used to be a ray of sunlight. Thoughtful. Loveable. Sweet.

He blame himself for not being there for her when she needed him most. She took revenge in her own hands.
Making him worried about the fate of the world and anything else that were to happen.

"You still don't have faith in me. It's no wonder why I went off the rails." With that she dashed out.

The King sat there in silence in deep thought about what she could be up to something dramatically.....
He can definitely have faith in her to do something overly dramatic.

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