Chpt 17: Save The Pack

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Isaac's P.O.V.

The sun started shining bright through the peak of the trees. Our wolves started turning back. Most of them went to our infirmary, only I and a couple other pack members were out here. There was stillness in the airy woods. Not even bird chippings nor were they flying around. Everyone else was attending to the wounded.
We had already started cleaning up the demons. My mate is really not one to mess around with, she'll tear you to shreds. I couldn't help but to smile at that thought.

There were about sixty of these demons, heads torn off, bodies split in half, black blood staining the grass and tree bark all around. A few trees fell down from the fight. I've never seen so much power to cause all this even for demons. They cause plenty of damage but none to this extent.

Also in deep thought about, Could it really be that Alpha Jacob isn't my father? And my parents knew this whole time? Skade hasn't said anything to me til now, did she know the whole time?

Picking up a few more bodies throwing them into a pile with the rest of them. I so need a shower. My clothes were practically gone ripped to shreds, I'm all covered in black blood. I heard my Father coming towards me into the clearing.

"How many more are there?" He simply asked

"A few more to clean up."

"Let the others do the rest, you need to come to the infirmary." His voice was oddly quiet for once so it made me wonder what happened? What's wrong?

I allowed him to lead the way not wanting to ask questions.
We walked in the door way and I saw my mother laying there on a cot. I ran over to her, she was barely awake, only her eyes showed fear. When her eyes did land on me she had hope. But the rest of her body didn't move at the small amount of hope she felt.

My Father came over and stroke her hair for comfort watching her softly. She really was the only thing he never was hard on. Even when they fought, she could win just about any of them she wanted.

"She was ambushed and stung by one of the Pazuzu demons. They will pay for this." He grinded his teeth together.

"There has to be a cure somewhere." Pazuzu had the scorpion like tail and it does carry vemon just like scorpion. And here they are the lower powered demons. We normally clawed their tail, horns, and wings off before we go in for the kill. Without their extended weapons they are vulnerable to easily take them out.

"There isn't that we know of." He shook his head. Next in a whisper, "but..." He paused, "Your so called mate is connected to demons somehow maybe she came across or know of something in all the centuries she have lived."

"I'll of course ask." I mean it's my mom, no need to ask me.

"The demon attacks on this Pack has gotten more frequent. I have to admit that I as an Alpha alone can't defeat them. But you, you are our only chance to convince her to fight for us to take them out." He surrendered

"You are still a strong Alpha, don't talk like that. We will work together on this and now we have the High Alpha involved. It's only a matter of time."

"Isaac Boy, if anything, never forget every successful man has a strong woman behind him."

"Mother's going to be okay, you are still successful because she is strong enough to pull through this." I reassure him, I've never seen him like this. So quiet, so upset almost in tears and most importantly he's actually vulnerable.

"I wanted you to find a strong headed Luna, and truth be told you have. Tho not quite what I had in mind but deep down I know she will be behind your great success." He said looking at my mom still. I watched as a glint showed in his eyes. I wanted to ask him why? Why is he even telling me this? He's always been tough and never once had a genuine conversation with me.

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