Chpt 7: Origin Stories

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"We need to go back and take them to the hospital!" Isaac yelled as we were driving away.

"They will be fine " I said and he pouted

He pulled out his phone and made anonymous tip of the people getting attacked. I already texted our vampire police to take care of anything that will lead humans to us.

He got off the phone "Fine May I take you somewhere?"

"What? Right now?"

"Yeah why not, you got forever" he said laughing

"I guess, it better be good tho" surrending to him

I stopped the car and we switched seats.
He drove us back towards the territories
"You know I was trying to go the other way." I said I was heading towards someone I needed answers from.

"Yes but you need to calm down and take a break for a moment" he demanded me, we finally came to a stop and had to continue forward by walking.

we walked in silence, I didn't want to talk. This area looked familiar. We came upon a beautiful lake and across was cabin. The place he found me before.

"So I know we had a bad memory here but let's change that plus this isn't actually where I wanted to take you. I want you to sit down by this tree crosslegged. " He walked towards this bigger tree around us and pointed as he's sitting down

"What are we doing?" Trying to read his mind he was blocking me. I guess hes finally learning.

"Just trust me" he smiled softly at me knowing very well that I was trying to dig in his mind.

So I do so, don't know why but he had a point I do have forever.

"Close your eyes and breathe" he said as he took a deep breath himself

"You know I already do this on a daily basis"

"Just Close your eye and breathe" he repeated then continue to say "I see thru you, you put on this mask that shouldn't be there. I can tell you used to be you but you shoved yourself deep down in your soul, you have layers I'm going to help shed for you. So try to breathe and take in what's around you right now"

"You don't think I know this. You can't help someone who don't want to be helped. I like who I am now. I don't give a care in the world."

"But yet you don't feel. Being alive is bout feeling. "

"I'm dead" I laughed

"Nature has her way, and vampires are part of that. You may not be able to feel life's connection but you still have some sort of connection to her.
Feel the tree your sitting against, the weight of your body on the grass and soil, the bats flying around, the wind talking, leaves rustling by squirrels, the deer off in the distances, the water being moved around. Just be at peace for a minute." He's describing still with his eyes closed

"Fine" shutting my eyes

We sat in silence, our breathing was in sync, I hear everything around me for miles

"This tree is connected to everything in this planet. You can see further than what you think. Feel the ground, just let your thoughts go. Where do they wonder?"

I laughed as I hear humans in the woods off to the distances. "My thoughts wonder to my next meal that's lost in the woods"

"Think bigger, your hunger don't control you, your in pain all the time cuz you don't have your energy flowing, you need aligned. "

"You sound like my mom" I spat out. My mom was very pure and I love her so much. I just hated when people sound like her or talk bout her, it opens up wounds all over again.

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