Chpt 15: Plans, Plans, Plans

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"Would Skade be of use for your spell?" King Ashton asked Kaliah in the casting chamber. A place made just for her to concentrate on casting spells.

"Actually Yeah she is a witch and does have powerful energy but King..." Kaliah was about to continue but Skade walks in. "Let's get this over with." King Ashton disappeared leaving them to do witch business. Kaliah wasn't too happy because she will never forget the last time she had cast a spell with Skade.

"You will be training my daughter some challenging practices. She needs to connect with another witch." The King told nine year old Kaliah.

Kaliah met up with Skade who was already annoyed to be trained by a nine year old. Her father had sit this up with spells cast so Skade couldn't leave until there was a lesson learned.

Kaliah got out a cauldron with candles and sitting pillows on either side. "We'll start with locator spells. We can locate someone using their blood, or an item of them."

Kaliah held Skade's hand to channel their power together. Kaliah held a pendulum in her other hand over a map of land around their castle, she focus her mind on finding a lost object, something small.

The pendulum swung in circles and drop the point excatly where they were in the castle, "That's weird, it's pointing to this room." Kaliah them felt a different energy in the room. A bright energy.

"omg, Your mom here in the room."
"Don't fuck with me child." Skades eyes turned black scaring Kaliah.

"I'm not, I feel her energy in the room."

"So you used me to contact my mother with out my permission." Skade got up and stalked towards the small child.

"No ,No, No princess I would never even think about crossing you." Kaliah crawled backwards away from Skade.

"I know dear child, but you must understand your place. I am not your friend." Skade summoned her electric fire balls and threw them at Kaliah's pet that was curled up in a fluffy bed in the corner.

"Never ever again show me your pathetic spells or it won't be your Lil piglet next time." Kaliah cried and refused to be of use to Skade ever again. Of course she'll still do what the King wanted. But anything to do with Skade, she could care less.


"Don't worry. I remember your threat clearly. All I'm going to do is drawn on some of your power."

Skade looked around seeing a huge crystal ball in the middle of a pentagram in black on the floor, with black candles at each point. "Why don't you just astral project there?"
She didn't respond and begin casting a circle in the northern position and then moving counterclockwise with Palo Santo. The energy of this circle is a protective barrier forming a protective shield around them. Skade now moved in the middle of the pentagram. Walking a second time making a circle with sea salt.
Kaliah's thoughts were repeatedly saying her intention of the protection spell.

Now she had to start a strong powerful location blocker spell. Witches can feel others casting spells towards them if they were very in tune with their witchcraft. So adding spells that block the seer, blocking the location, and blocking their senses.
'Shield us, shield this time, this place, this soul'

She locked hands with Skade pulling her down sitting crosslegged on either side of the crystal ball. "I'm going to channel your energy so all you have to do, is focus on giving me and letting me control part of your energy." With still holding hands Kaliah breathe and started chanting...

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