Chpt 18: Hello RoadTrip

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Skade was packing suit cases in the trunk of her Lykan HyperSport car when Staz flashed next to her handing out a to-go bag with extra blood vape juice, and her witchy power control bracelet.
"I know you're leaving again, so this was the best protection I could give you."

"Thank you Staz." She smiled.

"Anything for you Princess." Kissing her on the forehead just to be ripped away from her by a good old fashion push from Isaac whose growling protectively.

Staz planted his foot to catch himself, farting turning around, "Look wolf, you better protect her and not just cause she's your mate but because if you harm her in anyway I will have your blood."

"You think I don't want to protect her more than you." Isaac said with growls in his voice.

Skade flashes in between them to interrupt, "As much as I would love to see y'all fight, we do have to get going Isaac."

'Don't forget to call me' Staz thought to Skade with her smiling. Staz had known that one day, one of them would find their beloveds, he just didn't know what would happen to them after doing so. He himself wasn't even sure what he would do after if he found his beloved. He doesn't know if he'll ignore Skade or his Beloved. He fell completely in love with Skade, they are quite similar, because she raised him up and turned him. They were down to murder anything and everything on binge feedings, Bonnie and Clyde style. They worked really well together.

Colt came up leaning against her Lykan HyperSport with arms cross in a split second, "I don't believe you on the whole taking a vacation with Isaac thing."

"I know but you have to deal with it." She snapped.

"Just don't go missing again for decades." He said with his piercing glazed on her dark blue boredom eyes.

"You have too much worry, oh little brother." She laughed giving him a knuckle head messing up his brown shaggy hair while he's trying to swat her away.

He stood up straighter looking down on her.
"Don't call me that. Most times I feel like I'm the oldest."

"Well you are ten times of a breather's lifespan, so I think that make you quite an elder like Father."

"You can't say nothing more that won't be talking about you too." Colt said pointing at herself.

"Both of you are ancient." Isaac and Staz both said trying to shut them up. "No need to agree." Staz told them both.

"I'll remember that in another eight hundred years Staz." Skade said glaring at him.

"And you'll be Archaic at that point."

She gave him a hard stare, speaking "That's low Staz." In a low tone.

"It will be the truth." He chuckles. She hisses through her fangs. Staz hands go up in surrender.

"Alright you two, you two can fight when they get back." Colt said breaking their attention.

'One last thing Skade, remember what ever decision you act upon will reflect Isaac so think about him' He thought to her.

'Do not use Isaac in act to tame me Colt.' She sent him back a thought message.

"I just hope you know what you're doing."

"Trust me, I do." She said smirking. Colt wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder near her neck.

He knew she's up to something. Something that would be destructive. After all that's what these centuries been like. So yes he's very worried and even more so with the Trackers out there. Isaac might be her mate but he didn't completely trust that he would protect her better than him. Staz thought the same. She might be all powerful but in their eyes she is loved so that makes it powerfully vulnerable to want to protect each other. As she is protecting them in her own way too.

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