Chpt 16: Full Moon

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Isaac had just left to his pack to transform for the full moon night. So Skade went to Staz's chamber, "What's up?"

"You want to kick someone's ass with me?"

"Do you really have to ask?" He chuckles.

Smiling back, "Nope just giving you a one minute out."

"Haha You know I'm all in Princess."


Skade and Staz walked into the bar. Going around the corner towards the offices, Leon had just Walked out of one of the room.

In a low mocking manner, "Leon, Leon, Leon" Skade clicking his name on her tongue in disappointment. "You know we have no room for traitors."

"I can assure you Princess that I have no idea what you are going on about." He pauses pushing back any energy of fear. He knew Skade can sense any emotion and thoughts.

"I'll give you the chance to speak your truth. Why did you think that drug would have any effect on me?" It did have effect on her only because of how much she drank that night. But what was the purpose of the drug? That's what she wanted to know. It was also planned ahead so that the random chance of her being there at that club anytime, it would be ready.
So that tells her that he's working with someone, to do God knows what.

"You owe me for the amount you drank my bottles and my humans that night. So if you're trying accuse me for something I didn't commit then I suggest you get the hell out of here Skade, then I will have a word with your father this time."

"Well well little traitor still got the courage to talk back." Staz said in the shadows.

"Or being peaceful, you are more than welcome to see my mind."

"I will assure you that you do know what I'm accusing you of because I believe your mind is a hoaxed." She exclaims. Leon instantly regretted lying but still continue with the lying mask on. "Like I said you can search my mind." Hes slowly backing up as Skade took one step after another towards him. He backed up into something hard, turn his head very slightly seeing he's trapped between her and Staz.
Little did Leon know that she wasn't planning on using complusion or mind games to get her truth.

She waste no time to sank her fangs into him so deeply hard. She chanted a spell to break the spell cast on his mind and blood for keeping his secrets, that's why his thoughts seem so casual to Skade. As if he didn't do anything but she did know.

As she drinking from him she started getting visions of that guy in a red hoodie with a casting smokey shadow, she knew this time, this vision he definitely is a demon, but who? Then her ears was hit with a high frequency knocking her out of his memories causing her to stumble releasing her fangs. In a swift move she grabbed on to Leon's shoulder to complusion him "You were stopping a bar fight when you got bit." His pupils grew glued to hers making him forget what has happened here.

It's not a coincidence with how everytime she gets a glimpse of this man or thing the vision cuts out. It intrigued her of the secretaries this man has but with how powerful she is, she has manage to brush pass the surface of spells and demon powers he might possess.

Some guards came in the hallway about to pounce on the trespassers. They had stopped dead in there tracks seeing the Princess and Staz the Leader Commander. Skade didn't move a muscle knowing they weren't going to attack.

They had so many questions going through their heads.

"We have to make our lie realistic, don't we Staz?" Skade flashing her white shiney long fangs.

Staz smiles flashing his bright white fangs, "Yes we do." Fear was written all over the guards faces seeing what they did to Leon who was in a trance still.

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