Chpt 5: The King

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"Where have you been?" Skade asked her Father the King.

"Over seas, correcting some vampire rogues and dealing with the Hunters." He spoke with such authority like he didn't have to respond.

"What's happening over there with the Trackers?" Colt asked. "Did the Trackers put metal box in the back of their necks with tubes running in their blood stream, locked with a witches protection spell of level five?"

"Yes, How did you know?" His curiosity peaked.

"Skade was held and was experimented on with all kinds of things, vervain/wolfspain, wooden and silver bullets. arrows, Witch Craft. The Trackers ain't no joke no more, specially with Witches on their side."

"Well no time to waste then, hand in all the known facts about what they are up to at the moment as soon as possible."

"Yes Father" Colt slightly bowed.

"You are the King over seas too?" I kinda said that out loud.

The King laughs, "Yes and no, I am King over the Kings out there, but those Kings are also our family, so no I technically don't have all authority. But when it comes down to do it, I can have a final say. sin their territory saying the wrong thing could result in bloodshed." He explains.
"I warn you now about my daughter." He death glared Skade while she looked bored. The aura around him was with intense power. Even my wolf as an innocence animal knew better than to ever attack him with that aura. But that's definitely not how us werewolves work, we never refuse a fight. He continued, "Keep her in line, she is intolerable to handle, despiteful, and has barely an humanity left." He looked me dead in the eyes.

Skade smirked, "Thank You for the compliments but Maybe I'm just too much for you Father."

"You better take him seriously. Having a Beloved isn't something you want to just throw around." That all he said to finish the conversation.

"Don't worry, He already marked me. You're lucky you came home just in time before I died."
His mouth dropped in surprised.

I explained to the king what had happened with me marking her, he takes a look at the mark. "She'll be perfectly fine."

"How you know?" I asked I was trying to research this. But as it stand there's never been vampiric and lycan mates before.

"I've done a lot of research on her tribrid character, and with the prophecy. You can mark her safely because she is mated to you. All that black venom lining your mark on her is there to make the scar. Since she as a vampire can't scar but your mark as a lycan suppose to scar, it's making your venom of your intentions trying extra hard to create a scar, so it's not actually be effecting her. She will be suffering a bit, she'll feel burning and pain until it does."

"I didn't mean to mark her without knowing anything about it."

Skade scoffed, "Bullshit, what if it were to kill me and you did it without thinking, is that your subconscious telling you something."

"I would ignore her, shes a tough one." He chuckles, "Shes even fooling you into thinking a lycan bite could even kill her. Anyways You're subconscious is telling you the right thing to do, It's your intuition." The King now looking at Skade. "You look quite alive so I need you to tell me everything that happen when the Trackers took you."

She got quiet for a few moments. "I'm not going to repeat myself here and at useless meetings." She quietly simply says. "I'll speak on the matter when you get the council get together." She simply said. The king narrowed his eyes down on her.

"Well then, I'll book it for tomorrow then." He apparently had no arguments, but I would say, I did. I would like to know what all has happened. Who would dare touch my mate? I wasn't there for her then but I am now, No one is to touch her. These Hunters have another thing coming for them.

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