Chpt 13: Research

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Walking into our family witchy bookstore. "Skade.... How can I help you?" The human book store manager greeted me at the door. My father made a deal with him to be the owner of the store even tho we still actually own it. Then in exchange he would support our supernatural world. We needed a human in charge of the place to not attract Hunters.

"Artemis" I smiled to show him no harm. His heart was beating too fast for his own good health. He's 62 grey hair with glasses dressed in suede clothing. He loved supporting us, but  not when it comes to me. I suppose I really do put fear into everyone.
He's still waiting for a response watching me as I looked around the place. We had two stores connecting next door to each other, one for the books and the second for the herbs for remedies mainly for the witches. Some humans come in for herbs to put in teas. Then you got some humans who are smarter practicing wicca. Kinda like witches but without the use of powerful energy and supernatural magic. Instead they use the law of attraction and manifesting through some ritual of intentions.

"Place still looking good after a few decades." It hasn't changed last time I was in here in the 70s. The only difference that He's double his age since then.

"Yas well I do put alot of work into this place." As he walking to the counter wondering 'what is she doing here?'

"Do you have any reads on the High Alpha Position?" Turning to him from looking around.

'thats weird she wants to know about that, I have one book with a section on him.... He seems like a myth. If he was real he's the most powerful alpha ever.'

I Collected information from his thoughts. All you have to do is say what you want to know in a few words and their mind goes crazy with thoughts. I don't even have to ask. But I do want to know what that book has on the High Mutt.

"I don't have any information on him, it would be best to go to a different library." He lied. 'I've overheard her family talked about wolf packs, if the High Alpha is alive and real then I can't let her get to him. But yet he might be able to challenge her on'

"Show me where the book is or do we have to do this the hard way" I flashed my fangs and my eyes turning red then His eyes widen and then relax in defeat.

"This way Princess" he wave me on to follow, got out behind the counter up a few steps of stairs up to a door he unlocked walking in, this is where he keeps his valuables. I see some minerals, potions, and a book case of very old books. He pulls a book out from it, opening to the page of the High Alpha. I read it all in about a minute :

            The High Alpha is only a position, not a person. It's one position to take on the job of over looking all packs. It's extra protection, when one and only Alpha is true to his nature, he will become the High Alpha with extraordinary strength and knowledge to upper hand his threats towards his pack. They tend to be travelers almost undercover as a rogue.  It's said that the position doesn't exist to the knowledge of other beings.

"Now that wasn't so hard" handing the book back to him. My eyes turned blue in neutral. I turn to leave that when I heard him sigh.
"Although one more thing...." Turning around his eyes were widen like deer in the headlights. "Yes?"

"What witches passed through here recently?"

"I do not give out personal information of my customers." he tryed to decline my question. He tried. I started to predatory slowly walked to him. My fangs fully exposed now. 'She can't and won't hurt me.... Would she? Of course she would she's the devil.'

"You can show me your receipts log book or I'll play a game with you." I threaten. Play a game requires torture and a smaller game of chase.

"You can't touch me, I am protected by you're father. What would he have to say if anything were to happen to me?"

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